r IMessge StI hasn't sunk In wfth evryone JWith a new year begun and 2012 fading ino our Icollective memories, sorne disturbîng statistics courtesy cf the Onta rie Provincial Police (ON') re- tmind us cf a resolution some et us need to knep in' 2013. lmpaîred drivîng - thought te be a preventable human behaviour headed for aimost certain extinc- tion by way cf teugher laws and Iaw enforcement and almost constant public educatien campaigni - bas again baniled back against the popular trend flot te drink and drive, accerding te police. iust cempleted hoiday season Reduce lmpaired Droving Everywhere (R.lD.E.) campaigns by lo- cal and provincial police efficers netted pienty ot charges agalnst people who apparentty still can't comprehend that when you consume alcohol, driv- ung is ne longer an option. Hew many times de we need te be reminded, te be shown gruesome images from scenes ef traffic fatalêties, te hear the cries cf spouses. children, par- o4 ents or siblings left behind each time an impaured driver dlaims another innocent lite? tlow often do C we need te be asked te thmnk ot levai enes before di qetting behind the wheel of a moter vehîcle aliter having censumned alcohol, before vie ail finally get the message? Apparently wetre flot sheuting the viords loud eneugh or repeating them eten enough because it deflnitely hasn't sunk in with everyone yet. Durlng Its 2011 holiday campa$gn, the OPP charged 682 moetorists with impaired drîvînq amdiîssued 'va rn' suspensions te ancther 583 drivers. Durong the just-compieted holldays of 2012. 693 drivers were charged wth having more than the legai limit et akohol (80 mg per 100 mi of blood) in their system. while 625 received warning licence suspensions fer havlng between 50 te 80 mg et ai- cohel on 100 ml of blood. sall percetageimpossihtepoulatoncontiues tebe sAthegh ifstposiltinonfornueswhy aF willng te ris& their icence te drive, their own lves ami the lines of innocent bystanders, vihat vie can predic is that the resu ting carnage (amdincarcera-( tien) is practkcaliy nevitable. Whie these recent statistics may mean we're still far from vilnning the battit. thîs fight is far trom ovef ami the message must net be slenced. There remains nething te be gained trem drink- De irig and drlving ami yet a iaumiry ilst et things te Ni be lest inciuding your right te drive, empleyability, du. freedem from imprîsefiment and the biggest ont be of ail - yeorlife. Pet While numbers like this year's 01W R..D.E. statistics di: msy proedkenuiraqing to anti-impaired driving 1w erganizations such as MADO Canada, vie hope they an aIse serve the dual purpese et sounding a renewed vii battlecry. W Secietys work hem s still far from doe. ilU jermin ami Cathy Preuix et Milton enjoy the warmn weather this past weekend vihie Nor- ki walking viith poies. The exercise is saêd te, use 90 per cent et your muscls and burn 46 r r cent more Calories than walking viithout potes. rwwmo Phi./cs-.& -aisn pw . (ami» h*ïm*StàP-ISh Wetm en a The Conadien Champion wdcnvaks ni we.a ftikrmew terio&t to o e vlnww *cfl Lettonu msbe sgeW#*i sfla.Wwrm anoe*sSm &W the Mqhoee number oWMew mIS hicWdadWor &fnpa»sPuP es. Entai >or lon to eSutln ofhchoepkaam oe gond by mail tu 555 h*suvlW Dr, MmOtz E?51, orMme thao tawocer Our offloe houa are Morsday tu frWa y frt9 arn. to 4 a 3arbac dumping disutigact~ 4olators should be heavil fined eOr Ediror ice piece regarding illeqal garbage împong (Editors Desk celumn Decem- er 27). 'opte vihe dump qarbage like this are isgustîng. ,aik quite regularly areund the Mill Pond nd the small park behind my residence, ich runs devin behînd a strip mail. bhat a disgustêng mess there. 'unfertunate that the taxpayers et Mil- ton will lîkely have te, pay te citai up the mess. If's my hope that the scum fesponsîble be caught. made toea it up, charged ami heavily fined. I generalty carry a ccli pliantvith mie and if i sec somneone acting like tItis, I photeguaph it and sec th4at ifs deaft viith ini the preper manner. Bob King Mifton C. il \\1 il1>( ) x 555 Indust rffl tM~o, Ot L9T SEl 90878&2341 AdverflssngFax: 90-162364 Ciassfllded: 905-875-3300 Crcuiatéon: 905-878e594 7 wn wmdltoncanaanchem pion, coi Vi? - Group Pubisher o-gtw Hun w» KM*y Ltbmm UvEdItor tore a o-e.. tata Production Mane chus. Nu Office Manev sxtPm oni trie Sa M anager Th$ Ceuimb - - puâddev.y fu ma b GIse MàUS. w a 4peruo-Mnr MW ~ &et pw rmpigwo Ocigm DY. fet eflam . t e tp~t' et Vum"0csrusnou pudtwfS re t,WM-"rt la eteuMr~ow & eneDo« or e ue MWw b Mrfa te rf h pv1P casa pa1 w om.. oe i aocd ma h 14e ne-0 MIUM Su-asM n9A Al a .NÀA t. Li=~ 1h -2 I I O t I E * 'GALA Ma-