thieAns cW t -Bi Byajeu M CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Miloniains are ni for a treait on Saturday as the Min Cunoen id " fhB buings a sciectior of musicians te, the sitage that wlN w the audi- ence. Et-Or Dna -t Leshey An&ews vocal taot ot lias aun ber around te worlt. Sie rnoins home te sbire lte stag wit the MCB Swing En- senli for a *SeitiiimtMtiW« through some of the bet bsved swiing.a and blues tunes a* the. MlnMww Stage of the Milon Centre for tic A.ttIpàni rawii rm mentflof thte luger MZ& it Swing Ensemble repueshits NI i venues that ne mosmaltohabu t e concertbaid and at fisiéabmr dmncs and coe'unity eveints. it toitu a 17-pue bond and a komui slinger Undcer the wawg of Mmsc" Director Mil %rut the ensemble bas sport the kms two yeau quietty bidiUng tii repeloêe Noie ready to be fratured on as on ticluted con- cour the ortsembfe's SetrstWJu'ney wil foi tuse sone cf the best-loved swuin and blues mtndards ickudng %nbMwceWÀ llx ancd -Ne York New >t4. For thi speial perbmaict former Màkonian Andrew sangs wltl a wel-known hilton resident #io concert org*umrs say carfi ho mioU due Forme hiton residmnt Ledleyr Andrew, whosgn on te an international musical carter, returns liere on Saturday te peuorn with th dion Concert Bmnd's Swing Ensemble <or a Senhrnenta/ Journey. at flhc Milton Centre for the Arts. toNis ctnnt occupation, and the Swing Ense.'- blfl popular vocahist Anta George. Aremw whosr ungioig caer lia takfn lie round thc wcrld, said dmt concert is ad about OM San musiic aon swing, woth lots of bruast big sounds and otd-e musc lhelre a gro group reully knowledgeaend the player piay lce tey'ie livin a fun time. said Andrm wo now calfs London home. lb. audience vAl have a good dmn. rlhey oan lookfoxward to some roally rat musc that teits great stone<; skie saod «Todays music os so 'pop-do-so-do-so-itos' bog band music is <mlxi- eous mu.Cr. For Andrew espcily the concert lakes lier back te lier moots. Skie began as a big band singer wtien skie lived on MNtton, traveling with the. ttien On- tano Vauth Concert Band, whucli liter becamne the Canadoari Arnbassadors. floey toured ail ever Europe dunnig two stommer concerts. -Thus os loke goong back te my rots« saod tie vo- calisi whos performed woth symphonies acrols Canada. At 13 >ears old, site was the youngest> member of thie Molton Chiusters. From uhere, Andrews carerf ballooned to what it ès today. Miels now an onternatbonly-renownedl singer. ac- tiens educator and motivatuonal speake whoee kgt of croentias ncludes eveiy tNn rm theç stagetat Stford to oh.5 *Known for ber extraordlnary vocal range an1 wwsatliw site uasly swaps hies. purtrngna a soprano solcist one day and an alto soloist the0 next Skie i jus! tOat when skie firni rstumed te fthe arts cetre stage te p.rform the Messsoh on 2011. whicfi skie performed as a sopranax but skie ad- cd. ?m more of ai aito4Messiai Muâsch Kxoied widi diplornas in music ftom Laurier, Wuterloo and Western Universtoes, skis don. a number of major concert aid redt tours incldng Argentina in 2005, nd England. Austna 0-' and Gemany In 1989-90.a Skie toured acrois Canada ini 2004 witb The Lesley iý Andrew Talc. Now, Arodrew lias lier own voece and dramaf stu- v2 dio Drearn, in Progress Productions on London ? where the teaches voice - classkAa Broadway ? and pop, choral music and speech arts classes. Skie also teaclies at ttie University of Windsor. Skie lias a nurnber of CIX ta lier name ondludong CeE ebraton Rogers -Hamrnten and Hart the music e( Richard Rogers.* »s always good to, sing and r'm lookonq forward te lieanng <rom people frSn the communoty: ske added. MCB presodent Cheryl Coccarelo os ttonîied about the concert noùing làsley was cager te retumn te t'os aiea and share lier talents wth tthe com- munty. W'd been considening govmgq oui Swing En- semble their own concert for awtmle and once we Iearne that Lesley was interested in performonq wvth a bieg band. everythînq ci onto place. Concert tickes are $ 18 for aduits and $ 16 for se mors and are avaiabie ai Chudlcighs Box Offie, by phone 31 (905) 878-6000 or onlone ai www.mol- toncerotreforthearts.con tr Juhe 5iok cari b. reached ot siock@wbmdtomncodi- or on Touir voIomu.g fts ha Voeu To G0»! Milton Slnd Douer Clilc: Setw .L4wc9, Xi3 -9* am - .0Pm ltnsty, Murch2203 *2:30 pm ,7:30Opm New 11fr Ctsch 824 Thomps Road S. New Life Cburdt 824 hoPSonS Road S (ail 1888 2 DONATE kw moee utownon or ta bock an appostrn i'*biotc Ca8niIf I OUTSTANDUNO HOME SHOW EXHUBITINO OPPORTUNUTYI to oes»ve your company'sL oxhîbit space in the 8th annual if9<ètYl$it< Show Vo., 1est cao batl aetoae expoau t. qet ore nies. Ta&k dlvntly toi theaa-«daof quaallfd 10 .e10....0 in JUST 3 DAYS! efmpousod by IthadXan *eS- 212013 MON- M 77 1u Mt . - l MMl w no rt s n co"fl MW f1073 a»