There's no quesiion that Halton needs infrastructure fu~r tlpronects lîke the Britannia ex- pansion alter last weeks federal budget announcemnent that ear- marks $70 billion in infrastructure. Haiton MP and Labour Minister tisa Ruirt was at Halton Regianal Centre in Oakvîipf yesterday ta speak about the new Building Canada Plan anîd how it relates ta the region. Raitt told Regional staff, media and residents who were in attendance thai sînce 2006 the Govemment of Canada has, invested more ttian $373 million in infrastructure fund- îng finr, Hltnn Projects include the wiening and realignment ai Trernaine in Milton, which is c&rrently underway. the construction af a new Regional wa- ter quatity laboratory in Burfington, upgrades to the Oakville Water Pu- rifiation Plant and rehabilitation of a boosting station in Burlington ex- pected to b. completed in 2014. lInvlestrnent in Canadals public in- frastructure creates jobs. economnic growth and provide a high quality of 11f for familles in every city and community across the country,» she said. IWlth the new Buidihng Cana- ruiuun rm- amu LauOuu mîflimeF L" nm aroppea Dy nairon i egionai Lefl!re yesteraay to rti ÔDomJ tri new tsuiiciing Canada Plan that Invests in infrastructure across Canada. Fromr left is M ilton Mayor Gord Krantz, Kalton i lls Regional Councillor Claurk Somervile, Hatton Reqional Chair Gary Carr, Raitt, OakvIle Reqional Councillor Keîth Bird, Halton Huis Mayor Rick Sonnette and Milton Regiorual Councillor Tony Lambert, Pfmoeoeswuyol(OMh - o# da Plan, our government is deliver- Wng the largest investrnent in job- creating infrastructure in Canadian history- Part of thedecade-ong plan, wNdct will corne into affect next year when th. old plan expires, includes a community improvement fund that earmarks $32.2 billion, indexing the gas tax fund and increaslng GST rebate for municipalities ta build roads, public transit, recreational facilities and other community in- frastructure acroses Canada. Halton received more than $84 mil- iding Rait lion through the gas tax fund be-8 tween 2006 and 2014 ta improve local infrastructure. Carr said he believes the region has o0 been successful at keeping up with W infrastructure and attracting resi !C dents and busines5es ta contribute F1 ta the local economy. iff you make it a good place ta live, it's a great place to do business as well,* he said. However, with the growth thats>» planned for the regian over the < next few years, he said there are challenges that lie ahead ta keep up with the growth. Raitt told the Champion theres no question theres a need for infra- structure funding in Haltoncm munities. She said the Region has »a great < reputation for bringing prajects îr ta fruition on budget and on time» ô and she believes it will be success- é) fui at accessing future infrastruc- 3 ture fundinq through the Building Canada Plan. Julia Le can be reoched arj0e@emulton- cantadianchampion.coin or on Twt- ter @JuliaMdJtonNews. r q Mississauga Volkswagen yw unod Wlkswmge Dixle hz tsiso We have ben oward.d "h pmsfigious WVolfburg Cr"i Club. Out Management has over 22 yeors expience sevicing your local community. WOLPSSURG AWARD 2"i SmaII prices. Big news. A Mîssissauga Volkswagen 2420 Moforwoy Btvd., Misaissauge, ON TOl: 903.569-3233 - Fcx: 905.569.3022 ff- "n*411 ýt if -- ýA ýî- ' ~ ~ 01 4 :(, 'iSAC7 Evf ý t ý- >~i . f .AIr 'à . . . . eN' '.. i I '. eu ý - l. r, . - ,r - - ej ý -52,iý Au -u20 o cFý r« v iÇ-ut .er, Wq'fce 4 t- . -e rOto.. j.rrd - ,h.r- ïAi w' p '4 rr 'i ... J~n e.n e.J l II- 2le f .éAG-