COiiilUllty »Iksato.e tmnn ssak eu abut am IteUhht.lng conditon *"w4ueçtherlwf tomndu oe she * sUr at Wton tfmk HspùI CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF lTbe aint cf smn marks an anh*nnavwy dmn Sont. WhyW-CroadMf would lms as. fts thstunOtl1, when shewent fromI * bw*uy paestop-1O &snfhho a bar» vmlnàmh nia cSabed -urmly umeogR- attIo Mmendindbma*y.t du e Sc M m an bsck laf maute but **% ns tue mwarnd neerwd ha. Nu -» Ioas retne& baiutn terqh good spkt -tiýg and drive hm tee» diSfi nt s, -ijnu , Sun-Ne1 -yxoi (MS and Teki -pld Neamb ss (TEI a seae anis,ùf Nkcemr*g mu- Cowealmu tayýse Uwge U aafcsheu stnt. Mui k uw hwresMenha d Sý Nout -m amuitdw e ne eveuylg aid bel$best hbeay4*-4p s4d*p-I pers.Hw eymt111eSh*debyNMý- evsli- Site ns rau» -e an "i gawwo d.smorios hml as tht e tuea perty Io a frIe pouem o» Me er woe di heri mrSartthe sBigiea cdlty. dry -d st te bhoy - onS be- o wa*cn mm (lEN~a Ntwenlngondout Site lias sMra an om*ié ipp goup to belp sulu m.hsm ~ ~ C uJ tthlo oe t» Wt$e-Comd - teho tactS swt I Mon Dimt rm -ew -W mwwn wu -m« At &M4 dcra cauu hW heui t4= -r* sorlu -u* *lm Tendur - lesk à.Plmli o <mw etCase dha% ju what dW ail gusie bod% wltl the exception of ibher flua-le s>wvptoms, liher kSun shis and cUves, was covered lni n urningeyestook her w t O$p"tes (1MM enmr- iTo an Ouatsider. it appearud site lied suaffered n.A daY prio site bcd fufi-dague buaro (om a flue or a chmica wat a w*JlkSc *and Iw W - " w Sie mo developed paofl trouons of the sdldn' kntow whst ws mucou membrane whi io Wbyte-Cras du sflns - j*%g daet ase kivolnd her Ups. moutk myts, in erCh o mdufyum»«mo hi ~ ~ ~ ~ v»l **e btwo= uWuWt h&d j naSo*yueçra bmmfbaipe o mmb dý .«qgu w IN *Wb *YU-Crý1 P MyMmhmwducdly t af-ecW hou. She was practicaNy unecognzabte to famllyj jStll she managed to stey upbeat. She says ithe strengei of lier fait and the love of lier busbend Josepht Crouidaite - along witli the tstaff et MD*I - kept ber clive. M014 DrL Nathun Wong agreed Whyte-Croas- daites case hs ont neither lie nor the hospïtalQ hls vier seen before.j *Jot tri my rine ynars as a pèêysdciari have 13 seen tiW lie said. eddlng lie hopes ht never sets SiS/TEN ageon. 'Il was so bad thet we- were very worrled and kept lier In the ICU7 j It camie so qulcklyeand she got sict so quickly and wo severey' lie said. "1Cms ont W thc worst skAn Mliesses I've ever seeni Mecredits Whyte-Croasdaite's sunny outooc< on lier recovery. "5h. was reuly positive tbroughoujt the tri- tire timeC te added. 'With t amnoun: o! skin involvement le wvould have been easy for lier tgtdown, bt she neye did.f He seid the hospitais treabttnt Wf lier was flot out of the ordinary. «The nuusing cire, the staff, they'rt the omes wtîo are In contact wfth lier, and sht wes in- fluenced by the type Wf rursing ste receive«, he sa4l Wbyte-Croasdaie suid what Impressed lier et MON, whtch site catis a gem ofaà hospital. was that doctor dldnt pretend to, know what they were tmatlng. Beceuse they bcd never seen kt bafoue, they were open to llseenling to sitar abd were more titan w$Ing to fe- seaucl to fln treatmtntt. -They dld nst tale an ' know èt or attituhde,- site sa4t notln they embarted on personci research t figur out lier case. flhe took on an1 whI resesori titis on uvy oVattItude. Sj wam flot Jus a numbef, i was a porsor0* ste -cilriedê l believe I niud ham dI et anotiter -oslU tmWe ham a -ol mine tere lIn MUaC Eventuaip, a tsim su simple from heM Mof CHIL[) CARE r..#Mr& IN YO-UR N.ElGHBüeURmouOD w V 1-866--317-6251 '-ti1c"(ici1ý1À)ICI chi