Onta rio Foot t i I ~WALA KFIANDERIA l CH RIS SWEETING 9ms., SkIS LiMW *mouy FOOT SPECIAISTS(CIIIROPODISTS M oau. a tL ,tut a20, UMIf, 0usr-an-un - Ste CW on Sd* (»pmiwlw m a aflde qaS Q. WbS cases a planterwwt cedAmy cas Mtbe reset? A- A plastien.u). ltokus as i'macsprés. s canaib> tir hmus p@çaukmaaus as IIPV ibma tn on tir sole ode fi or w lm %es ins cfbls lite skia. ut ti tam> uu sb leut tAhm im unUW mies <un liteskia ut ycaurfSLe% Tht imd otfntms hkely occus mamm thta m saaut ual b> citn aseh pbus enmta lMuss raait dec( u *ual uem PO&-mm", aciims 69 asehide being buefam UMusynntw4m Mau, asefu &awrnrms.et HPVWVucmetede wsias clapamundue &-wagW' (MdauaMs lyuqihoytea arnait Mut bisai oelils> ddemdouaine sinfd o ele M" Muaitentageneall>Clevu adeuesti jiuesePnommis yoearCecs mch as *aite h ie bahof yo>uort1. Tir>cmsa oewun asUt tms, Sawc ua de veu ia*r pasumsMp&Sa due> ms> .&-dmapàacas ucke.ed ")aiovf to Pat M enta bo" t e MILfiais> lMesCuspts osa cm e tuctM sid yauw tem. Ms> ena hmmMb" tpaqxaat. w&mac m-a cxud Sia -ehi. If lieduc wmer«aîchel. pupcum blndW&m cm e.A chutse <tfnia la ume Mu«l ite idis s clda Uma eut. Pl m abSmwe i>paOaM mfnaimnts lb> u mmupmfuheta Mm a ii- msoppcuad n darmipremwe betas lite abat iaisp gouoedrseplats entaPan ut momi> d1ise dukfdriu admi euonid tase mi wcattwui mssisystuis Tirc al n MM NUMUWM Ssncaioç. fioc PiaasWwMu besmua opnekgm do unmite umviadh m mSbthug utc> havebal tir tais SaS plasmaentacm hte rmi mntWM a rmrqinmulutiplevisas ami pnemxU ta mmthe tai kbuema'emftaiiy unasa tersmemhMc" freasig <c mycr I, 'usas unçcal arductuoS ùnluaimaltmmdea mayt& idmdusisa. Iimuamd. uive r . eue If Dowiùbtertuemserutçt uqIMM&e. iliere s tan mtu aalb*em- malt mnuw uxea-y. utc aLhivolnt-uMag sea>due er PuR m utftmnuasmmutu crIs yp t trates, coUxt yow k" c upadm nod saum i bu m ms tnt y w lama entas ias os a xuaslbe îo asnud Pm aid Ifet r ungase Q.Do I have to miake tax instalments for 2013 to CMA? A: Iy fl u net tas c s Ysx"oeth&, $3.000 on yVLE 011tas retum. yvu have ta make qualerly wialnnsc. SeffemploaMd I amxnr and fshermnaw haa dikffcet se; cf cules tnaaMes paymients due on or afte the date of death are nos payuole. An> bancs sscdie os pa.d upon filng theteoicennal tai rtum. F«r Jeths occsmnngfrmi x i1> ¶ wOdober31. td-#,-due dtis sApt 30». kw deathsomnrtfru rmNomtter Io Decmter 3 1.tht e de mhsix monts iter the date of dti. CRA VI wÉlt tta«uvtanwWMnrmv1nwifa-iunF*W&wysu i Augu at These cictiuan Mcaleti the *no-ckntsonoption" es based on yos tax oeimn for the p- rtw>eenIf >vu pi> w uistanents on Ii, titre should be no insalnm entr xpenalty. Anistalnent penalty es cldgwrW vQI istalirmsetmeo s mxmoe than$2.000. *JWnawly.vu mu>compuite a. istaimunts baed on ete c Pt« ai fu nmfloIAA or on ansesmae owlng for tde 2013 tatation Mu 9If tt stunt paidtakq ttedO aiofisenisdsodi wesMo on itment italesat andi penalty ni b. dwqed. f >vu eimr-ct >aa a-rain Ottenta ta Müthhold.ng. such as uanvsenc or renta i ncoren-mlwdrop sîgnafcanityn 2013, te cuISit >tM optiofmu>be the bettes agiaiment has Vomi tas çeparsr MIlprovmde ytxu nets ou nts aan talrmtscdule baseti on yvu liMer>liainl povde you net it lim er of the na- casiateon option aid &me pogx wa otin otuneedt o ad"vse etueii ymiWbewonthe 2013 estiate ciii be k)%f vb x hoAlconsul? sth y>w ptoessor)W a/ isa on a a#ed maien towne h. M.