Citcal Mass haic its off"ci lest Saturdey. The show runs at the Mhon Cente fur the AW HolchiGuhy uni Mach 10. Hure, artist M0 Whrspann stands nlui to bis aayiccharcoal wouks tU.dl Mtom2. Mardi Break kids pta e Are yoS k>oling for sornetiing creatv fSr your ids 10 do dwing March Break? Ansy Marnas, a local group of woin- en, who share a passio for art wit hod two woSèiops et ne Giatery Upstairs et th*. HaupRetur" Lern how to nal" sambows using famed Russia peint Kanmy% technique on Tuesday from 10 a.m. ta m o 0110o3 p.m. Nexi Thursday, participants wit Item how la cote thui own city- scape canvas fiom 10 anm to noon or 1 ta 3 p.. The cont is $20 for eaci tw*-htotn sewoin andi Wides aM Inaterbals Clrn must bu six or aier. Organ.nrs remind châlcren to dmss for mnew. C aredo Mn a phot caption thv appnared in last ThursdaY's Chamion, the sp.fling of an arts group was incorrect. Aîtsy Marnas held a Vu$entine's Day-inspioed adtàlt art cless at the Galtey Upstairs et the Harrop Restaurant. The chan thoe og e rr. wrf~êtusut~naa mu~saa~ ha - afltm4s7m a ma~~mau~ las e uses un S OIiOUUa a as sic catusm c~u as.m ms~~.uwaa as - - mssa Ouate L*flSt~U41 - ta 1k SSIWtfltp. Uts Cm,~ arn, b, Su UV Mflla SOS MatAi g. s With our new 2013 patio fumiture styles arriving daily, we are extendlng our kITMY CUTO Oloi PURNITURI SALI COME IN. SEE WHAT'S NEW *PICK VOUR STYLE.* PICK VOUR PIECES *PICK VOUR FABRICS WE ORERi OPFW ON AU CUST OuDm Suy now, have a d.pcsft and talce d.Uvuy ins April AU it$.poçhpftwoeldw roa mapl %1u"cha Bs. uwdpm AadcIua W Ln.AIhsoCénaCnet Gui, TdrmuueGoda ad. mo. Çhoos. ftm m Wathe Rn/n Wltoc. Casa AkAmîum. Wrougt AMun Wot kmn ad lubudaAhunhxa. t shnWm and môny "oe aad (w cMyn e Mwoù wift tvitd Mg 17 ?0I3 f h. s