Environmient Watch The first'net-zero'9 schoo setsa fine example 0 a REAL (MS) -- Encras efficu constructityn is (,et- ebratîng tne more milestone It s nw posY-sible to buald a [aviit> -- even a home -- dt* s su enregyefficient in produces z-ern demand on thtL public edrancnty supp4li }'n'vinig dtin milt P"a kw mork b ,rsth operng tfthe RchanlsvilleElmnaychl iii I rxigaon. kenaucky thefIrst 'net-zero) %.àhool sm North Ainenca 'lhis achîcwnîcnî lr, ias uîahed kéaturs lîlc an mflutivt wal ".- cm - - and thetmre buildintg is expecird tru push the efhaecy benchmarlcs bcyond ail exprctatlofl "In addition te nwck-sohid wails, the roo)trep soAar paelds cover 40,000 square léet pmvwid- mg for afiloff tit schirlb ka--ncarty rnds$says- Todd Blyth ai Nudura. a ieading namin icom- trutiton efcrncrs. Blrth also e- Éndt y conuonù prqject îoday cm n ait rt-zm, but i acl*w à cme c&rntky the bWklg mgevep rnust provide m&Xnmum imilnc 'This sehoo sets usiard dthaïcmlxb çppbcdto bomehdng tlt coewe monect IC ai the aru dau ieu memaie carfully repgardte w-1k v*nws, Pmo& g, u managme vmWaoc mil ukor chmate conit >qai WU cmyoerr way te coin- pietely offseuting any coeMUMPUon - Hem am a kew of tr nn-rro mdesàg coin- patientsof Lhdz&fElennvw-y * A mol deqned wt soar pendlsand ecty gru& * Geoenul hcaflng and coohng for envi- nSunenal espmbilà ehny. * %ll of cocre. -Tht Nudrn system ais compnised of smay-an-plac, pre-asscmbkd SkxJAs, steel rmfrctd..and then flhed wtt concrete. h replaces mitimtitubuildig meth- ixs. The durabdny and arrajreflictncv of -I f concret has shown 10 duce energy coessUp toi7 percent. Beter stili, the ena ire structure (wwwnudura.coin) is reoted to bic Up t1 ntie imes suonger, wth far more fire prawec- tm and wuth fer more sound insulanon. -*tmu Wnnasi cudes a C02 mSrnonng systcnî lukccp good air quulftyinidoors nd ailow no more outdoor airthan rrcessazy - Posanong LS nonh-south, allwmng for effectiveday fbghnng <wiîhout gLare) sw dt ag aruial glrng cati bc off dunng 70 per=n off scKhobit * Computers are wirelcss. ive caris. each lcaded wtt 30 laptops save energy;wuig and constuctio oW a computer lab. iaptops use a fractimo f thteergy uscd te rn a typical deskuop computer - Kntchen staff as raaned ti ieerr-clhcit food prfparatien- Typaally knchcns account for 25 pecent of a 'txtý ence dran- Af ter t/hoWidiay fiurry hunry t reorWer omeinwuranoe (NOI-A sparkling ncw nng. dx taa snartphone. a rrw BI-ce TV - airer thr gkgivng "emenrofthe holidays sa n. ycnz may find yew home Bled wihrr pocfrs than bcir. As you dean up thr wrap- j'mg pçea mipack up the decoranots, éxVt forge w oenew yuur hanse or tenant ana potky to a= urecr nwglits art coveid. Dave MËÈ, tir vice presdem of TD Insuranc, cêrs top nips for emn you rrw vahiables are prruected: New PSh<? 11ha et b b&The hofiich> air a papulur urne o pop the quesuo, but muty buistti couples may bc uamuwr tht the sjnrkly ncw ring tmay noeticbc cwed wvkr their extmg botor enermante xpohcy Speak tc, your tmincepnwider taf&d oi how mueS your household jcweileq coage ccwen. You uuy wun ra, contder exended conrr id som eirti dimonds or «men i expenavewatt> bas raken yoea oven ti lînut. Vpodaee your tnvenmcry of belongngs Makmg a bst and takzng photos of your valu- ables cari hep make nr casser if yenî have te malte a citai. Dont forge to anc lude striai numbers nid the date tact> item nas pur- chased. Cuikkr a secwtfty upgrSe- Dîd yoea know thâtinsralltng extra securlry mewoes like securhty alanns may decrease yowu vwr cice pmium? Desdbolt locksanid uuïomafic tmers on yuur bogts can also conmhbwe grady to prosccun your home. TaIk ta >yar uanwic pnmitder [or sugr-jnetnon nhow tn sa w ney whdle keeçnng your '<'miables even more peowcted, Understand the tenisof your coveaw«. The ternis yen agreed lu a k-w yeans mgo mnay kc <filtren t an tirenisurance needs you icquire rodas wasicyour msurmano pwe if you sil have adequate coverage- www RCwSL anada. (<Ml