on ucwnzn no ma Iy Inn71m Hlthy lulu Club Klddn Bu Hunl nun wmnu mm nmnr mu aha Cul nnlun NI 7M1 luv 73 88 8328s 1000 lulu law cnunu luncuau Hm CBC mm 111 Wulh mu lquld IUIIDH chlMlll 11 Is mm l3 Numry School HM Rum Room mo Pow rmy 1110 Nonndly Rlpofl mm Th Will 0an Mid Pl uranium 235ea8° 1000 law 111 10 MAI DIEIMDZI ll Put um cmyennu Lhor loom New My hvurfll Hmlln Den Mum fllrry Moan Rld Shiloh glam mm lquld luncuau Nun lpom Nan In thu ï¬rst part 011m mu keepl looking ahgad Hell be pramaltd let rnlsu dmnl worry too much nbaut tomor row buy house on mull down paymem Ind lha urnhhlnu an Urn In llma when man my da la ol worryingconcern our human health Iamfly Job cumy There may he bllll or III kindsor the children In col lege new houu he country club etc Same paychiaulllo have noled and on number other phyll clans ova omrvtd that In middle an Ihe Average nun ll niblecled to lo 01 prcuurel How ream lo them dcpendl on lull philosophical outlook ll well loi oi aiher hrer Trueln some men there is decline in llnnduier activity limlier to that in women But It doe nat hippen en mulnriy on predieilbly In woman and mininly not an oiien ll eome com functioning in women bringing phylicel rendlulimant Ind eonm demo oi emotionni im pact remit However mythological Ind hencn emotional change can occur llrzeiy independent oi pimlcnl condition Du DI Molnerx than an emotional or pmannllly chann not phyllcnl one In min middle nunLu you mun male chm Hit ur cllmnclerlm cam pmblo lo the menapnuu In wamen my anlwer In Jim can occur ly Joann Human Mn T0 aoon HEALTH 1n nmnu 000 mm by MI Cllyimactegic Unï¬ual In Middle AgeMala All an Ill Ila DomM To 1m THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS IIRVICI 1mm DIN Mllllrol r1 PW rll nm mu Gunman Nm walkr mum mum human hm Duh DRIVIYOUIIILI CAI AND fIUCK TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL IN PA 82433 11 um um Illnrl GM no nnmlh um IIW LIV LII HI all Md Swan In llnlcn an WIDNIIDAY Illtllfllll II 73w Ind Harlin llnnumlm llullh ht Illul Allin II UM Momlnl Mllulm Naomi IM mu mom Minibar IM Vlll Nu Lo Any llllanll Iooflnl AI Vn ax 2EEE=2=2 1min mum um mu umuM 1m mu If 7mm 1mm ma Wm unnuu mum 1m mm qu no um um ILII xul IMO 1mm mm ml na Manna l1 Hanna In um cl MI In ï¬lth lull II III Mlllllnt Noon KIWI 1m II All Mflllnmln lllfll ballnl V5 Plavll III Confllcl lllduwl runTim Mum sun cm 1113 unxmn HID Mm tmyulnh 82383982 In run MM Plll CM In 1000 Nnmmuxm H110 Qfltll 00 CBC TV NI Ill Wulhlr 590111 lel 10 Mill 1mm WZDNI AV DICIIIBII ll Ill dull who can Hum ms Nunm mm lam IL we Danni WIN Popn Puly IL In d1 Mllllm $1100 n32 Wuod Pmtnclll on on up Den Dr Molnar My hulbnnd mm to doctor but dont want lo We dtclded to leg your agkdan Every other mummy mm nlrunl ptrlod II exlmmely pum Iul Whn coulduun lhll Ind wh Ihauldldo7Mn LK Schizophrenia the common on all mental lllnclm and aim about as hard as any at them to km uhlm hrenlc med Ill lhu paychlnlrlc clp In can get Alcoholal came hnrmml Dm Dr Mulmn Can an mr nchllouhmla wlthoul hzlpl What elm don licahol hm an llFE1 An averlnad ol worry can km in recall In tho arm pgmnnllty thing So dont loo Ifleld lacking Ior camel whlch cm In mm under our new It depend on how many ema llonnl lmpncu Ilrlkc man Ind how mung he In muting them and howmuch mm ho nu There cu be damellla lrusmllom And Alcoholdont omthll nn mdull hnblt law oxer martinis can cm loll in yhyllul and nervonl engrly Ha wonder Whfl would In Ben ha become urloully ll Then alien II naulnn worry om wnnlna uxunl power And the worry mellmflen ll Ihl pflnclpgluuu But Iomcwhm Alon In mid dle or um he realizes that he may be cumin lo hla Mk eumlnu that hll expenm aw men that the ml ol the man nae 1m lo paid on And ha begin to wonder whaHnwm In will hm when II Hmejo retlro Ill unully In other vmy nm in MIMI litl PM In hall Ind luv 1le0 mm Hum Cunlrl EMMA my All my BBC TV vl Wuth PM Navy In land man DL Klldln crv mum mm mm Bull and Emily Pllnl IIIHDII mod wESapukr mun Aunn Quit wumvapm at am TORONTO lellnu CBC TV NI wmnu Inna Nun Mill 1mm BARRIE ani mm um cm When he Amman pllr held tho Nanhï¬oulh unit the bid din want Ihown KIWI penled Mrump ulll mm In apyllutlan Nu mum rump mnmllon which Ihn lrcnch Hanth pair wen plnylnl 11w notrump bldl mid not IIle lheir