RiIeys WaIk set goal of $50,OOO Fundraiser in memoy of yung MElon boy The third annual Rkilcys Wat., an event that uaw hundireds of people take partin lest >year, wdl téke to the strerts on Saturday. ThS walk wtt! take place at PL Rob- ertson Elementairy Scbool, 10 arn. to 2 pmn. and organizers have set a goa of 550,00 in donations that wll ben- e*i The Hospital for SIc* lOds bSn and gmnetic cancer research, Milton midont Angus Ronald strt- ed the walk in memory of Ns wIfe Itoidi. 35, and six-year-old son RItey, who lost tew battles withe same cancer tesi than <tint months apart Ronaldi also has a young dauginer Regan who was left witiout a mxti- ef and brother. Ttamln heartoea ne hape, Ron> Mdsnt#shed aid man the firu waâ 5eplfi011 He used t m Io telp raise awaceness W of nt cancers and train tunnouns and Io hel mis. fi for t hospitat eM Ronaid w -âgce wt cancer in 2009 and m.wgor *iwid the tumotw in a race, inoperable lo- cation. Skie d.ed i May 2010. Ritey was diag- nosed jbst a month titer, and it ed" Feb. 1. 2011, shortly atc Ns sa birthday. Riley's Walk is a five-kilomoe mm# trouh the streets of Milton foi- lowed by food and refreshunts, bauncy aie% «afts and mom Its held at Pt Robertion because tha was Rfryls ctcot Thec sdI3S put up a memnorial pkture Riiy en a plaque which now includes the hnscfplon of students, namns w#o have been awaded the Rgq Mon- "d E&Kdo LeadorsiN - that Angus std jus nmt$ à%te Riloy' deci> Lam year, the r ammo asmo renamed the rynwsum as tht Rhloy Cen- Onjgmocf tht walk arm sS Io- ln * stmn aucUion donaflans and oeioeaUsponm to frikwn o wvtk4>Me, von wwllyta£