À f - h. b, 1,. W flBAsc..D.D.t 9 05 8 7 6 118 8 M"fl bi mil %4WWrasuse om s*iu - or. 1" wonWi BSC Dm-&.i ?b Keep MoutIa Safe, 1km 'tJust Wear A Moutbguarc kSJxp IRClean Moefiguwds have boms W~asatoamd oral unpnis nid tli tie si concson b>50 poreint Flawr.clIlea atoulhgcard sna>be pavs lm gs abâfy to preventdte ttus. chiffmas> nia> nM b(wawe eal s te mTçxm1ano t WprOImalnaRe c"enluies aidcme Ioprevet dsn Irrasnom anMI aiecisn Studoshave smMiWismathguwds t wbor arenm onf bnr i ynMt "i nioldsmeucm icause wm econ nd oestly er la Mie and/w rrmheat-Owuessgufchasffv" wnflw-dses m mouagta SBMm.d e" am Msy paometsBua sinp. a"d m tum, - nwbmmoe "mPoe MM- . Thor ammT me wn te sp Sicn rahi sUMesmOnt e mra> h - trag m a ontentusetgi - Thasxe lacfl miWtosSSf wweksg, *@Mm esand reu Io Us puatoef murg Poor hm omS "MWflS hvbng fS mmguuw laciet dmsin cronn ft îgisl rduiC Ia#nobger urus O p 1upcse Or derUtian. bifn , M.morei taslWM Ormaemsd us in N dkt>. suy go "idneur doms I. TXfor Motlefsxlnuhtnmce. &M MnMa Mmoai wsstng "a tlcslsJn *Neyer dmiea moutgumr ciii nnise * iOm pi muAtgmd b1w mwashàg9iwtt sof w d na(i un Bwi gtremni, $OakvtmmSuw«d incutfgodrnm*«M LaMes Kmep y>vesmulgn-i n a wl-umt l pIrsMW bax Mohasriutse *Dqevnsg on ftUs g ik it. moMrtihgwds cru> an u t ompica Mmtoea >ea t MutWgan Investment & Auoclat Planning Counsel* FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS -it t- * Pnaictal Ptawéi* OC *MutaitFonde*Lite lnunne *R.R.S.R'U Qucudos: I<'a Jantuwy m ...41u, e fr ameuh. r«Wum &out mey I'mtém etdrcamanmd mot mchfrevl.g.Whmt ahbou.ld I do? Augwes: Min> goal setterSa fnzssrted. Mont> retaîcd goals cmt ive challcuîgmg BiBIs keep confing in Newiâpapes repogn go andi clown. Stock mnartets swing Upand clown. SUli. mmi> individuals reduce dreir tieNs ami incisitdi unes. Here are tirt simple rui tu help mût 20l3 yomi bot yen ycet. I-usceC igoals that you mcao omrol - Min> dùgs amre ofomiae c maicnri. Fanas on chat you cmi do. Vou mi agem wonilb> payiag wùh malnicash instecad of piaule. Vomi cas puy off more dmi the mminmum balance oni your clti. Do both cf OreeantiyoutieNs ciii drnk mue qiaict. Vou cm ausenaacaly aid mou> too your RRS? Do dusanid yoeault go a taxrefuati. Enipocer yomarelf cait di reacia you eemi. Succeadul -oalachuvnrot veuimair iiyou hvtetht tois tn do tht job. Mate a lits. Du you nSd ikwctge? Do yomi need a sira:egy' Do you need coechsng> Mee ait a Certier! Financtal Planiner IX) voisuioed help ta keep gosng chien yo&'re real> to quit? Gem a inancial plan. Pemvie at ynur plan Votir plan i%. >tur straiegy tu, achirne yourisi.uon, Sua> poiiuieý Commit ita ver igoal and achieve vomr goal Soainw.tsars >u ciii mate gîtas aibances. %omtnse' uu na> <al behinci Stick to vous- vimuim Kecp vortming ai yt'-ur plan Yc-au est! achieve your goal 2013 w Vour.v~s4d SE aor god ochirr-iug rùb mv bock H*eyv! I ("an De ThisP- Mn: with a rCnt sud Finaeda PIann*r bv calng 905-876-0I20 INSURANCE PROOTS AVAJLABI.ETSIROUGM UPC EsTATIe SERVICES INC. §A, amE, LIA, LUM 11084 FIWI LiflO, Mittofl