Breeder wsthe ini homse rading having a tough limne Snad n uitan made publi by dhe gowý aentr4 about rsck'p oppofturMdet pur»e -oý de"it of lbe.Wmrs ns tmanfln funéinm a tong-nm pan tcwurd sunign- -'e ned to wNote ledwtg right no<said DSArcN-%wti, *s*w It thlsate O bvaodig hiésutkt h bseon a sharp de- cim of mnre*ieg brai t maotaiutel ta 4A071 i 2011 toUM but «r She sseoi* t have been node wlth a rmet raoetacs wm the tnt Un.1 weartwh bfrhae tue',l Rt. drmto -eon flan h<wfthe Wm*srywil nt.s boan te ablengeftm mS Sha tes -re hom. -epl ae wag plnnn ate rsaec t.e frai nog asetto hom.e~ soinees a fîv-uir As a reuit she sai su wee heh.g brai wo staions i sheïr racfrg >w*mklitmn and befrug s*ipud out of the poeincc. &nedig b cakfrwgs have drappaf i efuecmen bers and reeui a s bee lm gt Wadhig Wam n - te *awioue bomrkltor-~ CmnaumdYarfeq Sales a tu* a bU wit OUt-vmx ug.adig bahig ml for $8.291Ma Wa - ramafltg a 43 par cent terreau frmr1 a -e 1Yn teyhig te te opSnst but fl dflcul she %a M - h n he Un - eff - ue Mmn bffiguSaoMe ou o the MvmmncTwo 9e sid the rama nae" ta act frsr aét tanWKw *mdbn fthl e noeds tpwid fln eayfl irai os ortlk antbr - "s.o flane Svmtoen wms at Mohawk te -pa about Mth c we f thse hortucm ghduty fl3a humai cou iw hugC, ha said, addirig tisa har-woklng peopl don know whtaa t io. Noena ada equina wwlldnadhmn are <e- partg tat ine istanoes. Uniïr business Farime Me sply housemnan wta t grain &Nd bey #"n nnd for their bouse, lhe sai, art At &oea" Rèctrack i Milan d WDad- bine Rarck i Toronto, bota owraad by WE«maeetaaun 100>cobs have ben eliminat- ci. Mahawks backstretch wes misa closed last Dacembar nd thee arc no plans ta reopen liches ii e race dates have been fe- duca&til- purses arc relaliwly Uic same* for "ii >mw li terni of standardbred racing. As fSo U the ugiboed mie, the puiss *111 ha, tapa vetw$y the sae, but with tawer dataL Jante Muth.. VWs executive vace-president of cinq, *utm epluimid to, the Choenion âhaln a ratas pliant interview thit Ibis >,uts nnw«dbed rmcîng schaduia wîil in- citi 84 dates id Maoiawk iad 99 standard- breci days ai WVoodbne. Woodbine wilI also hast 133 thorcughbred raclng de»., Las! ysr, there wee, 124 standuribîui mc- ing duys et Woodbne and 81 et Mohawk,. andi 156 thoroughbred race dates at Wood- bine. Martin csîimuad that purses will be abou 25 per cent Iess, which ha belleves wiIl te t <cal impact fo those wbose lIveli- lioodis racing. l4lmes saud that aithaugli saine confidence lias been brought back ta tic horst rac ing indwtry wiîh ricin; ai thetrracks conîinwng wttr thc nazI two >ears, the long-term plan is sURl unclcar. 5h. said WEG liopes ta have a casino ai bota Woodblnc and Maohawk race- tracks In thic future. The revenue tram thc casinos, she said, would fla back into WEVs core business of horse rac irq. Dtoring question-and-answer discussions, Snobelen told tic crawd in the canin; weeks there wil be some answers on haw exactiy horse racing wl b. «reinvig)oratect' by integrating it wêîh Uic Provinces overail gaming strategy. Whie hels nai at Iiberty ta reveal thase de- tils. te sai tht govemrment is feeling the pressure ta get the news oui thcte quèckly. Ibhe industry lias ta gel smalief to gel big- gecC lit saki planning aheadi He acknowledged thbm race dlays would getj cut and purses wil» lkety shrink, but the re-?9 sources Mil1 be pourcd iat places where " thora is the"biggcst bang for your buct' ' Racing will be more centraiized, he added. Acion resident Shanna Maltby askcd how! ber family os gain; to survive when îhey de- pènd on the money they receive tram racing iheir horses. Wltt three kids and an exlended famriiy living on her farm, she's worrîed shell have ta seUl everything and go on wclfare. I cani race anc horse once a mnth cd Z support eîght people, she saîd, addi'ng that they've had the family farmi for more thari 100O years and would haie ta leavt it. Otner residents expressedîthe samne concemns and questioned why the provincial govern- ment wasn't dicte ta answer their questions. Earhier on the day, Wynne's office callcd or-5 garoizers pefsonulty to, soy she wouldn't be à able ta make it, but asked that information 9 coilected tram the meeting b. shared with lier flic Ontario government continues ta nogotiate agreements with interested race-O tracks ta pravide transition fundîng for the next ihree yaars. JuMa Le con b. reached or jIe@*mdronconod- orshompé or on TWItS OJuliaMilhon- Nes. AçrI 24-26 mn tU newspapee or vuw it arn flytuandca utS May 24 , Nr' ,>r*,