i >arenne ..... Dateline is a free listing for local non-profit community groupi to promote their events for the cominq week. etMey conts $2 for mentors and $425 fl non-mombo4l For moire uvtorm.~cuithe cotrme at (905) 875-1681. lhe S*NàLuuh Cout s o pmn * mon to tihe pt*Sc nd fries toasted id apleauctionSipiup ait the reception des& iadnnce or plhone i yourorderto <h.cenre. VclklIs het tii Moan Lainue Cente front 11M0 to 2:3 pin. The cot ia $3.75. For moreWrmationC cad (905) 878-7946& k« H% IMID M& meef tricosm 730 to a ps. at St Clai bmçdc Lodeý 6321 ReonW Rusd 25. New nmnbe - uel- corm 1be Oe* -M *opn fl - NW* uig Pd. tl ope tr 4109 *4 p.... for at ameVI* ww-fntilena Miton Oflici Noeptalhk autte eonon k.. dl* witt a oerfl!AId lac- tauion cahueltan bor 6 no 9 pi&. To nule ai appavnient cUf JEK fln ems aie- 2fl3 ea. 16ê hiserLeS Wpedh UA" 3 Pm tn the MUcus Socce Cer 821 Mm St L Payetyoe go fo $7. Novice uatnt ts provded hy monitors of the Milton Lawn T1ht Milton Senors Actlvty Centre, 500 Chik Ori. bous a t tare <liai front 8:40 &mn. to 1HO pin. lhe cost hs $25. To bookc an appallment cal the centre at (905) 875- 1681. Tht centre aise tt"d Geler Club ftor9ltolt*3Oîam nnmfrom 9to 11 a-m.. Snss Lapé fmmn 9 arn. to noori. qdb OS ftan 9-3O &mn. to moon, Line DMCW tm 10 ta 11:-30 &Mn, Bnlard *immnoIo 9jtm. NtlkArt froml1to 4 pff hSM wed»from:30to 4 pm..Cog VIfllen 2 Io 3 pst. nd Tabl bwd trou 7 to 9 pin. Fach activity conts $2 for mer»- bern and $4.23 fur non-nm.ners For more W*nlori. unl Se conte. *Mm* ftnnm pirosents hMra Kry S etn ad Chutes Cores S-codýrtl e TOroit Concert Oflios- tri *Mi Wr Mflaot CiAo in a program, Of pop bucun-t as wel as operatl solections. Th emncen takes -lc Mt the Milton Centre fon he ArM 1010OMain St Eýat 8 pn.1kkets cm» te percased et te centre' box office or by cahhinig (905) 878-6000 or by vlslting www.rnhtoncentrefortheart.ca. Enrfyone mnterested in praying for our schos is invited <o join tekhmal f Fryer an interdienominational prayer min- jstry. ai Grace Anglican Church at 9:30 ia. for an hom of prayer. For more information, call, Shiey Kîtchen at (905) 878-2630 or Ann Jones ai (905) 854-253. The Dock youth drop-ln centre, 900 Nipiss- Iing Rdis open from 3to 1&4Spm. for alI ages with parental permission to stay lite required for kids in Grades 6 <o & Visit www. MUta» District Nosptal holds p top-le ml brutooag poup wittt a cortifiod lac- tation consultant from 10Oto 11:30 am. at Our Lady cf Vktory Scboot W4 Commer- cie St. with information sbarod and babies weihd. For wornen and babies only. Caii )!N Hiks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 1610. Tht MOto» Seniors' Actiity Centre, 500 ChUts Or., holds Scookor Lamp front 9 ian. to noori, Contaat lritig front 9 ast. to mont Dmp-le TI Chii frn 9-30 <o Il an, Bing. from 9:30 am. <o noon and Cy- borCuf front 1 to 3 p.m. Each actlvity cos $2 for memben mad $4.25 for non-mentors .> Enlng Mld Escin takes place at the Nas- sagawoya Tennis Club from 7:30 to 10 pan.- The. cost is $3. For more information, caii (905)875-1é8i1.g S'u* . 27 Everyone hs welcome as Msy Churcl ce] strates Earth Weec at the Milton Sport Centre Banquet Room (rom 1 to 3 p.m. Th# theme Creation and Cars of the Earth is ex-2 plored through crafts, story-telling and mu- sic. Coffee, julce and a snack are provided.5 Thé Iree ent, designepd for familwç wniti chsidren aged 3 to 10 years, is sponsored by - St Pauls United Church.j biseor dmop-. soccr is hetd at the Milton Soccer Centre, 821 Main St. E. for ages 12 to 14 from 7lto 8p.m. for$5; agesisroi17from,. 8 to 9 p.m. for $5; and aduits from 9 to 10:30 p.m. for $17. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 L-hîlds L)r. Nilds 8&Uards from 1 to 3 p.m., Remise Ortie from i to 3 pan. and Tale Tennis front i to 3 p.m. The cont is $2 for members and $4.25 for non-members. For more information, cati <905)>875-1681.