Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1963, p. 6

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0m lmllnu nu lhoul Impkrrnt hlxlm Hum lhey um mum Ma film mm mm but IMnl no dlnlur illlibwIlom now If rlnu In trnl ranlly Ilulmn nprullvnl cllmb lianlr we loinml llw mm would humul CLEVELAND MlYlrmlutv llnn In Unllfll Mnlu mrl mllll nIXI or live nlnlh cow mull llmn ml wcrk wllh maul Harding In 1070000 lmu mum Inn work filrel unlrmcnl de thlon by Allornry innernl le can at lu Invrlllunln wn lnunuablu nthr nch am lnmllaallon WM marn unlnlmoully hy Iho umnun ulrcl cnmmlllre on rnnmmcr 13mm TOKONTO ll Donald MacDonald Onlnrln New Drlmcrnllc lchrr charged lhv Mlnrnry warm dumrlmcnl finlunlny wuh vnnlnn rev IponIIMIily Iur nlunlnx lo In vullunla nllrxcd mrkrlcrrlnl In Illfl cnr hullmlL Output Rising Refuses Query They suggested the trend In neon years at increasing unv emmcnl uxpnnditurc nnd rev enuzs had surpasst the eco nomic nciivily measured by personal income and could harm the economy at tin coun try by weakening the compell tiva position at the industry TORONTO CmSixlmn 0m min puip and paper mmpa nies in brie filed with the Ontario commiiice on lnxntian hnva urged the provincial xov emmcni curb plan or ex pansion 01 government Indivi lie or cxpcndiiuycs Jean Paul Lacroix 34 Lac Megantlc Qua died and MI brother Marcel 22 was In iurad when ha tree 11 on In Ibem at lumber camp near um While River as mile nanh of here Evidence at the Inquest revealed that the Iron wand blnwn down by strong BLIND RIVER Ont CHA coroners Jury ruled here Sat urday that bush warker killed Nov by Inlllng tee dicd accidcptnlly Curb Expansion Frnsé he velaranvnl Um quanet the age 30 Emer son 27 Stone 25 and New wmhe 19 oy Emersun Neale Fraser Fred Stullo and John Newcomhe comvme Ihe team The chal lenge mund will ba played Adelnlde Dec 228 MELBOURNE AF The Australian Davis Cup tennis ieam which will dcicnd its title in the challenge raund against tho United States was named iaday by non pinyan captain Harry iiopman Death Accidental proposal um unan nounced in detail or cuiiurai centre in Quebec City mark the 1864 meeting at which the resolutions were adapted which were incorporatedsome say nriihur entirely nar precisely in this Brlilsh North America Act which iaincri the original provinces oi Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec and On lario in canindcraiibn on July 1397 DONALD MItDUNALD Iihe opninu oi tho hither Cunicderatlon Memorial bulldlngs hex spring in Char lullelown with season long program at theatrical musical and ulhur event to observe the 1884 Chnrlnlieiawn conicrence oi the lather oi canigderation Team Named meeting of federal and pm vlncinl mlnlslm responsible for he Observances rnlluwcd by menu of member na llonal conference Including sem lnmon the hIanrlc cultural andcercmaninl aspect Ihe centenary will discuss among oulgr projepls My mum Hon running thmuzh fayr years andxtarung next year to mark Canndna 1967 centenary will he discussed Ioday and nlesday Moralprovincial coffinonce here DiSCuss Céhtérinial gapsuu NEWS IlmIIn um lh Ira Ilnmd uhrn IE upllled all Illll Inhi um we hum mun And we Leona PORTLAND Mr MUFlu lilllo III and my din can Ind when In need mum lhelr dun hum mar claim ovllnnd KAMLOOIH HC WINFour IIINHKHI um nlllhlly anund Ihm Ilm CNll nnllnrulnl min Mu xlrrnllnl nenr Ulllu F011 Ir mllu north nl hm rnrly lo iln bemnl llm 110 olhcr pant mun um mun Iullulnu mlmr Ihnrk Iullci me ur jumwl he Imrlu Fire Kills Insunicrl In Mr mr um MI wlle LornaY nnd Ml chlldrrn flrlly WW Illnm And Huntley nn Mnxvlllc Onl nnd Robert Frtdclle 17 Trend well 0nL wm kllch In wndm hlghwny culllslun nnnr hm Sundny Mn Illnlrl wile nml lhrco children worn injured urlomly were nur pmnnn lnlha other can Mn Fndtlln wn 1mm ucr In cnr tlrlvm hy Andra llvrclrr ID Trrndwnll olhor rnlscnlrrl in Inc Mr Wm In Alberta Lew erY l7 and Mlu Jlnclle Hm rr l7 hnflu lnldme nml Mlu mm Dfflnrxu l7 Allml Passengers Hurt ST ISIDORH DE PRES COTT Ont CP Police believe the was walk lnn nlong ihn pavemcnl whcn