Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 2013, p. 42

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*Top 10 homre -9 (NOý-Whrn Snowbirds fmatIy emake their way down south for their annual vacation away <rom our Sbrutal Ca<ar witr- ,nrtht hie!7, (0-ifhing tîhe> ned ro wurry aht u, tc ihe fry of their home A7c ordîng to Paince r> Lica ice presîdent of marketing anîd hbusiness dcvcltbprrcnî 1'for Reltaîku Pn>î)îon ecunty 'wrviits, îhen- Iarc se4uvcral kry ~esSnowhîirds should tale kw ensure prace of minc when away trom home. The kfolow- ing Prixeurortn home safety lips for ý snowbnds can hdp vou plan imptur- safety tips for Snowbirds depari ure. 1 Susptild Nvour i îewspa- per anid mail ictiîverv«, (r have a righhoux coliect therri or vou 2 Makc -ýurc v our home look-, lved in iry not to dr-as the mn- dow treat ments in everv wrndow lcave i lookrng somevwhai natural. 3. 1 ave somteonc roiirmelv shov- el the wilak, cîr xuur car l'fi if il sstl, "(r park tîlwir car in yoUr dnvewaN ifyou rer akirig vours 4 PhI nt lorget garbage collection day Ask a neîghlx>ur to put a bag of guariarytur,,itrh on garbage day so riot tb up off hurglars 6 Lot'k mbo installing moi smrsor lights nutide tu help dcter a hurgiar CL on-,îder iînstiailirxg thcm in Irn: and backý î Lnsurc that ail yu docrs and window'. arr kloced and secure 11ont forget ahout the garage, make sure the Jour es secure- Fur addi- tiotals&u~xplace a har or stick of vtiod tri the iower trat k oi vourir sud- ing doors, orvindows. 8 furri oil the water-main anid unplug the major appiance-, as ani added prcautuon L) Initorma neighhor whert vou rc icavîrtg and returning. and ask themn to keep an eye oui for anything ss ptcious Leave them a phonw num- ber where yoii cari Lx reached, anid a spare set of your kevs ti case (if an emergency 10. Comnstdc r iuwsting in a home security systemt A home secuni'. sysrtem es a ver> diectve çctcrrtnt When lxiking for thrir targceis thicvrs usualh sdeu an unotcupied home wîth the castest acess WhOi rit m.akc i dilffcuit for îherm home proiected lw a moniored secunty syttiiis iess ,bsusceptimhk to a break ti thari one wuthuuîa s ienm Secunty sy-siern dccats anid sigfls aritlsu *n C ffcuve ckterrrt. Mate sam your securiry systeri indludes a loud amirdea wuuu. detvec- (tors ail A etir Joors. and miotioni serisors i the master bedroui n d main liing areaN De Luca u"y- thtlatest technek- gy in securinv systerins cmno0w Ah~tt 1wIiKoiitbUIiiiuf yXx borne from a disance by wielss rans mission (Sk><-AR) if yuu have a C.dl phoneas vurprmwy hne for cxample- The alarm qsystem shnked ta a remrole nxteznitalg cetre haî proiecis your home 24 hours a day aguastburgiars. lie.carboi mon- Oxide poisoning and floods hby !>upivLrng thet tmtperature eLen- cal system and ix)rit of entnts of vour home, -Mt cm <en configurethe sys- tem to akr you h) e-mail of the duration a[ comuWndp ai-i gpg in your home, tdeaning stAff. negh-r hours. am*l) %inth the TPIPCGARfl seniS,îce kLucua dded More mfor- mation on protecting yfflr home whilc you'm away is available oihne ai wwwprouiicnom. Quick tips to save on home heating (N)- laie an unsung hem., the kforgon hasernent turnace is expected tw keep aur home tai thr perirct rndoor îenrmprrday and rught This major piece of household equipmncnî es usually out of s*gh and out of mid-until the energ bil amnves and instad ,,f apprectatuin. tdusinsung Ihem ) etâ I.Id you kn4w i hai when polked. only 2 5 per cent of Catnadian hiomeotwners said that bok f urniae nmainenancr appointnbiru w.Las à litusehlid pnormty' This finding was reported tin a Direct EnrïDr, survey conducied recventlv l'y Angus Reid in addition, 57 per cent of re%Ixondents said ihcy <IcIt concerne& or arigry' about upcommng winter hcating bi Hoimeoiýàers cari regain tar more contrDl ol this ho-wever lake a iooik ai ilis quick and casy up-bMs for beur-hcatuig efhicîicy; cour- tes'. t l irc,:tLnerg 1. Clean or replace dit furnace filte-. Ihis tinc titaintenance meabure miales a big Jitr~~and 'houId lie donc ever thre 11e(nthet-.Ie-r sut.sgmi up for a turnace Pro- i et iion and tiiitti tance.xplan lIheiier(yunes bgive you 24-hour emergericy service by licen,-ed mechnicman-;, pis ant annulî irLopec ion "I he îechnîw lansdJ, safe:.testfor carbori Mon>.'dc and rîatral gsIcaks. and thev aiso test the uonibuqston xhau-si oe thc tunuor 2. Tepenfte coeroinstatircIa pro- grammable thennosiat set tw lo'wr the tem- penature tiroughout the n*gh.or dunng the day when vou are not aL haome 3. Circulae: Remiember iliat warm air rises st.) urricmn vour cesimg fan ta redisnbute it to tht reist (Àth9 ruera.In the wirtrr n4fl0fhs, the hiades should romae mria dck-- wise diStincm 4. DoeVt hme ummed spom. Check to iake sure thaï. nori-isu1aed places le te garage and crawl spaces'f are riot receîvtng (and irnmedweilv bang) valuable beat ln uriused rooms. close the registers to co- 5. Boosi the ÎnsuLuàm A guod ruk -ut thumb is toa am for approxnriately 30 cents ineters (12itriches) aofirisularatriinthe aauîc and malte mm ebasement beader-,have iul-a- tion boa. 6. Assms the funac. Iriestigate the advantaM sof replacing vmur comntinul hirnace with a high-efficiency une Repoirts shtiw thât 1hL, tan result ticcet savîip sas higli as 1 ') Mpen fft - makmng inwell worth the Moir iniontion is avaulable ttnlic ai

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