Excitemnent momentum for Pan Arn Gam has alreacty begin in Mitton mlnd gave. similer presentadion about the Garmt MUAdit in paflkiiar, wêU be hosting cyciing eveits at the Wndoo velodrorn ifs currently buldkug ne Temnn Rad and Louis Saint Lafent Souk-e*" Monienturn for thse gaines lias akeady begn in, town wtt more tisai 200 Mitunian recenstty t*ing part in the Town of Miltodi versio Of the Toronto 2015 Mascct Creiflon Cisdenge. The wotishop was heïd oni Family t»y et #he M#tcn Centre for dmt Afn. Troop sa» dmi fi only tlwbegknng c wofl to coma-l Oescrthig km the Gaines wNt be an afford- able meoeféfmilies, 6e added theGTA ioeionwil itlow or a mou kfimMnrae settin thast Wbg fan Soeur to the action 'Along itnwwd cla IIk centres bsaih i oinf con u.tks, thee grnie im- pact out yot and the gaines imac on ouf -ot wWf 6e our great Iagacy indoee«said TR)OIX He conlinued Mitton wîd e arnong a handfui of cis with a world-clm facihéty. Thmss cUles am Sure top t4te ft to tris wSur nid meor b med- ais ar iaddreuin corne true lie said. »The state-ofltht-at Mittn Pan Arn and Para Pan Arn velodrme wilI, put you on the map nationall and lnternabmohlyf Troop expluêned that ît wifl rie! only be a place that Canadian cyclists cari caii hom, but it uSU be a commirurûty secreat ion centre for resi- dents ti Hilton He uncowaged tht Towm te, start tNrtlng about hou it can nmim tourisi and mo- tivate, the communfty ta take pude i the Gamet. An upcoming event inbcldes an Art Actva- tion sent Field tis sumnier in conjunction wi thte Oowntown MUtait Street: Festial David Arrig#o ha been cornissioned by Toront 2015 ta, <resite murais for each hont conmnity. Tht miurai for Miton wiit capture the spirt o! the towr and vuS$1 sventual b. Tht Pan Arn Garnes rnis a! vanous GTA fa- 1cilitios betwnnm Jtâ 10 to 26, 201 5 whil the. jParwuan Arn Gaines wifl be huSd August 7 ta 14,2015. .Atk Le cars Lie oe chd or $we*oncoen*- andhwotcom or Tw*erw êuHadton-- <rtrtl fo"env l fit) tl /n', - lie tveenîpifv lu' te% e//m ynzner <'arly e Birkdale Prli- SENIORS COMMUN Cdmoehfrwùà Maxmizeic Your Job SeawrchO rie Conte fR Ski*s Devetpmert & Tmrung he4psjo seelwr daine cameer w3Ss, develop a pisi aid wnprove te fkls neceswy fw or ln kig% . Ctkm Bsraoe.s wif gel you job-reck f ast- Wstt yoss locaé Efmplors Centre toclay' *interviews thal Impess/M.ock interviews. *Job Search Asststaice * CtA Infcxmaton Session *Accesng thie 1-taideni Job Markst * Second Cae«. Inlorrnabon Sessions & ILfRSS Custome Servic Drap i kRay at orse ai MuN 4 inlu b - ilus 550 (I>,arx Stee-t South. #2W8 M-33 1m-- eMj@,a flCoflM ~flta Centre 8<fmg a bette' Aatw i 1