nnlun mnnln and wm mum in Inform Wm Iha zul Ind 1m lmlh In both mlnar lfllll 11m deal mu played In Purl In the mulch between anu and Iha Unlled Slam In 1056 bolh ublcl HonkSoul Ir rlvcd al comma hum doubled Ind It both tabla flu Illm wag Muted am my Omlnz lud wud DAILY CROSSWOBD Ml DOWN lPW wee Julianna mien my flail in mi muv would 01 MW Your trouble probably Involve an ovary hut not lhe other and may be nothing urlmu Ono onlblllly might be condition nown mlltzmhmm or middlepnin but why nun Comm urologist Quinn Not my aroundn wile tryan to let her 11mm toAgu lo Ihgdoc10rf There wan lma Attendance at In annual Em Teacher and Count ho lurkoy luppn In the community hall allow ed by lethal owning and Ike ngndlnn tyranny Taranlo Mr and Mn Frank Elphick attended lha funeral mvlce lar the lain Fred leader In Grav enlu Tuuday iséï¬mccn weré In haplll group st Gcaml An The sympathy ol the com munlly ll exlended to Mrs El Ehlck Ind Mr and Mn Frank lphlck bercnvzd by Ills death belovod hralher and uncle Prcd Render whn dlcd flhll home In Gravenhunl Sunday vmvv Mn Hurwa Benton in pm llant In lhavAllmon Homkll having had lurwy Arthur Ireland Ind Hml Little of Melancthon won mart rled onvFriday evening tbs hem of the grooml parenll Mr Ind Mucurl Ireland Mn Alvin Order In bun In Tomnto or In aperntlono heIp her hamlug Mu Forrhlmzboa lo mud winter manlhlwnh her dau Mm Gordan For bu In arrle Con mulallanm to Mini nd Mn Iain Spur on tho hh son Nov mum Honpilal mower will ha hold on Fri dny mnlnl at In lnll or Bu barn Anderson and Bob Hothnm who wm married recemly an BIlurdny Afternoon he club lfll Ind ludeu will mm at them of Mr and Mn Elllm Andemn or wow Ind 004 wlnhu £0th dealer NorthSoth vulnerable Namu mu 54 11 bidding cum Wm Ill mu ALLEN mm MANSFIELD SIMCOEJICOUNTY NEWS UTOPIA CONTRACT BREW KQJI OAAQ oqxonu noun noun seven of Palm mu By JAV BECKER NT INT NT Dbln Actually lhc mm conlrm ruched by both NanhSoulh Ilrl wu very mud Ind would an been lullllled mm or III unlucky Ipldt rufl Even flu bell comm MultanH launder on In roch of dim bullon the French Nanh Baulh bld 11x hum II able ma but with no morn wch hm It the prov vloul able ll Ian club and adl run Ind AIM went down Dblo INT Put INT 69 Pm Pu pm The In Ipndo bid Ind flu laur club bld wm both nrll flclal and mm put flu can vycmgq blqlnt yllemfl em Wen ncwrdlnzly In ma Em mum the spade returned club Ind South down When he Franck mm held the NarthSoulh am It the mend ublt lhl blddlnl wcnl lrumn um hlle Ind dau bled hand when South bid the alum 1110 double of Ibo lam had convention meaning It queued Wm la make Ill unuwal lead 811m dlnmand or club would hnva been lhn normI lend for Wu to make an an bidding flu double called for mda Ind om IIGN LONG CONTRACT VANCOUVER CF 1m ytll agreement he been reached menmlm of mo Brit 1h Xumble plumb and empluyeu be Ileved to In the but mine ever nefoflmd wllhin Ihu In duxlry 11 North America Th ureemenl wu ruched between the Mechanical MumIn Mr Um Alwchtlan Ind local 170 the Unlted Joumeymen and Aygremim yum Plurnbnl nnflm Filth tow Mr and Mrarlleld Burton Grahamvand Filly rent an wnkend In Tannin will III Lillian Gnhnm MIu Lllllm Gnhlm Ind Mlu Helen 8cm both Town artpond wetk with Mr and Mn Grnham mu The leucher Mu mule Ind pup are buy przplflnl for tho AnnuII Chrlnlmu Carr cert Dec 20 ma wn In Ina uhaol ham Hill Sunday WI whlla 1111 Sunday at Community lun dlySchool mm to help than 011mm Mr magma Orv1 Hutchiw um vmled hll Aron Mr Ind Mu Ed Hutch am And hm 11yV Moomtono Tammi mm Al Mm bin 11 Ronald Clmvull In ufnndmalhm Iuendmun ur not Erma tor LW mean Wm MMr Ind Mu noy uuer sudhury nllrmn mum euchn phy on hand 11mm mm Ind lb prize winnm allow 611 dB 01mm Florencl Bunting Luann McNdden Gilbert Mc Mauer Lou meh and Funk Home Ahnppy community Ivan we held tntha communlly bill when Mr And Mn Dpuflu McMutar Ibrldo and groom weekuo were given wow of load whhu nnd Ilka allowed by nmu Ind lhl un ual happy Hm at lunch hour rblddln1 Ino 0H0 STATION mvm nmlmw1mvflnunu umwwkmm wwwmumuw Mam mommy isz DliAlliTolm DOMMAGIWDIqa amMm Mumum 1mm ruyjumu 577 00130 15m nus mm Storm Vdcéliulaire de la Vemdine MI MN Im lulmfl WW nmumsoummmm WHL MM ADD MN MW mo M1 WE WU imrimfm Ta moguls valTION vuMrrmumunm mmrmln swunmroai Niallfull mm