~ Moewerment support needed to curb poimrty says Mdton mother _________________ sity for her. Wrth thee chuldoson are Iazy but she wants people ta t- andi sevrai dactors' appointmcnts alize tiiere are peaple wfla genuinsly each monsfi across the GTA. sIte suid need the heIp. us t would b. nnxt ta impossible ta ges -Alshaugh we have gassen heip froni round othrwise. resaurces, we have aise gnon bock ta iSmnidi said she isl shts not the theni wflen we couIC, she said. IbM Annes Smlth hopes (fiat sbarlng erIsl wI hepppeepahe witfl those lavaiq: m ery ionly ane facng bord tmes, whkh muites ber wondsrwh - oen pro- vincial and munldpsl govsnenhs oient dotn moreso Iwlp tase strUg- gflng to mate uit mat Sfc said s4i lias reoepizd hfie ch»l dents friends familles t the food bmnk - people sfic tflcht nire do- ing ait nglnt for tflcmsefveL. It's heartbrakolng to knaw theWes sa many -epe ibis are smnggUs<ý fOw sid, addinq theWes a sern of shame whcn you Md yoursclf -edn help ta toto cote o! yowx fomlly. Sfic suid sfic kaiows sfic shouldnt <tel embarrassed& bus scmneflmes sfic con't flclp1t. 'Smitfl hopes tht by sharing her per- sonSl $tory, residents w*Mh the cou- munfty wffI b. mare empathnki ta thon livng in poverr. Sfic sid theits a perception thtpbo- pie living on gavera assistuice is haw this world shoutd watt whun stronger people cam help people that orerrt so strong. Smish continucd that tht more rest- dents open their cyes ta the situation, the more watt can b. dans ta sade 'You cari have money one day and (lU's> gane the nexV' sfic said. m pnorîty now is to mate sure lier cMdkren have whas ù she d ta grow tç helthy andi happy. Sfic said thcy along wisb fieni, fwn- iIy andi support graups. give hfie the courage and strengsh skie needs ta ge thstug hsUfl peodn hq Smc ftnrfn nr Thursday. Ir wîU t- cuss te absracfrs Stse ftwng mn pw- *à Le con be reched ut 4N0m&fýon- or 00 ownr« Let your Neiglibours Hclp!! If you are a senor unfl te caopee soS any of the listings becw. ir Sprin dean-up jobs tive us a cmlI orsign lAtI DAY -CANIN ABOUT ANC FOI OUIN OMM Teams of voluntcers go outinto the conununity and spend thie molnung cleanîng Up our Creeks and Streams and! other waterways, oui Parks, oui Roadways and any wheoe else garbage bas accumulated over the winter. Dring your veus*Lr vile boule w w I vi ifi k sufer jou! If cn o l e toe Lat(0 7-r--0:. *o **orato >vvnol i s