bran you luau lhl nod mmwda wish hymn la ouch wllh you durlnl than prrlmll whrn your Mom nervch IA dlumllnual Hu nu mm with your Adm llllnl Im Yuylnl om duh Dunl 101 um butan pu run by hmm ywr Idvmmlu la dllmnikmd All person having claim lamina he mTATE RE MECCA DOROTHY McAULEY In he my Harrie In Um County Slmcoo 5pm um who died on the mh any May 1063 mini forward lame to tho undmlmcd on or bolero the nth day of Jamr1 1061 after which dam me Ieu will be distributed nmonm Ihu parllu mum Ibexdo Ind be Admhdalrnlrll able any pmon who tlnlm Ihe dmll thtn havn nouce YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK DATED Battle 0mm Ml mh day of Dmmlmr LD ION BOYS SEAGMM AN HOWE chnAsng NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND FURIHER IAKE N0 IICE um any person who Ilalm that his land will be pm didnlly ï¬lmed by be 314 ylaw and who applies be heard shall be heard by thn Council of UM Corporation the Elly Barrio clum In penwn or by counsel sollcmw or nns Notice mt puulsm on the nu day of Dccunbcr AD all at the Corporauon the City of Banta will utter th publtcatton thin notion at least once week for our 14 suc ccssive weeks In The Bard Ex amlncr consider and deemed expedient pass bylaw to close and stop up that part at Johnson Skeet lying muth of line drawn hnrmdtately south at Hm entrance 1mm Johnson Skeet la the Bard Yacht Club to the gaters edge of Kompenteldt Address EMPLOYMENT WANTED nunmo nu Inn oThzenox plinth mode mu Tl Men mm IN THE mmk ol the closlng of Part of Mason Street as dawnan Plan Number 1n the City or Barrie In the County Simeon nova AND anus your opportunity In hm your an flundlnl Monty WI BIVI VIM mum Upun mxmxmu conm mm mm Dmr Luu wm phonl Toronto sllr DonId 5L Tnltphon 1mm Prepare for college or bella jub All books and tuition for as law as $150 week lamest gigh M031 jn Canad Write iér Name Phone No IIACIIINIBI Whnlld flrll all um Ihll in wurk lo hhlrprllm Pomnut Implu In DEM rloyel man an mum 4pm no sum Blflll MONK WIND Ind Rtyllmnn llnlle Ind vhu Hulk amau summary mvldl mum Only um lnup mm In ml mum um upfb lwhou 1mm and my Mummc Wuhd turd bulmhlp 1n Anum Inland embl Mth In unit may nulnmuu mu Aha bod nul Ind hm drawn dial mm mm Halon Inumu Emmi OPP FOR MEN WOMEN ll lEGAL NOTICES IO HELP WANTED Fulï¬l nationme lle muon Ind mm emu muan Bu gam 1mm BEN SmAUGHAN Clerk the City of male By wllcllan Boys Scnzrum ROWE Owen Strut Bnnlo Ontario Ifmgzflwqcn that the Com FINISH inï¬nséï¬oor AT HOME IN SPARE TIME AMERICAN SCHOOL Queen and Dalhwsla Sls Box 1061 Brandoni Ont Dept has Book MALE FEMALE nnrm bnlarlo NOTICE MALE HELF eiï¬ï¬‚ Manila Epoch Mmdny In mm HIIAMIOO AND HETCIW Bvulal um lmm row Ionnlnwnl lust or In IM Ind Bllnm Apply LLOYD CONRAD 0H0 STATION 0110 Ill but lulu Milli Im 50 Dunlw 5L um mm THE CHRISTMAS STORE WITH GIFTS GAUORE LIEEEEIO Spam Weir GETS MORE All 3mm Lebanon AP United States min aid Iraq win be increased by 100000 tam annuallv Baghdad Radio has mnuunced Undar an all ammwl Iraq to 50000 tons of whaal annually mm the Us REALLY DEAD BRISBANE Australia AP Aflhnr Davll ha Had It 111 Age However Boar War memorial here says ha was Ixde InVSonlh Africa in HANS WORDS DARWIN maulem The AuntHan novemmenll nallve wellare branch hnl banned the use he wards boy lulun plc or pleanlnm to desctibe the countrys aboriginal The words