it erupted hunonlh her incl The explosion hinmcd hy p0 lice on ieukinz gnu hurled chunks oi concrete Mm ihu llrcci nnd xhniimd window on niiice buildings ni line inlmvc Iinxi oi Yonxe and Adclaldn Ilrcela ihm wm nu iirc The woman who was no lm medlnlcly was treated In hospital or gnshcd lax npd lscpnrgci moms Die In Crash IUHUNIU ICW woman was Injured laday when an ex pluslun ripped up mo lock pavement bencnlh her not in downtown Tonant If It hm been rush hour then would hnve been hundreds killed policeman uld TORONTO CW was Injured laday pluslun ripped up pavement bencalh dowglownquonto Aim Falrlcy vr snld nia plan will be equipped wllh ha most advanced lacilillcs In no sitcl industry In men an ever expanding market or steel producln In Canada The 521000000 rod and bar mlll wlll caver 240000 square feet and employ roughly 200 921 MONTREAL CPlDnminlon Steel and Coal Corp Ltd rc parlcd today constructinn at the companys steel mlll In Conno meur Que Is on Schedulu and the plan will be ready for Oc taller 1964 Woman Injured Some sets In More had but 110 labelled sodlum lermcy ankle but cantalnlng only note mm the mnnulmurcr say ing he chcmlcal could not bu sald In Canada except by drugA glsu Parents flndlng like chemical In ihclr childrens scls were aiskcd la report In the assocla to VANCOUVER CP Par ents were warned Saturday that some chiidrcns chemistry set being mid here may contain dangcroua poison check made after lhc Brit ish Columbia Pharmaceutical Association issqu warnings about Lionel Porter Chemcmit sets showed sets in Vancouver and Victoria that contain sod ium iermcyanide mntraled poisonlist chemical Plant 0n Schedule Sleell prk composite on No heavy melting grade scrap used in sleelmaklng was up cents to $27 grass Ion last week after holding steady or Ilve weeks Patents Warned The rice and In melals gencrnly upward8l¢el re ports allhaugh prlca reduction on mlnless strip Ind sheets were made last week by Ca nadlan producar and on suin Ieg pjgtes by us maker Reasons given or away Nuw Year ouuoak were Auto makers will have completed In ventory culbncks byJan can companies wHIxtarz lssu Ina more releaseuorun plate and otherusen wfll lake lonv nage they wouldnt accept In Decambcr because at yearend taxe on Invenlorles steelmaker my book more business this month than they did In November the Publica tion snyn and lopercenl gain In January shipments végn snmrlslng of extendcd dellimflu Mos mill have surylus rolling ca pacny and ampla stack emlllnkhed or ready whip mutual mu DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD 145 He was ordered deported to second llmc allowing hear lng In Toranlo bermc unjmmh gmllon olllcer HI apycal against lhe second depnrlallun nrdnr was heard hy the appeal board last week and announced today The 41yeawld farmer ighl hand man ulslaln dlcl or Rm nelTaujilln urimdup In Tor onlb 1m 1551 mth nor be ing departed mm Cu ads 00 OTTAWA CPArluro nod riguez Espalllah former head of the secret pnIlcc the Domin lcnn Republic has lost an ap pcnl before the Immigration an voal board against second de pnimtlnn order Deleace lawyer Joseph Cohen of Mnntmnl summlng up said the charge agnlnsl the 62year old M1 Talbnl should he dls mlssqd because the Crown had nut proved criminal lnlent nor hath shown that cammlsslun paid on pain sales In the gov cmmcnl had resulted In losses to the publlc purse Judgment will be rendered Feb ll lnthe casenf tha tor mur Union National mad mln mar one 01 Ive men charged wlkh deIMudlng the government follnwhuz Ihe report royal cummlsxlnn purchasing practlces under the armor Eov ernmcnt Losgs Appeal QUEBEC CP Trial An lanlo Talbot legislature mem her or Chlcoullml charged with detraudlng the guvemmcng ol 347000 ended Saturday The 40yearoid railway em piayen and his wife helpedlhree oi their children out of the house heiare Ihey were iorced to ice the smoke and flames iourih child made her own way in talein were on the first noor Their seven Vchlldren and lhreg alale wards who llved with um um lly were Blimp on the second flag of 13h rarne