Bd e m. tý l'OMki Wlit Oéd Mai n krmaking its first appear- arice cf the seasor. lam weck. regident are being rm*ndcd to lu m heivehiusoff the roedways durWng snmsuoms te aUfow for the Town of Miltons snowpkto ta tetb streets. Snow-learing opeations begin on major ne- géonWa id artelal raids c 2 cmr of snow has amuwnu**ed and on sidewalb a ndf patti- ways associated witi ichools, transit routes mid major pedestuian taveledwallcways once 5 cm ofi snow bas faflen. Reskkànts con help the process of ckwaing L dute Apatentnei0fibours commded for thir q"ic action A ktchen fire in Mon sent a 91-year-old womafl ta hospêtal and has eniurgency wM- ers frMndkng people ta be careful wfth can- dies and fies durNg the holéday season. hast befoe 7 pin. Friday, enmrnc crews were caIIcd to an apartinent bulkiing on On- tarlo Street in Mitan wheoe they discomemd a woman with Uiud dege. bwns aftei bei CWobng caught fie. The 91-yeu-al woman mis discovered kn- jured in the haliway% bing tended ta by net*bbums The fire alarn had beean adN- ed uand the fie ws etnguished by the timne clews affiwd. The woman was rwhed ta hospiWa where she remains in critkcal condition with bath second and third digne bumns. Her fan'aUy Is w4th ber In hospital. The fui. dee not appeaf suspiclos and hmi- fighters suspect it began nearthe stovewfMme the wornans cbtblng caught Nue. Polce and fireflghters aie commending the wonYs neighbours fat thuir quick thnking in extir- guisbing the fie and comadng to the aid of the snow off thefroadi move a Onie more quckly by ma&ing sure cars are moved off thftetso Cars hipediog srow p4owlng can be dteted and towed at the owneies expese. Also. wbile sIaoveling snaw, resIdents are asked to pîle it on their lawn rather than dwnping it ona Uithestreets. Ottair tipi tan be fourad at enffW/snowrcmiwalsp If your steet bas not bien cleaed within 24 hcxrs after à storin as ended. picase cad the Snow Controi office at 905-878-7252 ext. 2500 -ea IoOn Bd With School Bus Safetv. ~~;- mb- dum 1 loi la ---~ m.Sp herdothc vctim. H&r name wîtl notb. released.. The collision rnstrùuction uni t which aiso handles ires) wil continue ta Investigate. EspeciaUy aound the hol.days, police would Halton SmaiI Busing Upcomlng Business Seminars *Startlmg à Simalusimmo Semr A general overview of the thimgs you wil need ta considlef. aangwith resources to help you succeed. Covers structure, registrations, reptlations, licences. taxes and flnancing options. Wed. Jan,. 9 Miltan Pulic Ubiary 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. $25lpenson *StaflI. a Sma a ughmmSe.iner A generai overvew oflb th ings you wil need ta conside along with meources to help you succe.dl. Covers structure, iegstutiosregulation licences, taxes aid frincing options. Wed. Feb.. 6 SuuinglonCentral Libray 6:30 - 8-.30 p.m. *Muketq - RemOad, MW Cost Effectie Idem.: ldentify why and how conducting maiket research can impact youî business success and leam some cost effective ideas ta market your business. Wed. Feb, 13 Georgetown Public Library 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. S25/person *Gettlq lilce ta remnind residents to be extra careful in2 the kitchen andin the use of candies and fires wbile wearing long or loas. fiting clothing. - By Molly SHaHmilton Specrawo ess Centre 1 pStared lufnton6 c m:one hour overviw of all the ruies ana regultnons you flc« tu kflow about if you are starting a business in Haittn. Staff will guide you through a checkllst for starting a riew business. These are casual, informative smail groups of five or lmis Every Tuesday 9-00 - 10:00 a. m. Hafton Regional Centre, Smail Business Centre No cost. but registration is required *Cou&"ia Y"outh S sims Feundati.. (CMI - GemmI lnf.rmatlm Seul.: A one hour overview of the CYBF flnancing program, including a review of thc application process and evaluation and eligbility criteria. Canadian Youlh Business Foundation provides flnancing based on character and a great business plan of up to $15,000 for young entrepreneurs between 18 and 39 years of age who are looking tu btafl their uwn full-Uime small business. 1 st and 3rd Iuesday each month in 2 013 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Halton Regional Centre. SmaIl Busness Centre No cost, but registration is required Regstration and pre-priyment for ail seminars il required as seating is limited. Conac us for me inomaion and registration details for these events. loin our ondin. conïunity. Gel connected at www.haltisusalbusnessca m a 0 Younug Drvs of Canada Driver Tralnlng MM prepares you for wInt.r weather just I11k. this. Prepare for the road ahead Next course stants January 12 YOUNG 4 Saturdays 9:3Ooen ta 3:45pm vsit woww.yd.coni or oeil 905.878.2420 iijDRIVER$~ Winter drivig lessons, Gl and G2 road test prep avallable IIIIb~ Town reminds hom rs to keep cars off ihe uods dudng mmÉomius