used In descrlbe on Adult male and baby re spectively had been used In unit correspondanee They reneclmi Mr altitude an ofllclal nld N0 REPMCHIENTS HARTNEY Man CPIA Rundman United Gum Grow an pmldcnt my mall grain Ievnlon country point will Iuncflon unHl they Ire Ilnllhcd the ï¬ghting av relumed to Australia allu um war llld convinced aulharluel 01 thus mltake but his name naver was removed mm he monumem erected 60 year no ROME AHA molullon of he umm Nltlons Food Ind Agriculture Organization calls or mlcm quaranllna Ind sam laden regulations to Islezulrd publlc health The reloluuun ll mu zmwlng Inflmnflnnll trade In livestock mu be lorbtdden the aovem men any It wll Inna penan for hnme consum Ion ol Alco hol and he pu llc an of alcohol wlll be licensed LONDON AHFor 35 calls chilled Londoners can wmn up Irwzll II Maw neat Immense temperalum Enl lagdz mates Doy exhlbmon worth M00900 on view It Burlington Home It speck temperatures to pmlacl the pnlnflnzs FAST TRAIN BAMBERG Wu Gemnny ADWest Gummy II lo launch twycu lruln pulled by rndloequlpped locomotive that has been clocked at mlles an hour The mln will ha ready lur pnbllc use In 1965 PICTURE BRIGHIENS BOMRAY Indll AP Thlngrare lmklng up or lm be In lllc worlds largest cl lllxangl ban wlll SUGGEST NEW GAME ZAGREB Yumlhvln AP Theclly comp ol 111 Croaflnn capital In pmpoul that aqumor meet here be ta named After the late President Kennedy in appreciation ol hll andnwu for world peace 10 BECANONIZEDH VATICAN CtTYAPTh mlulanary urderul Whinin that has unonncedcannnlu llon at 22 rlunndn Inrtyu killed In lhelul century axpented Ialo nut yam The 22 were hemmed in mm nd two miracle trqced tthem incl than mine xulnthood lmmlncnl the announcementnld FOR QUALITY HAIR STYLING REGINA clmx snow 34ml aner Curllng binds Skl Appmi Seml Formal Drmel Acccmrlu boungo Wear LENAS LINGERIE AND SPORTS WEAR Scotch Spï¬fc FOR v0bï¬ cnmsrms mm WORLDTLENEWS IN TBBIEP We lnvlte you to shop at the following store for Christmas Suggestions Here Is Your Chriétmas IFT SPOTTER ll Mulculn Dunlo nmov BUB BOGOTA Colombll APD 111111111 blew up bul on mountain highway Sundly HI In ll persons and Injurlnz 21 HOLLY HARVEST VICTORIA cm11111 yurl holly mp 1111 Vancouver Inland II the but In llva yearL c1111 mu Ihoppen will Ind prim about the um In yur 111591151 91111211 115511111611 mus Renterl Hum expert from live mnlxlu meet hm non week to dlmm French plan 41 111mm un cer rucarch on an lnlemnflonal bul lmm money upon on do SEEK munm VANCOUVER Pall Ire learchlnl or mm tolled burglar who rIlded candy notary In tha dba out end Investan olflcen aid the pmwler be ever to be youngster ell lnln VI of cho colate whlle prowling the plInL inlay found hall at chocolm footprints leading to door HONOR VC WINNER QUEBEC CF Brindle Purl Trlquet wu meet of honor reglmenul dinner Satur day given by olllceu of ma Royal and Hellman com memama the nth Innlvernry at winning LhI VlctoriI Oran Now ln lumber bull neu Erlz qu won lhI mednl been 14 190 or de lermlned leaderhip Ind mm 1713 durlnfl the mile Call Benrdl In My HI we up uln In than of rim norm pIny mom PIG NANCY Fm AWflu soccer tum the nanby mm Mummy has new mascot win p11 The ban Im up ured from herd mm run out amt breath up um mum Membny OPPOIII FLYING JOBANNEBBURG AHThu Dutch Relormed Church of South Alr1u hu pmwud Sunday bun