Qmno We~kIyTImes~ Wednesday~, October 5. lOgS. Il Bareback bronco riding is one events in rodeo . It doesn't of the most pbysically demanding exactlY 1ook comfortble either. Reuben Geleynse, Winchester, bis prowess-bere ini the Junior Ontario, holds the higb score for Steer Ridung. the 1993 rodeo season. He shows There just bas to be song and dance for the cowboys and cowgirls and that was the case at Places to Go (Continued fromn page 10) apple farmers. Plus there are four huge marquee tents filled with a variety of unique articles and gifts, made by local people in their own home. Local churches and scbools have freshly home-baked apple goods for' sale, and the Tyrone Mill will be giving away free samples of freshly pressed apple cider. Apple cider and apple cider donuts are also for sale. The festival will be held on Saturday, October l6th from 9 a.m.'until 5 p.m. in the centre of downtown Bowmanvîlle King and Temperance Streets. Corne out and enjoy the Apple Festival, take sorne urne to strol around the downtown core, wbich contains many fine examples of Victorianï architecture and participate in a free draw for a cornucopia of prizes supplicd by the local merchants. l4th Annual Doil Show & Sale The Eastern 'Ontario Dol Club's 14th Annual Doll Show & Sale will be held on Sunday, October 17th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lions Community Centre, 157 Elgin St. E., Cobourg, ýOntario. Admission te Courtice Rodeo and with a real-live band. Adults $2.00, Children $1 .00. Heat injury support group meetings, The Head Injury Association of Durham Region will be holding Support Group Meetings on Wednesday, October 20, 1993, 7:30 p.m. at 459 Bond Street East, Oshawa. Bring your famrily and friends. Everyone welcome! Survivors Group Will meet on the Main Floor and Family and Caregivers Group will meet upstairs. If you need assistance with transportation, caîl the office at 723-2732. Big Sisters monthly Orientation Session Big Sisters N.O.W. will be holding itÊs monthly Orientat ion Session on'Wednesday, October 2th from 7 - 9 p.m. at their office 179 King St. E., Oshawa. Big Sisters N.O.W. still have 50 children on their waiting list - pîcase cail to find out how you can help, 436-0951! Clarke Museumn hosts 2nd Annual Harvest Halloween Celebration Clarke Museum, Kirby, will be holding its Second Annual Over the past Century, Canadian women have fought a long and tough struggle to be recognized for their abilities, talents and strength. Consistently, there have been women that have shone brighter than the rest, even the men. These women have helped ini the strtggle of the average Canadian woman and have eanned tbemselves a place ini history. October is Women in History Montb. Stand up and celebrate the women wbo have seated themselves amnong the meni witbin the pages of history, and those wbo arestili striving for their ultimate goals. Ail of these women are strong in mind, character, and spirit. They paid no heed to those Who told them it wasn't their place, and were stubborn enough to prove that it was. In short, there were- barriers and hurdies, but they cleared them. Women bave, since the time of Confederation, been major contributors to govennment and politics, business, medicine, the arts, media, etc., etc. There are few fields left where a woman hasn't made inroads. Perhaps one of the greatest polîtical figures, who -just happened to be a woman was Jeanne Sauve. She reached the pinnacle, earning the highest spot in Canadian governmnent. She served as the first woman Govemor- General of Canada. Many women have entered the political arena. Flora MacDonald began .her involvemnent in government and politics in the late 195's. This was a major coupe for women at the time. There have been many women since. This has neyer been s0 apparent as during the current Federal election. Kim Campbell, head of the PCs, was the first woman to lead our country. Audrey McLaughlin, bead of the NDP, was the first woman, in North Amnerica to bead a major political party. Sheila Copps holds the position'of Deputy Liberal Leader. There are a number of women who are running as candidates for the various parties all across the country. Women have reached success in ahl areas. The heavy doors of major corporations have not been able to slow the progress of women. Two examples are Stella Thompson and Helen Sinclair. Thompson is Canada's most senior woman in the oil industry. Harvest Halloween Celebration on Sunday, October 3lst from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. There will be games and contests for everyone, young and old! Enter the great harvest halloween pumpkin pie contest. For more information contact the Museum at 983-9243. The Clarke Museum is located at 7086 Old Kirby School Road, Hwy. 35/115 at Regional Road 9. Sinclair is the president of the Canadian Bankers Association. Media, the arts, and iterature, are also home to women. 1Barbara Frum had a long and celebrated history with the CBC. Pamela Wallin and Isabell Bassett, are examples of other shining stars. Margaret Laurence and Margaret Atwood are two perfect examples of the creative talents and scope of imagin~ation that flows througb Canadian litera ture. There are countless other women who are on the stage, la front of an-easel, or letting their voices soar through concert halls. You can't alter the course of bistory, so wby not make a place for women ini it. Childbirth education classes The Childbirth Education Association of' Durham is holding a week-end and private childbîrth preparation classes la Wbitby and Oshawa. The benefits of an intensive six-week class series can now be achieved over two consecutive Saturdays, a Saturday, Sunday combination or scheduled privately to suit your needs. For further information cal 420-3890. OPERATING LAYOUTS STATIC DISPLAYS VENDORS ADULT $3.00 SENIOR $2.00 CMLD $2.0 FAMILY $6.0 Everything at the Rodeo mOUHHL 80HHU O.HzEO SPONSORED BY SOPER VALLEY MODEL RAILROAD CLUB .VISUAL ARTS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Tales Told Twice lune 1967 It was announced officially last week that the Newcastle Golf Course is expec-ted to open by the weekend of June lOth this year. The beautiful 18 hole par 70 course is a family venture owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sirnpson and son Tom. The Newtonville United Cburcb, will hold their centennial celebration of the founding of their churcb this Sunday afternoon, June 4th at 2:30 paîn. Following the service the Orono Junior Band will play a programn of music outside the church. The Clarke Public Library Board received the resignation of Mrs. Gord Simpson. Mrs. Simpson bas been accepted ini a nursing course ini Lindsay which begins this faîl. The vacancy of the assistant librarian, bas been filled by Mrs. Wilda Middleton with bier duties to commence on June 20tb. The Orono Post Office moved to their new quarters on Saturday at the corner of Centre and Church Streets, east of Main Street. A good representation -of the businessmen of Orono were present at a meeting on Monday evening to discuss the future of the Shoppers' Maîl to be held on the Main Street of Orono on Saturday, July 8th. Each merchant is being asked to provide specials for the (Continued page 12) SKELDING FUEL LIMITED NEWTON VILLE Wilibe!2LOSED THANKSGIVING MONDAY - October 11,9 1993 »Thankyou Chris, Rosemary and Peggy- 7th ANNUAL Model Railroad Show, SA1 IJUI 16, 1993¶ i:OOam TO 4:30 pr SUN OCT 17, 1993 10:00 amn TO 4:00 p. BOWMAINVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 49 LIBERTY ST. NORTH BOWMANVITLLE, ONTARIO