MREALcENTREi t SI £ Essentia1 insurance tips for first tUme home buyers Frm m tpp appomiw& niaking man o&fr. t psytlg doeing cons. buymng your fim hSne i « mauig nid siyAi the top of tibS w omple, ik home uuuuzS. Not only wIIl Ioeuua prosec you Ùhoul my- thing&wçppeit wyourhorne oriumcontent, but it ts also nheuoey 10 secUifa mn@.. "Fin intemhome b4yens oen bacante ovr- whelmed wîth &at he ieps ,equired to pur- chase a home nid ofien need to malte a quick decision dathoreme înwxnce sfys John Jenfler, vIe.prestdni of marketmig and coem municâaîtsut esern Financial Gmoup. "But a qwick decisso miaju riot bc the nght dec- mîon and finit aine buyers shoukd be awain of the important choices they need to malce Asa -, hm - au moea- AI Pa& m Nmudi hu*.A namned per- ils pohcy poevlcfs protection aguinsihazuzds or events, such as fire or vancWàsm which are specdtflcm1ued on your policy. Namied petits poléim m stwuuaUlm ~sexpeuuive. but you rmn the nsk of baung struck by a oeluniîy that tn' vm your Ws An AUl perds poicy wili cover you agmntewerythmng expert perd that are spe- cdfcali exclucld in your polcy Check ove your insutuir pohcy to ensre tdut you have adequte coverage, and consider taking sak- gmakus such as instilng a sump pump. wo poevmntdisasers diii a e 1 included i ymou C s 1u.oel Your umumoe poâcy whli kkely cover mate than just yS o ame, k wtUt) peryur pomeuswm s weH. livue m two typwcal ypesof coveragun utapply se the contets of your homme: actual cash value or replacnitcost. The oatual c"shvalut cw«- afe wdt reimburse you for haw much your posa-sons wSe w orth when they wer ato damaged. For quickly deprecîatimg items such as TVs or computers, you may flot reciee enough money (roui your rnsurnce caim tw actuafly replace dhe item dmt wn toit. If pou have many items that have depnecaatd qwâck- ly, but you would be kxte to replaoe if dms- ter struck, you shu)d cosader a pdhcy that covers the acual replacemncou of your pas. Lms of Vue. Make suit you unde unddu lmof mf ssection aofypur imswnce poicy k outhiie the living expenses you'l Sceive should you he Iocd w leave your homne because of a &%saster. li ofien wtt cven yoen uncrease in cosa of living while pou me dis- placed (rom your homne «Evry first urne home buyer needs w undermnd uheur mmccpohky tw mul how your potcy prasects >ou canmw sa you sure K 15 nghtfor dieu," jenutr coreuime. Lhemiacheu adonfusiom W«shadwvda dIs.- «And drey s",ed o undemmid techw.îpster sirtW7 they can ma to w ithonm ut, dias hia&M Mm rm um n v audblecuihiut a an dm imm t wa rdur uuunano pre- wwwem -vap up.oe. nunu. Spendlng soutie dmn now ta know wmamd.e E: .- ,ý mq