e Pyluns PU inest ant up B> OmUls Suit SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Wlth nearly 200 oloocers yelling *Fit the pK local entrepreneurs successfully pitctiet three proucts At the recent inaugural Pythons' Pit savvy investor anteti up $200.000 altogether for ggftt4e muffins high-quality bags, andi dental istrument cteanlng equipinent. Buddhsg business tycoons appeaieti fur fuinds i bath high school andi open categories at McMasgW Univenkiy4s DeGro<n School of Business - Rosi Joytce Cintre lIs Burltngtca. 'This Ès neither charity nor goodwil. Its gooti btrÀet salti emce Sean VWse a Ryerson l.kshersiy busines protescw. 'AU or noise coulti watl away with the cash they ne«d w succee«r flo wasked for tht CDC-WTVit Dragons'Den, the mnoda for PyihonWPt This is creating opportrnties, for Maison en- treprenrs to secure Inwstrnent capital andi advicC ho SaM& «R% an oppovtfuty kWr high schoal sudMn to further dmbeop tri- sieurs emmnet fuwh n he twocategoles. Ov's *Ina Rkh*dsan cd Ibeun Ofmp hnpoessecl with bags andi goods matie frons 'upcycled' matenialike bicycle iner tubes. 'Ifs lowerng the carbon flootplnt.' she saiti. 1%w createti u.t>an. Np, sustainabl, one-af-a- Icinti totem bag0ý Sfio accepieti $ 100.000 in capital anti ban money from paelflsts George Minakakis <for- merly wlth Luxottica Group> ancd Rantiy Pion (VlroxTechnologieslIncjfor 40per cent of her aYcu neeti me wo help grow your business,* saiti MNkakîs OacvhIWs George Botos. Manfredi Vormbaum anti Radu Elles pitcheti equxpnent for dlear- îng anti tisinfecting dental instruments. -With our equipmnent, you'dl neeti sifcimti leis Urne anti êess space. suid Vornibauni. 'ft would dean itrumnents ti one easy step, with no scrubbing or toxc chcmkials Blut their fini DeVis Techoloie displayed no product. %Get a prototype anti put it in front of rnC« saîi Don Dalicandro of APEX Systerns Integrators Still, Pilon was intrigueti and offeroti $50000. 'wlimtrm fntereste iUn is getting this in front of p eo pe who know about thu<sald the panehst Plis capital funding was acceptei i returs for 7.5 per cent oi Devis. Oakvi#e's. trflly anti Jerenw Patry matie SM s~oe ,OO kilK 1P enbpkmnei w -4c ISIG i g I i I 5.(A