e Toemucl edmesA --tnmnsi plan, Mon Miltn Fnr By Julla Le CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF As Caradas fastest gm'awing munîcipality, Milton faces a numnbef ai challenges witti the. population expected ta sWeil ta 161,750 res- dents by 202 1. On. of the challenges as outtined in the Town ai Mlfttans transit master plan. is how thetruansportation anmd transit systemn wil <'e- spond ta ensurt the community continues ta h. accessible with ~fecive mobdiry options ava4aibtie for evsryone. In introducing the master plan called Mone Milton Forward ta town cauricil Monday nigit the. Towr< Enginnvting Services Qirector Peut Cnipps descuibeti il as a woadmnap thut lays out optons on how the Town con develop public transit ta anticipa grwti i the comrnunfty ovu the next five >eart It bufls on the current foundatian ai transit service in Milton ta acNiew a more rekalt, convenient efficien d cost-effective sys- terri h. said, adding timat the recamrnended service len I«Movements have 10 stand the test agamnst the Tawn budget Recmngions for improvernent tbis year indudoe ntroduding Saturday services and having a GO shute service during afternoom peak perxis for Mit GO Transitiùsers. Staff aisa tecomunended a shuttie that would pro- vide effctve and efficient transit service ta the growing business cammunity in the Hwy. 401 industrial anmd business ares. Cauncil approved the plan ini prirncîple mn an 8-3 vot-? with the. provision that service 1044l expansions are subj.ct ta the annual budget process and new aiea construction. Councillou also undorsed the 2013 service implemientation plan, which includes pur- chasing tht.. eight-mnetre transit buses and fate boxes ai a cont ai $567.617. Demis Kit, a transit and transportation plan- ner wîth Dillon Consultmng Itti. hired by the Town ta create th. master plan.4 told councl- lors that through public consultation there was a stroeig desire from residunts ta ntend -ejk bonus prtndarty on waoends. Faced with a potmntial univursity campusm a clivefs. worlcfprce as Derry Green Business Park bs devuloped and the construction of the vulodrome in the. y.ars slnd. Kit added the vision for Mftons transît system iskfundamer.- ti i the way Milton mnoves aid groCff. To that end. the. plan ouitlines service imprxove- monts tha could b. phased i n ontr tine tek- arn on demnand and suppy. 'Tigqers wNl look at the pics of population growth and expanding services ino new or- eas as population us achê»eeh saud. 'Rider- ship performance will b. a trîgger for service .nhancements: During h.avy discussion, Ward 4 Councillor Rick Maiboeuf and Ward 6 Councillor Mike Cluett questioned whether împlemnenîing the plan would h. the best use of taxpayers dol Maibotuf expretsed his skepticism af tht plan, which projects ridetship will gtaw fram about 300,000 ta 1.1 million in 2017. »To achieve that numnber Ywd have ta inc rease our rilmhip at 30 pet cent a year, h. saîd.» CHOCOLATE DUNNY mnT Lwmmy 'tTEMST DrV! aITO-e- 1285 STEELES AVE E, MILTON miltonhyundai.com 905-875-1 120 [MILTON (4 $395 $lob@,