SII'mr Stars had ae» nc evel. being drafted in tt first round stili seems somewhat sureal ta Alex- ander, who anly began pLaeying bashethalt en Grade 7 - after being dragged 10 a tom -trycut by a fneM nd m fot showing a ton of Iabulrty nqght away m' ad d.dnît think about compcttng a the univcrsîy tanks, much leis professionaly, untul ureil tnto 1>1gh school. is Uti ( drafted> still hmrd 10 believe' I es ami no' Ycs because 1 started Luc, but no because I feel r've been worktnq towards Ibis for the lat 10 years. W%' incredlble, said the Syracuse standout, who rccntly fintshed ber Sunîversity cancer as the ichool's top ail-time scorer <2,024 points>. as wc41 as the career leader in blacks (350). field goals (736), frt throws modc (552> ami gaines played (140>. E Site scored a team-b.g 17.9 points a gaine 8 is stases> mn gudngq the Orange ta a 242 Ooywa record <prograins best wmnnang pet- exprssed plenty of interest in Syracus andou crnage âi the MCMA era> and -I pst gat a - eugI its fth-evtr NCAA Tourna- them * mnt« appesfance. That cuti bath ways, *t bi A projected f4rst rounder by if Sile Stars head comi mid mes? prognosticators, MNe- genieral manager Dan Hue<« anoder wasn't adl that surprised post-drMft coettmn art any about hut diraft destination, indictici gave> thmt Son Antonuo was -COne of the things we ou-ed one of theteIamis that had ta do was loo& for pladwt exprcssed particularly strong could dcwliop dito good pros *nterest in Wber n the past and could ab> rnet a need several weeks. w4h ËMl ta V axant- lbey called me a number of pIistwed tia and Ym aiso tianes and there was always an ale t1c« quIÎy peapç 1i dt honesty and apenness duat I vO undermd and Sd Io reaRy appreoeated, said this thte SNve sial, aàurt yeaCls top Canadian pick. wtio was encilcd Feeling tht sites becomef a urne weI-emu- ta be part af the firit WNBA draft ta be tce- cd plaryer am the pout ye or m se.msuid viesed, adding duit Ibis speaks ta the giath nay haie added qoutsRfy Io mm nU and mcreséng respectailt of the Ieoem. playming tUne wMU Smf Nm~ "X M et tht gnt wt vetrat fornad Sq>hia Young sui nuning a knet injry (iustained dung thc sernifmal of tht Chienese BahhflbuN As- slciales>on tiavçlooehiç ilte Januory) »M Wmêy in f1is5 the ealy tages of tiicmn Wfcowtu$e SiverStarsprospectiso't taki oq*Ing for "a&d 7we 9X ta go hua caw on shape aM dy to ->e lioin*tg on a *s sadiei du. wele -ai to tuadi soca ahib mnS he bu j -» Me nM. 7w_4 gM ta0 aShug tu My gaine Vot curil bc conpWl CE.e we~ lb. CM&n co nlbtem Iang tuem erfu à éAt a P omis hum dM.I.à i nMt San MAniag camp tn ait 4May. SewAS - Imic e sf r sm* - a ri *flpw.m o or~ C moi-ow»s$Pn A&C -ot& * Watt, & & Gras a*tDràqà & *mtây PFoU= Ma Lmn &Sow Mse Fumast £ CoU Ia w flg n Fea 0St6" '~WN'V7ARIent. TtuM Atom iionSô Ptiesu C&Od 8% Pro.v SpsclhiOe spluut DWbmoo an tarm a mm"s. Tet9O -8301 U Do"&a h , aan FV! Accounllng Servie. a CM^ Uns -in yow UgIV.gbowltoo.Couiportei 1 eImre - m fnen. bookein. parol 1rT4,ST an, yn mend i dodng. «id Urne - a-& iDPWAP FRPLACEMENT To e-od a Fit or Flooc yvu shoufi replae >vtsf Pe&sntal Pumç wyth a Submersble Purçp FulIy lrsured & Bondaid Contact Jantes 647-868494 -t aé *Wmf Mm * 4 M cM asten.&. r % 9Focm yAwhcnned Soevico a NowcI Gcn Uo»nsed vwe ond à@wý 9- r a PQý wp' Rcn OU Somô.àrdupn~e -r *Lý caM * Fm m.s *bp ' -U * 8aFiWW R1&'ekRusp.umutka b*frý Rms 4 g, &J