bymitm for dt hate. k aises property value, toens yxsr Wukysid taxe a vacation de1tnflku an givs uIW members a -Li to-eee nela ex and emenain uognhcr frademW higond Pot" cmche- dM*âde ta dure différent conanncion cnegones: - vinyt conrte, and ftbrtgis. But how do you chaise whi type Wsbea for ycmr yard? Specidsms tell us Usâ any pod îta gnxpool ff it istalledbyan expi- nienced and wehrained pro<econal. Bu m at- ter wha type PCof pool yS choc.e, oetgurz flq nwàünnoe and nae r nweeuy to Sre loqw myid urou*4-fè n fo- bnapsnnd are wel kmwnv for mnesy-to- mmiiin and kuig-lmlng swfmce, Creattvfty m te hdRmwk of the concree poo as cadi ont ta a cwêtorn-buîh strucure thai will Lms a bitrm. Bulers cari lulfihi the homeowners mm dmalenging dreams when treaîing desâpsi nd can a rce-nt dhem wkth gas or cermic tit, pister or paint- Ont-piece pools are mnade ai fibregass in CaaThIley am ly c1ito1uhal in poo -p Mdatra sua mny baiqatd The lirons me avtiltle in dazms of aglouns and paten com- Whatr.tomufndoaHOTLISINGS? MMwflpeflaa R-mte ndde nuS HO.TI 1u Ma ra.oiehm M*6i ied«hit pnu- suttâr simlarin hatuse onbcits.Popular for uner stmpichy of construction, these pools are fabrlcaîed lin a facxory and shmpped remdy for inistallation. Alîho-ugh Iimited to av-aîlable sizes and shapes. thesc pools cari aiso it customizeci wviaha varmery (if colours. finishes a SaTAnIS CENTURY *1 MII r ~ Q~04) san! *~her qoeur ssc work *efl in' al] suf conditions, M Nore information ont pool types buyungj tipsa nd Iocadng a repurable deuier un your W ara is available ai www. www newst.anadai wnui EIR REAL ESTATE 1.10. BAOKERAGE 1 0àM462 4,1 t.dlM LrTimq. CUSTOM SUI LUXUPY HOME --$5.995.000 On Skie Sprngs Golg Course. 1 3,000 sq ft Of iuxury liing witti 5 car garagt 5 bdrm adl wfth ensuites & bulcony- a11w Sefpa guen Suite, custm walnu ImOIn s/o 2 Iaundry rooms, 4 seagon sUrwom, main Mi master uit, fir fin (L& wfth heaced floci walkou om wlne cetiar. walk-in fridge & fveezat dmu M gm&nnlmn vaMM, GAnte Pooe & mom. wde~ i~z r woeai~flwawan Mun.frdaua us sait bush prolWead spcn UnAIMT UVMn MtfPfMNmmimit- W,05,If C a cSom t luImm mM t mmm W> mm. hi101 >WSa'W u idoey cemaDe40 f m hS,% il Loy pN* moa cas Wt. a MO IMMAUJUIL Ç-UUHI'ttL ESIAItS, 1,149,000 bmWccaO> ftuiMu 1.5 acu upny in ChurrNi (MMai 4 kêcasbq* it h seom bar Nase'k & kit~sn essaie I.M2 ~ ~ ù 0*f m i u O wduaadvm« tlauhu Miel..,h Mm% M»e enhr li I beSW a m dmt puKMC& sili 27à MoVp ah v#êI anqa sysot *HsusAndoeca McMORITON - $979.000 Proudy sltuated on neauly 1 acre in the town of Morriston. <fuis 3564 sq. h. homne boasti 4+1l bedcomsS battis, 2 suorey foyer wlth 18 fi. ceillng. 10.5 & 9 ft cetlîngs Usuoughou: main lewt hardwood *woughout Gourmet kiichen wtt granite open wo famldly room wth gas ,Irgep - - o. FlnIshd Icteer WMe wlth games room, gym. 5th bed apd (U Zrd granite kltcfuen. LIV/WOR% M CAMPSELLLE -$575.000 Ctwrmlng muflti una duph% idem fSr Wlvn WoC" ipacé rlce > lin the village of Campbelvte. Ju souds of the 401 on M"n St. lin a hlgh trufE -r with an abiundance of parking. Currently ued -s hair salon on the, main leve with 2usd level 2 bedroom reslerce/ 11pnn ri (S lOOWmth>. Counplmwtly updmed wfth newer moot windows. ellecn'icaI, plumbng f for Century 21 -02O12 Our 10. 0w eml.g Oi ltnu