I%:;IVNTrk.ca 00 Wbie kxlng fSe "SI LIUNSEdoIv. i wATEfOWN A& m2utn am If ou a~ edm dflvo# Nt ttacl Pinwied & 1100111% te Ye fte m l W 01 Fdui owoou. àrW u, - &- i o ss . A a - cas owk 7 i 1wtic l Est m GuMi d-< suffretM-dm aqce an atte 519437-1161 O&W5 ru<*kg i PWOK6..ý Jwq Sb yr -- W - -1 vW bW- M.1 il l eÇIdLKtn Eîvf rruta I S cSwn amw WfIU dmio J we /ix I MibNas Sueb M rdiwkd le Pm ow nW sain lta. Ilyau v"a a Caelrogg yet mrw*' MW um~wl #«o w. hmv lmepcueoeibueyou Poeffkjo avadasble FIT + P/r -*xirly + Coem#nsston Pu A - tu. 0l-MM7 A0 auibi gloi isvs bw W $cm 1i aka m"; a t.g.w dnIdg Mr unsIhd 1,1hm 1à ,mmw mnmu rt. Fei m Md sâar epectfg &I uln omie Eamnnce in meÔkj à*!~~ £3A* -on asti. 4 doy~,w Md r M q» .mot m e»MI *14 hme . Il ica Ptonb BâLefft "i mucm n bau.,nIh. 25mir oq Fme Esanue, Cd M 905.45407, - Wt c*a*d ir 9054164330 18I Obituarles lin Loving l'In"o Of Kigi *sà.y SOnar 42 yeers Tuesday April 2nd, 2013 et Health Scices North. Belowed husbend of Melanie (Laieunesse) Silver of Garson. Cherished fattier of Owen "n Adam. Loving son of Fred and Judy Silver of MilIton. Loving brother of Tonya <Orno Greziotto) of burlington and uncle to olivia, Claudia anid Kyle. Dear son-in-law of Pat and Paul La jeunesse of Timmins. Dear brother-in-law of Paul Andre Lajeunesse (Amenda) of North Bay ead sister-on-lew Chantail (Andre Villeneuve) of Ottawa. Sady, missed by meny nieces, npes aunts, uncles, the Schultze famïty and his MKR famly Born in Sudbary he served with prîde sirice 1992. with the M.N.R and as a! dedscated and (criIlg (onseration: officer s' nce 2002. H4e was a member of thae O C.O.A. Escecutive and an avid Toronito Mapie Leefs Fan. Kirk' h.ed e truc passion for the outdoors, 1 He was a skUied fistterman and excellent hunter The true light of his idfe was his famly especially his wife and boys who gave has ltfe mneaning. Resting et the. Louged limeai Nome, 252 Regent St.. at Hazel St., f riends were called 2-5- 7-9 p.m on Sunday. A Funerel Serice was held an the St. Peter'% United Church, 2031 York. St. on Monday. April Sth. 2013 et 2 p.m, Interment followed ini the St. John's Cense ery. Garson Donations to the O.C.O.A. Kids and Warden's Fishing Adventufe wouid be appfecaeted. je W 11 Iltuaries IBlrth Announcement Er~ rumit #oe Catlas. Cirmc Passed aw ai his residence in Milton on hursday. Aprit 4. 2013. Clarence Cat ion of Miltona. beloved husb"n of the lete Jeani Cation. ovn father of Heather and hef hu=ndV Auger. Claence Mil b. s.dlmiss.d by his grandchildren Mchl (Heather). Scott (Corine) mnd his greet grandchildren Brooklyn mnd A*ley. Predoeeed. hlisbroherLlod ad sitter Lo. Feft and friends Sthrdet the McKERSIE-KOCHER UNERAI. HOME 114 Main St. E. Miltona 905-878-4452 on Sunday. The. funeral service was heId at Boston Presbytefnen Church 9115 Third on Mond«y Apral &. 2013 at 11:00 amn. Interment followed et Evergreen Cemnetery. As expressions of sympathy mernorial clonation Io the. Mltoni District Hospital Foundation would b. eppreciated. Letters of condolence, shared stories and memorial donations may be lefi for the famaly online at F min Mgmorlams In kmisig mernory of Tracy Lynn McCormick 'r)ou r A ngr in irca ri'. loi' >igt amant 2mom 14 kan,,. thut yoit arr ulwaýW la(M oukts a Nd hbox aoc 1ot, ýwia. o WIe knouw y'. arr loi Geds care, (kat ish il ,v, 1 auId be. but u>hen 1Igri ta i-Paie .r ir a-ili gA vr wim ibsik 14, mi, SaIIY mimued b> Jennit. Nathan. Moit». l>ad. IÀM a" biti, Bi>y, Shcni MW kd 'Il1onour the memorv ol'a LOVE.i <),N1... Place an in the cla.xe(rds. CaN 901-432 4 440 or