»uànL Ue5aup Stagi cln A M guld Motivtedby being seede Iast secod- enty squad stun oppoent wfi uridefeated mun flN .ft hi Shhop Rfltg% Jasai Basin (MMft goes up for a handor agains Pu om- zyszy ai Chili the King duung mseno boys soccer -la i Gegece l Tuosdmy. bedhig km 1 0 but capped Ut .gu mp easo euh a hf. 4-0 wIn oui Whlts Oalw Thurmdaey 10 fii et 4-3. Thut eau - mnough fSr fourd piace lin Nhito.fts Oued- raéi The Rayais ehN -w 1dm on Wite Odu dis afemoon in flrst-.un playffacin wo ý M tM t"aq Ramnon Oliveros saw the OSA Df- vision S rankingi as a 'suap i tho face: Mis Stags struck back - i dampl- onshlp fashion. Unfazcd by befl seed dead test for how provincials mn Windso - -oehn thekr head coach tcok eception to - MItton's Under-IS second-entry boys weathfeod soune slow starts i stîff early-round competlion on moute <o an unde- fed mun 8ud OSA gokl Woe sot ouît <o prov e .vone wron<; sMd Olivms. Uuayed by a 68-66 second-round naf-iter over thc top4anlwd -rmb Gtb fl Sg on to deim er ir decisiv wks, lndudig a 46-32 caposl triumph ave di. Orampion Wàr- In tch Iowest-scoring baetIs of the wouletud lit was defence <bat proved to b. the dieronce - ai- Ioin Milon <o, jump, out <o a 27-11 kit-haïf led and stay ahcad from stut <o finis. SurvNivig an S- Bramipton m i the fout quanoL% Ui Stmip -f out dm. isn an exctd moe foS a lom Io dho WWTr k am i hWI flIcStMUngshtr-tsaoeneSy boys, cut. alwitt <e OSADtWlslon chaptosibanner d'cifgnin supremie in Widm the season. MuchWMe hc tdtoughosUe OSA& Lit au iipBa&* hqw Sramptns top shoar in Cis* t. tOtnauv$y, Juaes-g Saura ied wftt 15points.whlceArvln F#band 0.Mc Ahynot b. née end .Mt Evnmore eqlasfive omît of t. gâte Inithe mlfna&t thc Stop stnd i a 24- 7 hammedoct la tic hms qus- te<r aganst tb. Qasa Nlon amd cnisced to a 5543 *chloi. T~is Mac and Tuckw Johnan wê a fourNldaboane-twio punch th 13 and 12lpointsrspcu Iyull, Sassm-Ialedppo io.w Udt Rhynoid and idinson damk nngq on the bonds ad comig -hu awt m ae sU n *d doop tue Slp» eu dohsted t, roend«in play. -bn ait tu nc -i UIM favomad nede, *ày kkkd things *d SSlt à 4940 win -m arnhgmjnf loeall 5-29. Mue fd thescodM nth cfitt sunds adt 19 and 17-pouf p- fum.wne e Saurac wmtbied tapnotbh d ifn dose quater ait Uwee- -paflhs for di. n AkMn Kosauakà eau anodinf bey d*wulws oen1be, eSc Tywe OUuot MSte &ryam Md Fanq MASw - a# sparkplup dufln the et*- Tii, -u the sugV "d OSA duiubttp Wi mspj fdn oi- lowlns a moed-*ai -1.10 Divisa i *tlw ur the tMd.r-1 1 ad.a DisionSe flaqAmp foW du 1un1 t noeidwt SAVE T1 ON VOUR NEXT UP TO GROCERV sunL IysrIand.car Mme SÉ Mqmi Wu Fte M *b .1L cti af M AL SN -- a -m *&- Mm eIm sbi -U M M