e eb c', -4 Anmll »Îsldehaltoutcom lb. annuel Milton Munt Srrut and Sptinq Fait supporttng the. Oakville & Milton Numane Society. too* aver thie Milton fairgroundis Sunclay oflemoon. The evemn <cuann a S5IiIMewue nru arond neigb- bauring stroets and a half a kilomnetri suait arowidl the futrgmounds Clockwise fram top leit is Secky Egqent wtt ber bands fui as she tries ta steet ber two dogt. Abby ,kft and Buddy rowards the stnitt regsuanaon desk. lbe stat Wf the. 5-kilaretre Mutt Sotmt isleSd by Calgary Stampuders linebacher Yannick Canter wa#Wiqg with bts (*09 Mia. Dag owners foitaw Cares Wad in wa&in their furry fuiends. Maggêe, an il -year -otd rescued clog. rtes a break pr ru heading oti oui the haile kilonw tr«olt Meghan Sayers qives ber dlog TUly. 2, a pair Wf high fivet. lify is a Amnerican Cocker midx. gý E CHIL[) CARE IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD _3 1--_ r 1 6 6 - 317 - 6 2 51 yriilr-agta.or-9. ch-_dcare