Mil1ton C r of C - President'\ Message Wre aready a irw inmha wto the Yeui É4 t'ur 25th unîr~n»an twrporated c hamher and weu a ,I1 i t' a feîitt1t ilân 'I Rf'* -17 '.ertt4'bu' lat have hme A-j (,u- arti1 vt i ld hk i#tn ti îhank pua in the, -rki'i- t-. hetr int.nag surpert O>ur 1 i Anu, e-JiuîcWl Iert >uirtr ani ýu t. 1â *wuge 'ULteU wi tr ZX ip triçk altiruAie Wr hai tîa --udicr' irtn baI kyenmt Wt Ç,axw mil -roenan apke Leafgrai Wmdi t Cii t centn bct crowct Mark H<bmcIW dsd an rxiAri wb as ur ncw rnaertrr ann d ie'd s'wrstar atuddcsl maei îbwttgh the always popuLa andi hiauwt litstelc intrview The Sports Celrbrn> 1)m= an d Actaoei ha-s raied chver SIV5.>a in suppi of the <Jni amhrda t.hJtp Fus4 lThanks to otu. qinr and il, at Who atirnd andi purchbtied £Ud4if item. But wr ut act ducr crf Wr ha"- a loti cit crratwg tell wfttttJCt tUflJttu'm rmi en(iugh mne t 11i Krlf bre tucpniMkntue tnt m&mV Vrai- t I-hr laïcisrraklàNc hcrtb 01. a, hitd On t.alentmé% Deri anwas anifthri 'is.n tPi tht (laa*. raily in îi1 -1 Macur urd Kraniîand actmg CA. ill Miatn addrrvwd tauh tiit) ucnwd rd Mlifr Cnharni mrmhmr and gursis anti %pkt ahit ihc .r t ! Ml ton iiigag Rà1aturd. t innerdý 1 %ai ms the pait at th< t aklà- -t 1"» tKhAit Athe CtsarnWr fi, .et icci t qustin -Ilit the, Town of Milton betn mie i1 ut' sn Wbai nt irif tWxus In my opumkan à al truli amazmg bois tht, ciimmunlttv bam grow and ts stel manaiged grawth Ca bc a, a ,som atnbtUd in the EnUe"y thât the Mayo Md lin propi ut th Tom bave pMd Ln PL Krt, ptqmt kk the "t «Mantim ept M" ViIap.ý tht Vdoruw andi Den'r GSm Coepoen Buumm u~ f tm poeiued le bmwa baveurb tmçc ne tht bomu ofa M"b As b*o" putits 1 dhm& tbt bonne» wmio bu Élie onpotuat to u.ryme a iii contaitti commsMit whmo ou mud" Cu cmi v, work -&u ià1 Md of toSifa. usethlt bcuusm semce of Mihon Ul is in ecoe plus m« 1 hope to see ai of ou si oea cvSeu zmzanb ow 12S5à mnmrury. Rermert se bmwý a timC Ma'à% pr~tt opomtuty f« oui nsebee t he coimmoitet~~Inos H wea ÉmkoMa unkIu chmbe ,ded , epae.tUc&é - beîw A 1roiM a" a~ Ns aimeh 1@U7 to 8-15-FUM <387 - Upcomig Events %rdnecda v h Ni- -41 oep) r n amir sn Afi81 h. 'tuebdav. Mt,h 2D, 2013 w Pml iS 7oIt PMI (ltoehintedb k tirkJaete ace \enîitr ( t'niniît% and PR(>)ttirrllà 1* tant {)ne 611 Iamsacad Drîs'e Wrdn',4s- Mtch27 2013 .%.341AM 930AM Chambcv B414artoom 251 Maini 'ciet 1-45.1 Nu chiar tn i't rxnl rw> (,rseral public $10 U 2013 Ford Esuà'i pimc 4481 111111U ofl Tuesday Apâ U3,213 5:00 Pli - 7;W PUi Ce-h 1kGl brt GWZ a Umup and lsOn LonF Ffflsdgltb Iliff Patilim Drive G"fmrm* Sàiuwd«y May I& 2ûi3 700 AM - 12-00NOMe mmi st b"tM Mantn & wmmI MERCER i l'Y1I,(I('t/RCtJ4I~I! iii t y'tIItLeIPh' &S41 Mn~cFI~ uta! il~urI' v " Full Service Accounting for Indlividt&al% and Corpoations " lers"na Income 1Tax " Pinancial and Retirement Planning " Eïtate Manning William J. Mercer. FUGA. CFI' Blake Mrrtr lion B& CCA 245 Commercial Street Miltun. Ontario'. L9T 293 T 905-876-1144 F 905-876-4209 4 am it UtemWel s1jy * Tttee fuil rnd Pms 4it Fluit f nqktB- pe&wq toti 9m"t Adntisécifte au boiftn "d atrbchbm Ml auâtan laicps artd ait# lucintfhap TFIt ANNUJAt COMMUNtIs AWA&DN GýLMA 15 H CuoAMBtIcs mt)NtttIIIOL' AN[)ti 111-IN A!IAIP. Tutt G4.IA -t. 1LRAitNiFi 1*1I'ti-IA1 <.111/1NS <OU Tt Mil ION COMMIiNITY RY eiON(>UIU- IMEM AI A *'Ntt K rit' DINNFR AND &N OFII AI JAWARDS CEREMONY THt 2012 COMNT tA~GAL%- *A NIGH-T Of 11ONOURAND (EbRATIÇ>N' W1lI TAKI PLACE ON~ fRIAo>. AI'P ]2 21013 AT liRANI4Tt RIEtGOL CLUit A SEAFOOt> A.P1TIZIR BAR -,Ni-) BO.I IGcIN AI 6Fr00 IIIîEN A L.SflJRmFI DINNIR 1% NERVFI) AI 7.'} PM FOR rkCTJ's Ph>A-E CONTACT MHt NUIrON (CHAMRER OF- COMMERCE AT 905-87841581l 251 Maini Sireet Ead Milton. Ontario LYT IPI 9O5-#7$-O5SI mfo( JKWELLR.GEMOLOGilST Famuy ow iUm 1930 Dae lmà* W. CaryAre ow.tê *&#tuf#sa PAN DÔRN7 GUCCI UbfOIGTaUM~iN MUt MmliUS 76 4367 --brmelder.oem c ~ tridûsI4 . p, Frailay. Apnl 12,12013 Graite ItidV Golf Club cok" &OM Pm Tïckttt $85 (HST inchadedi j'in m- n uh&kaiqe bhmitns fmn* Tùesday. ApMi 16.2013 5CO PM - 7CO PM Milton Chambtr of tomnse