M MIOM- bvn chaIenn Milton tD 'Move More, MN nioni Residents urged to exeoeise at Ieast 15 minutes each day The Town of Milton is encouraging residents ta get moving during the nmth of Match. li's challenging residents ta commit ta ai Beas 15 minutes of phys*cal activîty every day ta achieve a communhty wide goal of 85,000 minuies of activîiy in celebratiori of its tNrd annual Move More, Multant morth. »After more than doubling out goal last year; 1 challenge participants ta step it up this year and encourage family and ffiends ta do the isame,' said Mayor Gord Krantz- «Move More, Miton! promotes a heatlW and active lifestyle to build a happy and vibrant consmunity7 Individuals, famailies. commnunity groups, orga- nizations, schools and businesfes are encour- aged to promote their commitiment to physa cal aciivity by organizing, participating and tracking a varïety of active living initiatives. jRegisief anid track your progress at www. MoveMoreMîltan-ca. Throughout this month, the website will fea- ture updates as participants report their prog- resu, and will include lagos and website links for groups, organizations and schools. The website aiso includes downtoadable re- sources foi qroups and individuals to use for promot.ng pldflred events and ta discaver ac- tive livngopportunities wrthin the community. As an added incentive, the Milton Sports Centre and Milton Leisure Centre us offering some f ree group finess and aquafit classes. The sports centre is hosting 'Woiik I Weclnes- days' while the Milton Leisure Centre has 'Free The TomoiaiMUeonlrddai cftsa mo4ng Move More Milton' cmipialge with an Orange -challenge. t4er, 1-oua-W Cari Slad& a swu- dent ai Miltoni Chnsima S&oo. SmuWwftti Mayor Gord Kranwth ~e bean bi» ua ent Finess Friy' throughoi thie montt ta en- courage physicat activity. The schedule can b. found on the Move More. Milton! website. For more Inforrmation cmli (905) 878-7252 ext. 2231. EIL ETORE OÛ i OTonFEL____ heuo F" 5es l m kiff Ta. h W Pbh" bel lec Mosti hi <>fYr Vehile Book Your Tuaeý-Up WIth fs Ibdaye i qr't'r ~ ~ '4*o ltm 2,92 2 9