OPP tb crak ow on drlnklng ddvers, Mea driver is Timpaired to contact 9- 1- 1 to report their Imation, Sp dur,..up The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) arrested mmr people this year dura ing theïr annual RIDE proqrarn than in any year since 2005., tWe haci hoped to see these num- bers decrease significantly dulig this year's carnpaign, mn ligbt of how much harder we have wouloed to educate the public about the. dan- gers of cfrinktng and drivng,' OPP Commissioner Chris Lewis suid in a press release. «Irpaired drivng continues to be the Ieadin cause of criminal death in Canada and it's disappointing that we stili have Ontario drivers who feel entitled to place other road users at rtsk of loslng their lives to an impaired cfriver#. Ouuing the holiday RIDE campaign that ran from November 24 to Janu- ary 2,693 people were charged with having excess akohol in their blood. Another 62S wamings were issued to drivers who hscl between 50 and 80 mg of alcohol in their blood. Those resuits wiIl make the OPP even more determined ta crack clown on drinking drivers year- round, said Chief Superintendient Don Wel. commander of the OPP Hmghway Safety Divsion, ln Iight of these festive RIDE statis- tics. we'll b. as committed as ever in 2013 ta incorporating high vis- ibility, professiorial traff& stops and public education.. . in our ongoing effort to reduce implaired drMvng on Ontario roads,«' Bell said. The OPP conducts RIDE programs year-round but steps themn Up dur- ing the holiday sea sn. Board to hoki advnoed Mdndergarten registrati The H-afton Cathoilic District School .visit theif local Catholic elemen- required to b. S yeifs of age on or Board wilt hnld advanced kindergar- tary scholol on January 22 and 23 before December 31, 2013. ten registration later this month. between 9 a-m. and noon and 1:30 Children currently registered ln ju- Parents interested in regîstening pin. and 5 pan. Junilor kindergarten nhor kindergarten aren't required to their chidren for junior or senior chidren are required to b. 4 years register for senior kindergarten, as kindergarten or fuit-day early kwan- on or beore December 31, 2013. placement in the program woIl b. ing kindergarten proguams should Senior kindergaren children aie pracessed by the school. Hiadstîal society AGM tis week FU- $>-N1 EveryOne's welcome at the Milton C:Offee wili b. served at 7:30 pan. Historica Society's annual generai followed by the mfeetin at 8 pan. meeting Thursday at WaldWes Black- Those attenctlng ame invted to brin smith Sbop, 16 James St an article for show-ard-teiL. "'m doingokay, but 1 wish 1 d'dn't have diobetes The peop e t CDA make it eolsier. «K My HUP UOMlOtU YOS KNOW P C»M4DIM 1&51CIÀTI4O www.di.ah<. I ^J socctAr ou 1>r i n t7.8" -mPfmw-- Ê -~'~5~ m~ U i iiiw iLa a Lease f rom $319e 4e994YPO bONTHLY for 48 riontbis Wîth $2,995 down Excludes HSI 14 LMO NOTL &60 months%71 e ORY#ÀM *wuWiMf $1.950 down Lxcludes HST. $229 2,099",. MONTHLY ýot 60 fTi1f1ý, fftri$lSOdowr, Exciu0es HSI ft- Il mi . uu -j -M