The 2013 Nmssa Altrna Secan bas bsc frsttute for F-lâgway Safsty (fII-S) 'TopS for good perlonnance in 4 out eti5 pas Th. 2013 I->".oenaplztu2013 f"Osw fl<.ra REDESIGNE n awrdedthe nsurncei Safet-y ick :4u- iengr saety ests i Sedan LM m c: PER MWN FR 60MOU> $29SA2m9%AR FRW FEE 1; < -- -- - - rM $ DM - $8SEMTY DPUI TU MU MY RUGME 201 SEQ Featrin bet-inchmcominedfue ecnorn' ad uexpetedluxry ad tchnloI DE MU E 201 ROCI FeatringintâWe il-heelDriv an LM M M Umm' avaiM fr«-i-ci AruM-VeveMSitr $ 58u m9'%FOOMOM Go a inwit up o 1 63 làes o cago pacewm tm . $n Lmm mlmlfmm ilî W 0 8 SEM «M FINACE ATESAS OW S 0 "O ASO AAILBLo Ofj e e ds-nu ry31'* Ist ifn IoryorIocirS te %ae e f saW@le.on mmM3 MM. $ lita2.(T"tOU AMOI CV! mn.oiOZSeette 1808S(GetGSl &ACO menues tnnm*oo2Oll Roque 9 FWO (WIRO13 AflTOlCVI rrrna 2 uitI2 9%'0 9% 1- -. APR for à.80 mottrn l.,MwS 4paUs$2S4Imf2ffletmm tO4O/*000 dnm a ore embnl adeon anc ncMde fra'fuand ftes (Si 8051,501.S7I7501 nid nmSevuccsy uponýt *cPwued In a M a mavitom ios020000km Po, cq i l'-' iwg $0 liAs lofai e o#gnhu 17871$1 OO/îSabOInckdfl S450 Oer PanlttcrceOsn 2013 Affimsé S0"r-26ô (I4LC.¶ IA.AOQ) CYT tranewnaîoo Conitons; avyySe« çow tesson *taalorfor def als 'fbapre.nmwfrnc awUb mSon satgce of $"0.002 loc 2013 R"ueS FWO <WSRON3 AAOO) CVI ttanresaor' Indanct 0% APR forA48roonhueqîmn $S530 Pe" ontit tit' $ tU rpamnt CGoal n&Incr.g 0<rsT <1 I Il" 1 09. 2.U* $1.î OOLaCaheb8pp4*bloeon the w t e cfnu.20 *3 Rogue rnodua fi-i4* 14UFetspeas:ua.te. 'Miodeus owr $34 427 Sailrng pc. etdr, 4arese2013 An~R-ý aean 3 5 StL11450G13 A A001 C V' itmnorT$t O.wqPm*e 4o' amw. OI2S013 . U (MRIIm0).CYT tflnnnbae.oi$34,fl2 SeISg Pritisto. air2013 Rogue St AVU (VO6&3 4h00), CVT nr'mrrso "f'e randi PUE dhaîg6tu(SI 095/51567,$ 60 îtodconn i C$100- canon Mm caimeappâcefa(ON $15 OMVIC lmte c $29 'iree w.afleh.p 4'ou edwe a 'san a atsas'pe'tc pato', i<eapdicable a~ c'dcIoes Outaarn ndar raiçt abi.tarsInddnge. eta. and fuW e cuv~tlwaichute aopbcable) &n*eé, a.FinanCe anti ftetrfnameawafb'e on apç'ovad rroint 1'ooc.Ç< NsarCanada Fýna I, i'a 6rmmtd tr.'-a>l irge siIhoialt -1 aiif-a1r1bî.sda'ny <tor e, s- Pt ,MCAIa s a ffSOnsRetbw* ,a tee Iomasurav,éa r"foeOffre yard boissonusay 31-d 20 T3 anti Jarissy31«. 2013 svofflr mnyI n'cofiOtl arrririeilii <ia.2013 tI.i"irb.airn.gc x*iIIt1% 1- crn &4da 1312-20$2 flyfr d nti teastu rmAn2013 AI-tanaSwIrate- aconOffiy tesfflb, teon Moo'Co.moar' -i-isaActai Sinage ai et'y*44 îW2inq-Gd:xrc ns tUse 'o'r r ,cicdryi X 213 Aim2S.eirl7 41t,100 ici CTIOOLIVIOCKM COWME) CVT mcdw showi, TP SAFEIY PICK. .nnrrnnmasegovn, îrg'-owh4nAsîpriie. !,ri * te-st4 cSItHSsv-t. io na-!is' 9)1.0<1' ,ipItHHS rl s,aîcai.l....9ii *t'<.d- afcis manwwa os Po, sedrceptorrance 0ae 'oder ivae-ap ficoNue ia nam&#ffOt: 0 rs.trn Ts-de cinat '>Irip' roan(fseso'iCéa tîa oletngii '.' aca'a84'I ,qg k 14 * t' -arsFo, lsvast .h% i'Q MILTON NISSAN 585 Steeles Avenue East, Milton, ON Tel: (905) 878-4137