Y 1 Aitos Iand hi amets AIs fdd, ten a rwecps* reqmo inhm l onatl- ed frai pasr issue of rhe Champion and odhh publécoans in ier ro, pvvie a wkadw Mnc MÎi#OWS paît AmiBl19 Lest Friday two WAMor kif Toronto for a 1114M to M*weuket WUs. Thty puswild ceo Milto fling kY. LMa" tb" toit 1m bouc- ing d abot 2 pan% îbey landed Acit Gea Agnow's field if Gue Mxntion. When they triod to make a fruit> start tht go? into trou- bic on accourt of the safmness of the grounid. Thesr bus tan no the fence and was ta badly wreckcd that tbey had ta faite il alpart andf tako if back to Toronto, Wanted- Matron for the MUtait ChNt*ens Abd Shele in Mitn Initial uulary $30 per monh. Assistant suppUed Apply tu Mnm T). Browni Sec. CAS. MUtait Pte. Jane NoweiI. son 0f the lite James New- ell, got homre to Mit Hloigts on 2Bth. Ne went ovenues vWti the 164th Sml ar4 wunt through tait yer's figtting wîtbout a scratch. He was gassed once, but wes nover off duty. Gunnur Wlrid McCM>IJ94 son 0f Mr. and Mns. A. McDougafl of Vmncouver, formerty 0f Muit stapped off bore lait Saturday ta cati on Mr. and Mis. Jacobluct. Ne went overseus with a Winnipeg binet and has had twa yean service wfnch ended et Pusschendeo wben b. was wounded in Ns nase andf face. He was sanie time ins a bis. baipitil at EUa- pies and liter anothor i London. He hais fuit>' recovered andis tnot disfigured. Pte. Gardon Ford, son ai Thos. Ford gai bomne lest Friday momnung b>' the t GTR. via Murnît- hf--Lnce1Fi ton. me was oversoas fifeuru months, goS inc lut year's flghtlng Mt Cambra and saw som., hot work. H. got a stit toucb 0f gis once snf lied a close coUf whtn bis fin bat was Blng.d b>' shuapo but ho cauuied an until fk MA ie*acon-rieand hewnssent ta, En#gLid Me vas in semeai hospituls. Mis sikness, snt hlm home absaci af bis unit ft k in the Fouth Division whécb wiNl tit corne home belonr iou Pt. FoWst brouber, iack. i ahointheFout*vDtvisian. Lance Coup! John A. Stover and Ptn. Ed. Seui.> and Salle> got borm, on Sunda>' if- terioon. ...ofiial wulcawne.. . Ail thrme wenî over wltht the iG40th Batt. Lance Corp Staver and four athers wwwnt ta Franco tbroe weeks aliter landing, i a draft 0f reinforcerneruts. Tht>' were trmnsferred to the 3rd Bultahion. tance Carp. Stover had his full sbire of 11gb:- ing. tIn August 1917 bo got a shrapnehl wound an ont of hts bites and was in bed for fire manths. Aller a liong lime in hospital b. got back ta the front and carried on until tlm Au- quit whtn b. gi a second vcund an ont of bis ams, in the defence of Armimens, It was sligt but i! 4Mp hlmi ou! of action until the enmd came in Novembeýr. Pte. Murry Miernmig wba go: home f wo moniths agio, 'ent ta France with Lance Corp. Stover and it the 3rd Bant. but an atrack of trench foyer endtd bis serve. Ptes. Baley and Beasley cime fhrough unwounded but Pte. Bale>' wis gissedL AUI firte mon are quife wel now. TMÉ mazeflois assumbled on b~hof the Mil- ton Flistoncal Socieey b>' m Dii. veo con b. rcoched dhvuqh ffieioder>' ot (905) 875-4156. MwmutborgConservation Arna host id uts annuel Rapoak Olympias recent>' as a kickaff to maple syrup souson. Above, Uiam Farrell throws a flap>ack ait a target during thetflapjack fisbee evenf. At ngbt, Dreve, Rhys and Anna Crad *.ztLidy trat. l h e ih* lh h ph hg Act of ffodwiI made a diffeèrenoe e AtIa time wheri sho must an>' goodwi act we offe cii bave bien overwhtlmod by possiby malte a difference. the enornit>' of tho situation - That's sumpl' flot true, cont ti. phrase oven bogin ta Sandua clearly showed us. SI mncapsulete wbat ils lêke for a made the boit of a horrible sit young mather ta face ber own mion wath her boys - gmvi morfalit>' and limite two chul- 1, them sonne memnormes to ch dron behlnd? - Sanadra refused r ih -- and Milton un turn help fa bicorne marred in whaf sic create those memorues and 1 couidn't convoi. Sandra Marchand as jouned po ote nw h a couldnt contrai. by sons Colo (leit) and Cal-aponmtekowseas lnstemd, sho focusod ont what umatan exorcise fundrausor atoneý skie could - naeol>, mmking for the faml>' iast fali. That's about ai that couldi saine final mernories with heu F*pbMbyGrte. fme asked under the cmrcumrstancr boys. Were flot put on this ear And when she wasn'f doêng that she plead- ta save i. just to ti>' and do our part ta malte ung verfi Tari ami amers mn her cbose-knit sup- (at least oun luttie corner of it> a simqhtly bett port network ta help spread hem appreciation place. for everyono's efforts. To that end, there's a lot of people un th Trijît mue, this wornan was grateful. communl>' who can tace comfort in the dîth( SaMra leaves us wfth an important lesson. ence ther collective effort made. Titre's wo much sadruess mn the world, ami et Muifonuans have shown once agaun thet th fîmes we can bocome emotional>' paraiyned b>' trul>' cari, and mn hir final dmys Sandra coudu thec encrat of thai - fa the point af thnkng have tbanked you enouqh for fiai- nif as he u 19 et n't th It et 't * fw ?t l O W * * S UITO - A11 #*EU eM SflJ . Wr' l SUI ofiG ~ OUSW5 I .tAS41 ~mo. itf * *'u wt Ml LTON est 967E *flp W .4' UnI WTiUJf*M * X4TIt 'O ÇAK AW. 1 iATtRen .AIrutdR *Iri W. lN"*P'l t 'a-MS~63 mmI 51ME IAS, MIOJO www.goUkeg.rford.coon S 905-S 75-FORD( 3673> Mul N u vi, Và "Af'4 'I 7 4; * I,..~Thif * W"*dP k *'~ ~'~s 5A E - aF'1q -gE R - VN D E V C A T