MIL'roN Puauc IL1ïÎ1J C H ~~ms~~e~~~' P.U n munfty nespwpe sino UW6 PHARMACY mil 111= = "Mim. aI IM71MzMRmmlA A-e Kuler The Halton Region Health Department is re- minding the public about the increased risk for rabies exposure in thie spring and sum-, mer, which can bring more encounters with wild animais. Rabies, a viral disease that causes swell- ing in the brain and spinal cord, is spread through infected saliva, usually throuqh a bite. Cornmon carriers of the disease are bats, raccoons. foxes and skunîks. To protect yourself and pets, stay away from wild, stray and aggressive animais and make sure your pet os vaccinated. Seek medical at- tention immediately if you corne into con- tact with a potenfially rabid animal. For more information on rabies, dial 3-1 -1. Fêurdr.ds of bags of rion-penshable food fdled a Milton Transît bus Saturday, as organiers cf thîe annual Stuff -A-Sus campaîgn accepted donations from s*îcppers out front of Metro. The food wilI help restock the shelve at the Milton Salvation Armny Food Bank. Here, addinq to the growiwî ps.e nside the bus aie Jessie Wilson (let), 7, arnd sistef Anna, 3. libpig "udnts mmtvgmeu qcak Robm n o HaJJar s1~bM Iw toe1ID s"06dMoai nCm.g KietburtS.omd- avy He 1Mùt f tniem *1 cms kth~ ya cmn de wu itonk Milton has been chosen as orne of the 10 best Canadian snil cities in whîch to live. Rt placed ninth in the annual ranking, which was reteased Iast week by MorîeySense maga- zine. The small city list was based on communities with a population under 100,000. The ranking was base on 33 categories, in- cludng housebold incpme, crime rate, ameni- ties. weather, transît and housing costs. - Taking the top three spots in the smail cities list were St Albert Strathcona County and La- combe, ail towns in Alberta. Halton Huis, whîch ericompasses Georgetown and Acton, came in fifth. In the overal rankinq of Canadas best places in which to live Milton ranked 22nd, up from 78 ~ place last year. The best place to lîve in Canada was chosen to be Calgary, Alberta, followed by St. Albert, Al- berta and Burlîngton respectively. Oakville placed fifth, and Halton His placed 1 3th, For more information about the annual rank- ing, vîsit 13/03/20/ canadas-best places-ta live-2013. gwo Tott .. . .. .. SomW ......- cma ........4 . bi Stmsü c'mm Mortzg Celtre le fupft U - M«4" avati 330 kib SirMo S., <kWl 218, MaLOT 7x Finet Floorhug & more I340 Main Street, Miltonj www tlea'àncg>orng .m 905-878-3435 Mimem #1Z a nm.letEL 16 1116 Angela Zhang 905mu-876-0