ibn Ca NssgqeIAOW 4 Ad -mf -m Ailp rr lar 10 - DUTnm - mSOMMT nmo" DU MCIII Sul "Wlise itapromp a "i ofu#v étngt Ik. w, ssu4oai, w*dgo bowoed tepricd i l u rot«arelow ced mme lgo LO OKIO 0MIa nid bua so'av As niat onpochats. a few 4aMsbionâsa il hêl. han scward îneressrelad cous . ifts înWess rates milicte *»W Thnkh4 ,teectar n ïscleortng 'ç; i"'s geuing noant thorearnre e antM m r rSala' signasprwoufing on negltouts «i. Thar.care also a loiof 'Solt' sgns on toisa une laines. wlai is a good indicaion tas papale are loolng ta sake acion whntsa " %y»-someihsrug diey l.k. Tharo a«drM dy deng uai isongyu n on nt ute ttime Tlaem's t M el e ot, barbecueé, ced 0A. scand fafriands anti famniy "aejo m amvs. Koep rsodingbforne 1%» on onicying your lacme, yard ndtck tii summer. along nit soreaiporton s dury nana, 5 SMM AMAEDDNTSIN il Mg PT ON CamSECOHIIOI By satng up a inel-siachoti buftable and drink statio, te p"rinit essesiy rua itsaff Everyone con serve tenialve andi you'Il aima crue aaspat for tantIoa mngle 21 n Eurcmcavvorusu A good " nolakeep u guetsousside comMfotbly dwoughcul tm doy and dm àwl- 31 SM TmmOU! If you roally wattS b be 'osetoiag' >v,, shoud cndaZbr'lOmiyaur sicy, idont uosi nd diuhamoud@nim e dutepou uMaomg disposais.Cnes dI OIT Sf f 10M Whear >cou're hoving a bts dome hia"dsor Ote atère neiglabaudio ont. Ndy top * du - cd pam -cm mavewyg loclsoa ilCONUPRfM00AISAO aIl ÀAWàwsisgsb kpàgeqdlwci Mpwny xnnghmifa s o is o t"nitofai@e mu anti lacsbpup lb n re, Yol oerAIb know ébmu fond aherme. Yu m"y nI b prZo=lk" td M rnei, ani yau mghi v ut~ i malcemia du Mo padudkIola*me yaurwodond. t %%IMU KM! INDU For to iyoiè who amn'tquit. sure, aa niable rat. rncflereferaIo a unraelo l iere wsteàtub o ut avates aog nait haes a n dis priemte aeThea monly pnrni romins flu rdy mare Mofitaspayne 11 siPA OF 1*1.110WMBLWEIHAN MUEAWR OF Tii ecoany in growsrg rooona6ly, consutm er mond boadecowod, anti CanMot oar paying bam*di t ". Consequendy." hlouing - ocd sle lvai, arepredicnd bà*encasin " conuiaq mouiM TNo enrae line pri n c t aados rnow apprnmaly$379.500 ce a nan.seaonally oibpsêsti bas, - anciM2.5% ccnçoîod b lag yaaa- hmoetdo*wg ovnaim eca fa hSrcomuy in de semm d cil Oiis >o.Suppodt yli S prive dernanti. nadyb utc ntihoués.. redoisnim4auwrnaaind cornpa#vsees in 2013. As for tou er ts, shsysi oul ti mnt Iow ianos rte 1ékwwot bacf-onàa faor greillA.mboni quaSiof 2014. The oventigk oososs i con0 niglt non, ed nos upldt stgy diae wM kM2014, teita it wllreodi .50%. By du id oM 2015, you conexaisf0sm1 2M0% anti dmitop t 3.50% tw te"dcM 2017. As you cosm, 1s riesilgraduai. opng te0asman b on gs t"i itelu ppon l*m doneshic corao "mat1 atnd&w i o Ion bpushit il pward. John Caran ù onsApproued Morcan Platiner wùth Mortgage An*iteu. Mcntgagequestions and conats con be direct ito John Curvare tffice, kocaWted 14 MartneSt, Méhari Johsn mb. radedboy phone. 905-878&7213 or hy entait john.cauan*rncgurc.ca. John Calvan t wekire ix w.rujwogtec.Coetawn tn oday about poura snwuenggeopprniis. Nw le eid sdts ruo00Bcfepono L Te akvOseUMilponoaw NEWS RELEASE Y h avikMlo anaàn bone sies lrise hn Apni Accodin tu %stiiltics I1 reli*secd ioda> bS l1w * (aradankReal ltstCal 4uauiîton K'RLA). national home %ale% etigeti up silghtil)on a mtni osr mintba'iis n April X2013 Atisty ttc>.gceraîl> Isetdtu im thin short rea:ci (cun'enî le<els lortWcpiast imre Mintts. AZIZ HlgNgta: KANJEE * Nati ona maieuamrSo.6*%fron tMDtRER PTsIJ&OI NMardi (o Apal. e ActuS (wtM sesooll>adjusodi cdlvil> cassein 3.1*% beoeskwh la Apsil 2012. * The astber ao( aewly bMcd haoes Bll 0.9% rani Match to April. * Tht Cau"madanhouSoe siuret resailrmly la bulaneed trrhiory. *'n »f idnL averragrsaleprier rie 1.3% on e year..over. venit hsinAprll. *The ML-.