Town reoeI'.e two The Town of Mitons multi-year marketing campaign promoting business and toursrm development has been recognmzed with two marketing awards. The Econornic Development team's »Miton Delîvers"acfvertising selles was recognized as the best in the Business Oevelop#nent Adve- tising in Ontario by the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO) while *Mto This Way Upr was named best in the Businless Ocvelopment Branding category. 'Milton This Way Up' was also one of four fmralistsi for the Lieutenant Govemnor's marketing awards Award for Markoeting Excellence in Ontari. The Towns Economic Development Senior Manager Andrew Siftala presented Mayor Goord Krantz with the awards at last week's council meeting aliter receiving them earlier in the month fromr the non-profit group. Krantz thanked the EDCO on behaif of council for recogntzing the Towns effort to encourage business development. 'We have seen consistent economic growth over the Iasi few yearst and Mil continue to do se by promoting Milton as the best place to invoe. he said. Bs Lt NANIEO ONE OF CAR AM DRIVER'S IUEST FOR TuE 7TH YEAR IN A RIM FRePu uaOe WTM MN HondaOntarlo.comn Ontaro i<yüý-da Deaits CANA"AS FNVORITE CAR 15 VEARS IN A ROW- 1W~299' F0ft4SMWETH~Wj1~42uW1 DIMN MWIT~ DMP ~SEcIJAnY I9OS1T 2013 IINS TOP SAFET PlICK: SNALL 54.V C3?v13 * f8 atink unC 104 b.,wtot Pearuwtzai 2 W% . 2 W%, "W'. 48ý % 4aft, APP or, 10 0 r.1 X, 11 M u'mo.nI,n Sedi. o '"e 'i- III (Ill4lý V"u t0om ireor(UP 1uSy'w ooecf Mu te uA utid Cu.'troit oSenra.? iaeffl hn $>NU~aI3* 1 at i(i . ml lm.i 1 n ve 'r 0,Pa,C'.'r 1 à U2 -1136 $VS19 eeidu il M Si 435 si 640S w2 64tea8rd eP> tf fa. 1 EM3 f1166wt e'! AXtla- S'I0 WC IOt ), uCii v42 YW ICI W 46ij u't 91 %W z $1 529 ,'12 042 1? iOI 6r"n;dvg*w Y etý&f lUee-'^ $0 Wu' r *Mt a.ndiiSlS Cu,.X'"tl Ji01 4: "&00 'v1Aý %uI 1,24" eg 474 M ril 57 10 SI fi081 AN 16 Y% -8 '2Ot'mS.,'uIn MSust 't~ sr 1- Iv4' m ots' b120ai5,4,0 4M ne(% 4C P 'î t, UhPluU.CIhoeg.*31 aa 74M, pdu,pacmOu i4',I-erM~'.'¶r Ct C~ et, tdm.t"ra~"0" Un~,'. Dowa. velarade ?My li u an VoilcIeel CIl vIInil lo, Iliisrahnle pulpiffli mi$~ 1 nqr1 whioCfm in 'tý@wmt 3k"wý %Ir4S 011.'"tr 41 fl' I im fixe4'I ' lCC'1 40*1 't ." 004 s 'l .I0!A O'I "-44"2t ut iIà,U0 0.4>0 ij 'îi"ý 40 ' I .~n' For &U, gpost i*- q~go roU., ..e'4 for WU., c~4 o"i'y. tome Yuppot OOrW desWn cSeie by MirdJa Lape lard Aajefk Uruo, Gr**e 12 Art tuderib at St Wmkalu ol LoyiM CaUhoU Secondry Schoo, OMWifle. 'o'ook f 1>44tk