on luv Danlel dc Beer 1mm In grindplepf Sqndny ï¬nd mud Ely equuy toil modem pu lnnlpamuan BRNG 01 BOOK BELGRADE AP Th Yum mum Fromm bu amounch will publInh the late Pmldem Ken nedyl book Proï¬le In mum The book will Ippeu nomad tho turn of Rh year mu com mm mnomu or mo 3m to I91 flood vie mm by tho ledl Red Cross Society was mummch here Sunday by Arthur ernch Bed emu Nnuonll Comnfluloner Mr Wflndutld In 1mm mm the um 01 Rad CrouSodules norm 9000 homeless Rundmln mum now 110 ooosbulhel alevmr uld hf camplny wont bnfld mm mmuml elmlm mu they no longer 1M their cm lour mi mini Ht sampleled Hill mum Eut guier ham b9 mud39 mm Vllfl BONN AHProud Hum 5942 WE MW Wm if 553 II By leUmAN rmmzn HOLLANDM NEWMAN OF ENGLAND Alla omylou stock Shenth mu NORMAN HOES Vary Unusual Glm or MM Tannin 61 Wood Ind Wule mm FOR ALL GIVE gym THE GIFT SHE WILL APPRECIATE Sllml 5mm Cur Coll Skljgchu Evury Occulon MM Tannin npu THE GIFTSHOP STRANSMANS Birdie kind or IMImIE PA MI PA Ml mauma Alon Iuh In purchm lar Queen youll mom qu mm rlbbll m0 Drop In And In our NEW 0W ll my mm noo Hymn QUEIZN $WEWIKW UNUSUAL 01m Iron youn MAN mu lick samu It 512 path3 SURPLUS mm as mmmv ma FOR THAT SPECIAL GAL IN YOUR LIFE GIVE FILTER QUEEN nu mun um Memo ma Tho helicopiero eopilot umm uhoro and wax rescued by ovemmenl iroopl Sunday morning alter Ipendinx th niihi hiding in bushes SEEK UNITY WASHINGTON AP Pres ideni Johnson nid Sunday he in doilrrnined la nchiove an American community of no llonl moving forward together in prom Ind irudom John mn uid uni nut to buying tho pear llld maintaining the nlrrnglh nnd vilnlliy which makes iroedom tenure no work in mom Important or our generation oi Americana than our work in ihil heminphm WANIB TERRITORY BACK NEW DELHI AP Prime Mlnhler Nehru wnrned hll na Uan Smdny lo prepn eover Icrrflory illegally occu leln Greek rhl the Prme end the nrrlrleh ol who had been guldlnz were mated Sunday and charged wllh clue lax denh Ind lulury lhrml carelueneu when the hp rimmed Baeporur mlmn home One pereon wer kllled end another lnjured Frldny er the mum relxhler lrled lo evold 1mm ehlp In the rteAlum crushed lnln home OFFICER KILLED SAIGON Vlel Nlm AP Cnmmunlrt zuerrlllu kllled as olllcer ln jungle heme Sunday And three other Ameri cene were mlnlng alter lhelr helicopter mnhed Into the Bulurdny nllhl whlle ru gue Imleelun lna munlef face pakelmnn for mu French hullh minimy manor lna tbs meeUnz nut meaday and Wednesday ma would be attended by hellth mlnlalry repmentnuvu from Franco Britain lhr Inked sum Italy and Wu Gummy ARREST CAPTAIN Women Apprcclllo Mon LINGERIE SPORTSWEAR 08le ACCESSORIFJ HOUSECOATI BWUSH Uu our III1 Glam Ind luck straw the Ice Mndhon linden Smdu night ct men Waller Manna mInd Gem5a Hayes try to break up two mum nklrmhhu Mum New York BaumA as Dunlap sh JULIETTES GIFTS GLOVES OFPIN HOT ICE BATTLE Wu PA um EXERCISE FOE HKIING WRONTO CWAlma All Iki Iccldenu clued by Lklerl poor phynlcal tundmnn and ovenUmlon hlx anI fly uyl lhl 1mm 14m 01 Canada Skllexpem mu mlnum dnlly deep Imn bendl wulxt bend and pulhupl or wukl below In mm mm EXPELIB RECORD REGINA CPlThi Salkalcll ewnn Retell Mercham Ilmcl Allan predlcu llu province wlll pan the 11000000MW mall nlel mark or the um um um year Sale for Ike llul lo mull of 1963 were 0012mm In Increase MI per cent aver the um um palloll