%' KIPIroue 22% in April. Btu salise - uiin more (han (vo years. lMe stumber of home %aies pnt:xctssd trnogh te MLS' Si<tems <if rcal estale Boardsandi Associations anti (Mer coean listing svtems unn('anaa etigeti O6 pet cent Itiglier o(moxnth- q<iser.mnlunh besîs n Apol'2)13 H1ouaits4ics mpnn'ctl n iit titan hait (il ail local nmarkdt% lnuîu Match to Apnt! led hy gains% in Crrter Toronto, Wînnipeg. (Calgiry, andti Vcitrma. "National sale%' alvîîy i%. Nable ami te market rentains.talnei %nîi ('RFtA Presudent i.aura Levscr. fl'i ui.trendstlif sales anti listings and i Cr tie balar bextineen the tino can hticandi oten are 'ýcrv difrest heoineen ant iitn local housmng inarta«s. anti heiv.een pntpesiy types anti ncighboýurltaod. Dinhe trends are important fado. ini detenning pnicing Vaut local REALTORS' r% yîîur beNi resource foundurssandinp hoth ie itaugng iita s shcpmng UP nitere ou lîvc or enght lîke i Actual int seasanal> adjustedi ainîîy came mn 3.1 per cent heio% levtts repcrted in Apnil 1012, wtt transactions down on a year-oivetyear baissusin about 60 per cent of local nwkeî. Thas compares ta a decline of rmusctitan 15 per cnt in Match. witt transactions4 downcini more <han 90 pet cent o! ail local martes. lIbre tser houtin> and an extra fuil neeenti ai tht «bd of the rnontit lonereti March sale acivit> anti the absence of titer lactura n Apîl hctpcd sia c o<lic moth." nid Gregor.y Klump. (REA's Chie! Ecancunfist. '«Sînce changes% ta mortgage riues made in 2012 t"nkeflect national sales have heen running tiet ta10 pet cent beloin levels poted in the hrsî hall of -N)2 but thev've ben rmartabi> slnad> April acisity nas an par nuit iteir il stanod lai Auguse. anti mtxit-ta-mbnhechanges surce dieu have heM tainwihin a sange oi plus or minus tna per censt MosuthI> changes in national %aLes- açiîsmtv havefiseldi go nithin tins narrow range osier a ne mowntit penùxotnny once belote sînce (CREXs sc.wasonally adjusteti data hegan in 1988. T'he numnter of newly listeti humes fil 0.9 pet cent ni-oser- mnitl in Aprîl %Nc%% listings wcre dawn n atutm hall of ail local markets. l.ed h> Mantreal anti niorurnial Queet as neil as ia%%~a andi ireater Vancouser. Witit sales etiging up anti new listings edging clown, thse national sals-o-ntslistings ratio tachai up ta 50.4 pet cami in April comparedto 414,7 pet cent n Matc h ii measure lias helaidsv %icadv aroundti ho cvcl for <licpamsi iate nimonelui. Baimd ontasae. tO-ne listings ratio of baeen 41060 per Cent. tw-thnt &of ait local inates ntc n balancedtn artet tetnkaw niApril. 11W ntter uf months of n senior> s anotiier Importa n a of balance beesihausing supply aU demasti h rreWemeus Sew number ut ofsmilW% t nau Iaet tacompklyt>liquidaie carrent inventantsai the canent rate of sales actnaiy. Nahimnalv. Other tte6.6 monthi cf invenuory ai tht anl ut April 2013. ihis incaunchangeti frointdit end of March coGtasabu helti faiy>steady anoed titis level for te pas i nm wadi. Tht actuaJlent. seasonall> adjustei national a-terag prive for hontes soltin A4rd 2013 wua $3W.588, rqprennua an Kmzao of 13 3per cent frointthe saine mcmiiiLamn1>1 1 Fenei, sales c<ompaned to a yes-ago leicls m aCrratuVanc*mnr anti GimarTronto cosinor an ta aiaùimaJpullon the national aveage saltpe. Thte MLS* Home Pri acInex <MIS5 HI-tP!> . nm ffecteti by changes in the mui of sales lite ay that average prier is. For dbm treaso.iî prousdes the hemt gauge ofCanornoe prive intis. This rsndit. Saskatoon join% tht MIS HPI. Tht Aggregate Comrposite MLSO HP1 rose 2.2 pet cent on a >ear- over-vear hasis in April. ibis mark' thteldesenili consecutive innilin ishichte lcear-over-year gain diminisitetiantitise %lov.esigrowth irateit rmoretitan two >ean- Year-over-year pile gains decelerateti for ait Benchat pmnpeny types tracteti b> the index nith ieexceptio f apeuiment unties mn Apnil. niit the latter ristng by Iras dico inflmtio. Pitt grwthj rentaai strngest for one-stooey single famît> hontes 4 3.1 per cern. lolo)weýd b> tino-store> sigle lamily hontes 1 +2.6 per cen>. iownhusc]row unit. (+ 1.7 per cent), antqitaaiment unitN (+ -ID percent)1 IXAM I Unitl d amw tmba b h m g oui e b " mju h m"-à"uta ni btet a@an%' halem t aMmn (<,mA useSsrq tta a ha hal fl sr-. a a ampb.hn qd adww s mprIl6sf- 0io l im. i fldw wrm <flnhf i im kmp d h. -AmOu turss sqolmsh, wbfl bmdcS t dashS om 10 b h ~t w u St.(' h -taSaeC.SabtCN In ha tbase r 'I , u1 .M a.iti mdusttwooUu 50d muuâssr~a t$@& Pwmumn mb m tm *@m% ýUm a Am.b aos WMOMb mtl-mw6%81&A*pdem l - 1