s e e,, R r,'<ô;Opinion I Raning no asurprisebto us IAre Miltonians living in one of the top places in ail of Canada? According ta a nationally-distribured personal finance 5magazine they are. SMilton is ranked ninth among small Canadoan cîties E- those wîth populations under 100,000 - in Mon- EeySenses just released 201 3 Best Places ta Live report. gIn the sarne magazine's averaîl ranking of 200Canadian Scities of ail population sizes (big, mid-sîzed and small). SMilton came 22nd, up from 78th place iast year. Thats quite a jump. ;But the lofty ranking doesn't tell us anythlnq we don't Salrisady know People chocse where ta maire duir Çhomes based on a wide varmety of factors includlng af- fordability, proximity ta vital amenities such as ichools, haspitals and shopping etc, the areas crime rate, cm- playment opportunities, even a communtty's natural surraunidings. Most af those factors favaurably apply ta Milton, dan't you thirtk? Whcther anc chooses ta embrace or dismiss the valid- ity of MontySense's annual number crunching, today Milton resêdents have bragging rêghts - at Ieast until the 2014 list cornes eut. As the town's population is now more than 100,000, it wîlI be interestlnq ta sec wherc the municipality places nont year. cl: 555 In)dsatW Lb'ht ~ hfn L9T 5El 905.78-23U1 fierita e -fNlatters s (oN, tafl<'n was, tnginaily 01s ut rtatr ýtrcnsr the prescrit PL. Robertson ittc uiding It w.t. rtItK-aivd as a Lomninotw proieti to thetrnangular land off I-WY 25 (Se'sAvenue and Ontaio Svd ut 'a lvrý frncd whtrn the rail tnt was ir-rouirdî around Mithon in the mid- 1460s It as now%% tolan-.t aniormataco tnre - Submrdc b% Hep iaa, Milton antd Mihon Hiscoui cul SocînvY Letters welcom Tha Caodion Champion wl-orm k"mr to thi M r tW n.w ht flght soeiad/t ravse wId oejec 5etie Lanar must be slged waftf an <d hmn namv S he n* aM ie taephone numbar of thew êlta kichad ft rffwý wpoefl ai ywlrwri-osi frtmail o 555 IdutrlO r MdtliOn t, t 9T Ef, oe dIhst Our office hours ara Monay te Fridoy fron 9 aim to 4Aa- A*%ertsing Fax: 905-876-2364 Ctassl 905-875-3300 Circuliatov 906-8-5947 rnwmiftoeridirchterpiocom vJ?- Gmup PUbther Nl Cmm Refl w J GWW rUW Ednar in Cuit s nmi 4a. .ou Ckomtbn Dv casifla mmo waa» sus, r- on Laie Soie$ AêWOe ou"acna "licw" ~fcraaswm -AM M"u 1umsS.M a 1u ta a shImn Co Mfliud me". cru*i L M'emaw ~ ~ ~ -M SU onffl Djf'cuso Pt#e ew V1 a buzfat aav tw ponta' or tf* alhetisW ooetpo by & Ve sniea ~ fq1m <W" a'f * Wàu aauwo-e for suneftPWu. "d »t De comofo bto Mate bWnce et qw fl4uf w be V&V go# et tfw specue te rt* puNchs' Smw" Mi -*iM toetnre eUnftuemffl &w cc uaad FpIe drk by injùured man without stopping to help Dear Edltor As a resient of Milton for approxlmatety 25 years <until two years aqo), 1 marved at its small town feel and the fact the people yov didn't know greeted you as if they dld, and you coulci actualty loave your car doors unlocked. That bolng said, theleider Miltonains*as I refer ta them, wlIl remernber those days wlth fond- ness. l'm sur. Whilo i was thrilied te bo gett.ng better shopping in town, i hadn't realized that with ail expansion cernes good and bad. It be- cornes a tradle-oft, actually. Sadly, after having rassed our kîds in Mîlton, wc faund aurselves gctting swept away with the grewth. Beng close ro redrfement age. vie were lengîng for that «small tawtV agi in. Knowing vie cauldin't have that where wc were, we needed ta move, and we did. We'rc now enjoying a quieter paco in Niagara Re- gion. i sit work in Milton and commute ev- erydlay. Recentty bocoming partiuily disabled due ta ia fait has actually helghtened my awareness of my surroundings. On Match 14 after work., 1 was heading down Regional Road 25 when I savi an elder$y min on ail fours who appeared ta be in dastrcss. Aithough a lot ef vehicles came and went, nonte stapped. 1 puUled ever into the nearest driveway on the opposite sîdo of the street. Reîiizing no ane stopped for tItis man concerned me ta say the leat. Woul anyone stop for me Sa i couki help hlm, I ttîeught? i taok my chances and tried te stop trafflc. It wasn't an easy task and ccrtaînly wasn't timely. i finaiiy reached the gentlemen who vas hurt. Ho vas bleeding and in need af medical at- tention. 1, of cour se, in the moment forgot my ccii phone on the ather side of the street in my car. Fortunately for me (and hlm) a vomir stappod asking If I needod assistance. i repliod wvith »yes. do you have a ccl phone so i cen cii l9-1 -17 5he didand 1calied. Before hmnqing up. police and a lire rescue car had arrived at theo scene. elong with an orner- gency nurse who askod if site could helpý Real- izw.g lie was ini good Nantis, I let. fln wnting tNts somew*tat calm novi. howov- er. l'm stili shocked ait how liSle regard people can have for enoUwer humean being. An edef>i min requireti hetp yet people coratinueti to drive by. Cmn their lîves rcaly b. more impor- tant thîn helping someane? Are they really in that muda of a hurry ta pick up milk or stan dinner? Reaity, poople? Please be rernindeti. that any one of us et eny tîrne rmy require the assistance of a perfect stranger. But yau sec, vihat makes them'per- fcr h that they wîll help you. Lct' not loe siglit cf whîts truiy importent and remember ta pay"ik forward as you neyer knaw when kt will be your Urne ta 'coliectyour change. Hopfu1y, the person you're waling for wiii have thetiUre for you. Nîcoie Mcszor Grimuby - r-diS y ida #Mk w» cW,%Wmqm fl-a