house naujd Trial Ends Thrifté newdimensionqfieautyfickpgyszape ACADIAN 64ACADIANCansoandlnvader passenger roominess within an easy handling 110 wheelbasé new Body by Flsherbeauty smooth ride and low low price Now you know why Acadlans Canso andnvader models are so much Indlemand Go see Big Power Choice or V8 GENIBIIM MUVONG VALUI Beiauru to watch Telescope It Is Just case of businessmen eager la make an honest Deut sche Mark Their lovernmcnl consider it healthy or the economy to boost exports BONN APRWest Germany already tha blggns trading partner the Communlsl blue driving him do more husI nqs hphlnd flu Iron Curtanin HELD INCOLLIIGE ATHLETES DEATH West Germany Seeks Growth Of Trade In Soviet Nations Eddie Weissnian19 right is shown being booked lnpo lice station in New Yorks barongit pr rltlznhaltan Sunday in connection with death 01 Mike Schuffer 19 City Coli ege New York basketball star With Weissmnn Is delecuvci Weissman Ialnr Weissman late Ind Zero One West Germ In Ihe worlds sccand blues Irndcr bEhInd the United States The deal with tho Communists amount to about six per cent of Ger many Iolal in political dealings with he Communistshuwever the West German government takes stiller attitude that must nth erg In the West was charged will homlclde Crlmlnal Court Pallca sald he deliberately drove hls car lnln several collegixns alter sculllel All were able to jump la safely except SchnL her who was struck by the car and dragged block He dled shortly allerwards la ho plual AP eruphola on CK VILTV Check your 10ml lllllngl or time ml channel engines or V8 choice transmissions standard 3speed SynchroMeshoptlonal 4speed SynchroMesh or automatic Powergllde models and 4door Sedans and Station Wagons series See your Acadlandealer for the wldest family car cholcel In mpage mpon In 111 xnvernment onth first Inves tigationsof his Voommlsslon ha urged Aha rdoctors Io rerune than communication lintI He said the doctarl have split over heirnppmach Jo the pmvlnuejl compulsory medical care Insur ancepkn The major diflerence arises because ha communitych damn work directly under the medloal care plan and In many cases Iupporg while most REGINA CPDA ram Wu camp of Sa ulchewan dacton whichdonz comnun cate winV one mum was un folded today by Mr Justice Mervyn Woodsnf Reginn one msn movlnclal royal comm lien on hospital prlvflezes ifiéviiiéialjicéifimiésién Doctors Split uau Innlllml worthwhile purpose How about you convenient service to Cnnmjians who need to banaw for some evenmore Niagara Finimca has over 235 bmncha bout to coast specializing in fast And this diamofid put up 83000 in ynu hands perhaps THISDIAMONDISAMANSBESTFRIEND Bradford St PA 61885 BOhp Iunnlllml doctor with hospital priv Ilem ls flawed to commit his patient to hospflal and treat them them in each or he Ive use Investigaud so In by Mr Justice Woods Ippflceflanl or hospital privilege Mere rejected on line advice ho plta medlcnl mm NEEDEDMORE PAWS The commissioner concluded that these medical sulfa con mlled by doctor who do not work in cammxlnlty clinics did not make areal enough ellort other doctan work outside and nppasa It 11lobreakdownln oommunlr nation In resulted In com munlly cllnlc damn encount ering difficulty lnmbtalnlng ho pllalE vuzge 19 said Lamas All1 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Collln ll Plan PA cnlhornu IL on mun CGHIMIM munlulo IL PM we canadlun Conunmet Loan Company mm lunollun in VI cguanI ulu coll me hospllala should have con slderedrgrantlnz temporary pr vflegu the cllnlc doctor He Ihelr cases were conlld erod he said Communn cllnlo doctora suspldom Hm their use were unduly dellyed wan unfounded misunderstandan also amle especial In Iho laid med Icalvethca Many doctor pear to feel that communi clinic damn engags In or con dona advertising and solicit tion of ants Mr Juaklca Woods and that in hla aplnlon this was based on lnndequala Inlormauan mum mm app yan cammunlly daclorl find so did norm all the am More dellverlnz Ihelr adylce new film

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