Coiiiii'unily e 14w Sy IonHlroy MEIROLANO WEST MEDIA GROUP John Gierrard is layîng a solid foundcatuon te raise Habitat for Humanity Halton te new heights. In about six months as the arganizations ex- ecutive director - taking the post in June 2012 - the 41-year-old father of two secs significant growth on the horizon for Habitat Halton. It's a big year, said Gerrard, who up until re- cently had spent his entire career in the pri- vote sectr. 'We are on a tipping point." In the next five years, Gerrard said, the net- for-profit intends to build 50 ncw homes across Hilton. This is despite thie fact that in the 12 years Habitat for Humanlty Halton bas been in ex- istence it has only built 17 new homes in the region. However, Gerrard told the Champion's sister paper. the Burlington Post, dunnq an inter- view at the organizations Burtington office that hes optimuistic. It's possible and 'm excited ta say that ts goinq ta happen, he said. »The plans are ai- ready in play. The Iand's been purchased, the buildings are in design, famulies are being re- cruited. "Can we make 50 homes in five yeau's? Ab- solutely, because at the end af the day we know theres a huge dcmand out there. We know the communtys going te support us. Theyve been very supportive ta this date. John Gerrafd is excited about the challenges of being Habitat for Humanlty Hafto«s new executlvde dlrec toi, a position h. assum-ed lam summer. Gerrard said Habitat Halton is stniving ta build five homes in 2013, ramping up ta build 24 homes in 2014. In 2012, 't buit one bouse, wbich was in Milton. Gerrard said h. int sure why there werent more houses buit, but sid he knows there needs to b. umprovemnent. 'There may have been a lot of great plans, there may have been a lot of great things on the books but in the end it just didnt happen "he said. Gerrard, who descrîbes himself as an *out- side the box"thinker, said if Habitat Haiton stays the course it might not reach its objec- tives, admitting a change in philosphy is required. 'Habitat Hatan has to think outide the tra- ditional ways of which we have donc aur organhza lions business to date,« h. said.fWe have to think differently, we bave to oct dif- Weently. we have to engage different parties because that's the way wc are going ta hit Our objective." Gerrard said the organîzation aisa has plans to expand the ReStore - Habitat's homne renovation retail outlet. initiate a youth strat- egy and arrange a volunteer celexbton in dlerWmhas Mee yurCaadanCh*ponSae safe- Dumne Woltewome Lori Frochette Ext 212 Ext 218 danew# ftrefflt, mutocuaiiamçmon.Com mltoncanadundwampe.acomn Ext 213 smnilero Coleen Gorn dam schoitz Ext 211 Ext 214 cg«o 00" ecalz ndtyvdncananwpcom 1nm ,' rione Rdd Eut 217 MM"er mtmiêndvcwffl.e C ASSFIE A V RTSI G IR CTLIN E ,0 -8 5-30 the new year. With ailthe wOfl(inn Gerrares future. h. sti wanted to taire the time to dispel a number of myths associated with Habitat for Humanity -M donYt 91 homes away. That is the num- ber one myth across the couiflry' he said. In fact, we provide no-onrterest moregages. up ta i30-yeat mortgages, to lowincone fam",es Iharclwo.lcing familles and those familles thma Imay not b. able to ever afford a sale and de- cent place to M.-e Gefrrad said those familles are required to contvibute 5S0 hours af volutflerhours or- what he called -wmeety- I,'s an important part Io have tdm.n lwoled in the pwooess so t0" truly understand the woestructure of how st wot*s.he "id lThey actually get to particpate in the haome bu*dls. for most of them, whkch gwne thein a real vested interest in the success of their home. Were dealing with people who may flot make enough to own that firit home but are willing to commit to the process of worting with us»he said. Gerraid bd.d atiyunc wbo fits a certain in- corne bracket can apply for a home through Habitat He said the maximum annual family income for a three-bedroom home is usuail>' about $50.000.e He also said the definition of family bas changed andi busically describes a group of people who lève together. 5es ame ua welcome to appty.. ibere are cwnrently 17 familles in t4He rabtat for Huranity Hilton system and Gerrrd ex- eewry dollar generated by those motrgagus gets cydled back vita buildig more homes. Gierrd saici Habitat Halton is currentfy sifting on $1 million worth of td across the region. He said Habitat Hilton is planrüng ta buid homes in OBtilngton, Oakvrtle nbd Acton next year and in 2014 ès focu.sing on Ourlington Georgetowni and Actor,. He said Ws actively working toa cquire more l.nd., us"n channels the organization has newer taken advantage ofin the pai For more irdormatiort vsit www.habftathul bfty CM àdmbk a àý 16V Ma