NAME CHOSEN WINNLPEG CF Canada Cenlre hu been Ielecled he nnma ol 0000300 dawnlown development mject here um upon complelon In ex ecled lo contIn Halal3y ollce bulld lnz Melmom holel lhree apnnmcnl hulldlnge mqu nlrklnl end eerlel al Mall llorel MW COOP Sl GEMINI Qua CF Futhm flow 1n Ill dlmllanl 000000 loan fund or Cauldllll unlvmlly unclean hu been pm posed by Dr Nell 01 the Unlvenlty al mum Co um bill It would bu net up by ml And mvlnclll gavemmentl Ind er of $1000 Annually for our yelnl fled by lho Chnuo Addrau ng man maellnx In Am Nehru aald Prhlnl would not by hemll voluntarily vacate our loll Ind Ihe mun be made to do In only by urenzlh unllon defend hemll and not by lull lllk HINGE LOANS SPECIAL EUIDANCE REGINA CF Aimon 500 children appamd in city palm bicycle court here ihil an Thu cam directed by ciy inflie nonIbiza with mimm irom iiu Cenirll Lion Club lie signed in edueau children in mm my Ind Moduli Candle In um peflnd of National Hw key lam lama lull rlnz 1n the tvmlnnd 0mm Banzeu Vic Hatï¬eld and Canndiena Gllln mm blny In rim luaun Rm ounsrumuou augumn PURCHASE DIVIDEND SAVINGS PIAN SAVE 10 On Every Purchase with In on If Jilinh Nlowapmhiln Dman MVINGI AN today to um mm at mu an um which town In uu MunAn 45 mt mmrmbvr Dds pln In an all your mm ll cur um rlnu mm 1m 1531 ue BUDOII ACCOUNT INVITID N0 INTIII CHAN Bcwcs ll pvt Inch enmplu blo nmla modlclno And publlc nllh culnnrinl Ind medl clna Ind lln milleconomic ume km Thu lWlfdl would be Ivan lultlllly or Iwo nm but could bl mended It lald than Are ï¬eld when Impomm work need In In don 1nd or which Mequaln up llbxllnnu 1m not ya been IV mom 1m which will wmunlly MI $55000 II to be put to work In Ilimumlng Mivmced Iludlu In laid tnglneerm medium Ind Menu when rr lurch hu received Illlln Duly In the pun The Cmdl Counull In nounced It In 01mm flvo In eight fellowhim mum b0 lwun um Ind £10300 yen to be llnnnccd by medal mad ulnblllhed by the zHL Int paymenlval 01080000 bu been receivad mm lha Inonymoul donor And About 5000 In revenue ll Ivnllabla mm It or he LIlrflfl year dflrhelrch 1n ltldl which meddle the Im at engin eering medicine llld Kleme The council uId It expect to award mm he III el owhlpl harp the tan or gay what paull truck carrying MW llvo chic ml upped om on the Iboulder hlghw near hm 11m driver mint him but up to 1600 his par union lot Iwny TEXTILE WORKER DRUMMONDVILLE Qua CHIL Melannumor M1111 Limited pruldent uyl flu ule Indullry now omle 79000 Canadian andpotendllly could yrovlda between 100le and 000 In Tho number at amp ym 1m lncmud by 000 In In Ian hm yam Anonymous Gift Aids Engineers uu Jim NeIlun who new ly lulu hil mm Co Man lmll Tmy Hm The Hauler won the um not thn battle MP Wflepho to OTTAWA CF An many my lmmauanal Hamm Ca Canada Ltd SIGl Ianum Sm TomMo Marla 2356 St Clair Ava erlamh OMIï¬a lung gunmen M9NDAVchlMBBï¬ 10 insu Wlth the INTERNATIONAL JWIIIIL DRIVE 0R PLOW THROUGH SNOW WJIMIE The wheel drive Scout mnim Ibort work of plowing the dmml driiu it mm with one through wet huvy Inawnnd will Iaon on glam in Conlrnclon innnm rural mail ar xiarl Ind couniim allur nn going mywima in my wuth with tho Bcoul Ski unihuliull inving crowdod Ilopu bchindxiiunlon Ir driving piam tinyva mm bun Iblc to go balm Drivo own And youll um Iii totally nu dimomion lnlnvull PLOW SNOW RNATIONAL SCOUT