QMy lwsbsîd usd1 ne pnfrg aid the hamac e w an te ti my nait.Doet ba at eut1c hep the honte A, Tht bouse you and your husband las-e un as à mainmoeiiaI home Thte mat inmonial homne as gsven spectal treattirne under the Farnîly Lac Act- Tht Famuly LwA'm4 tAu us chim bath spatas.es bave ana equal interest ini the bouse. regartilessiof chose naninas on the uteta the hanse Tht L.aw alsa gims dus both sptkses bave an equa nght te pos5ession 1a4 the home In yoar case your husbantd bas the sanie nghî ta the hanse asno dlu Ont spouse moing oui of the bouse dots vc ffecgmthml spouse% ngfns ta the bouse. Ht or uit dots nix m "r tstblu tina-est an ther bouse just because ihry riiotn For the purposes cf dîvadîrag yens- famiy psopers> am hait of1 them, oaa f dS h orne wmxld bc neflbuied ttu ti Mcdyen Visa cms kep the honwe i yencant ta but yen wocld have to buy his unes-est an the borne hum bim. lHtalto couic> hanw agitu seil itauyen -If yen buy bsn out yen cdl have ta tue finsncialty able ta asswne thet migand an> lisies of ciedu nuttcd tw tht bouse as thest ùiabuliîas as-c coswides-ed c1hen calcuiting tht value af bas interet If me tîwo cf yan cannx agse n a its the bouwe cvuld haveïT tu bc "odand then the riec prnceds (rein the sale cd the homne w-cnld bk davded equal> ktween Von cuj3eulu) auy paynitit necesay chen yens- net (amily pro>peiy is calculed Il you wcmitauselfthe bouse yoet iso hbave ta geayoursss iwnd ta age and tir rypnclly bas ta Mign the listing agreaent Thtu lac staces chat yoss cani dispose of or etncumnber an mese s the amanmmnialhome unlcss >tsYT r bband cotents or >ou obAxtn a couan osdes- perrnttng yen ta do soça n-nily the panies apte ta sei the bouse togethes rôir chas rcsortsng ta thc coums Sunce yen canntpreveni the battitfront kits so!d, yon mmght as cr11 do se cocpermtsvrly. i s cereainly snS eci-orncal tn the long si- su- & l'un -su mus - aimet ut.à" a.mnlt,-MaU t 2i S ana La.a "NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!"P Hetom o.ô NatnlDesumty? flow do m IooM& bell wkh sg? %W Scre thocagk dmsedtulng owr 20-, we wnee or peaicof bcauet but asadvaacn m technokgyU expatuce. anid consumer kaowledp. <ar tno bhuners w whacmx ke chicvedThyear sàwhcle n e ai clf iroems jwaoednaes, MW pioGeas Io comtesdieuWus of M Tht Th«rmaep pcedue ks a noo-mvasaw procedur paifonned wieh dit ThennaCoot NXT SysSem. whlch u propnetaxy eecný ohap w «bvrradio bfreqecy Scur w the deep rm oftht" " anus undertymg ùmmie. Useo oui uivund oedumlog thThtrwul Ttp cm muky dbw conMerkd, umifoem voluauicboitt di a hWCil NespWm, w. th -cornycus imd roeodds rmtis, provîding you widt aghter sidn, roeewed 6h Stomws id iraldter collagen especatly round mumb. neck tyrs nid Iooead. To enhance your treatnrnc combine a nwih DATr for optimum snuits, Restusb vanv froin subieteuc dramnae.c. Generalty improvnnerns are srnimedaately visible andi contnte for op ta six months. Resulv, arc long listing dependîng on youî si" candition and tie agtng prtwess Thermage catibk repeaid easîtv and safelv for an accumulatedtiugbîcning difct. Visam ehe cianic at the Medictal Arts Building or cati for vour E-mai:ecdasrbeiu.cm Websiwe ecclasc.ca 905.864.000 -1-m