Mon firefigNcirs wnie cafleout. to free a maie driver of a srnglewvehice accident yesterday aftemnon on Sxh LUne, nati cf No. 20 Sidcroad. flic driver wabicfty traoped in Nis minivan but d<d fot sustain an>. injuries and didnt reqwire mnedical attention atsf being asscssed at the scene by Hahton EMS. Wcaeher was consldered a factor lI the crash, with the roads lI the aiea snow and ke-covered hincs, The ovenflht snow anid monlng frenlng rein saw Hilton police rnspond wo numrous crashes thrxou heti region. ahthough there nire no reports of senous ijurie. The watheer li causod the cwaneticn cf bus tmansportalion to Flalton ichools yusterday. although ~tSad tauEuS C buDAs.s J4al1oe AieRoe 0ç'l ~TtiSOmlar tb#bdLmo s"r à 1r1C~ ua umu 01 w înw Smi t wwoe1Unoaim Asim aW tebuuî d f le h m ab mi2 Utu sWi kWSc Wthin iu -3 >uê &,ê . ,MunBisamu Bru f mian ionS A bML flI JM byAU 94mW toft urs tuddor MN OPIY WMV vYois eE )A ~ WZJEl l a-,Mrl eirnics0W75I7 1245 Steeles Ave E, 905-875- 1700 ; 1 Z M 1 il rWil.. ni ý