Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1963, p. 5

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Tho pmmce the quarter back and lb Ink the pan delendcr were the key warn that hrough New York Glanll and Chicago Beau lo the Na tional Football Mazues cham gjomhlp am All Chicaga Drcl mm was pruenl Dick Nltht Train Lana wal ahxent ml paued for three ouch dowm mm union record 01 at me Glnnu avtr whclmed Pillsburlh Sleelerl am In winnzrlakeall show down Ind clinched their third tomcullvc Euum Canfmncl Ulla nu Bun lteued melr all Ihe unlar covered by omcllall Lanes replacemenl mode to Ml vlclory over De Irnll Llonl on lhe Mm Bllly Wade and clinched lhelr llrll Wenern Canlmnct lltll Ilnu l9 By MIKE RATHET Alloclmd Full sun Writer Thu Chlcaxu lrlumph elimin Iltd Green Bay Pamu who had won 111 Western chumplon nhlp hm wnucullve year and Ike luzne llllb Men In mmlon The Bean finished with In 1111 mard lo 1111 or the Packs who delealcd San Frlnclm 19 2117 Sal urdly llulo wu 1remtndou Iald Glam math Mlle Sherman $11110 wan nut Illld Steel en touch Buddy Parker And 1111 Mid Frnnk Giltardl lmulnl mm In artlam $11110 pm Wu savlourt my airman Thu flmlm had timed to 1010 In ha lhird quaner nnd lumed Io be nininu mamm Ium Then Tillle find and GI HImIIlon fled Wlllll build their Vll nul oi the cumin Hockey MIMIIon Junlor ulllr Sunday cllnglnl la vlclary aver Kllchcner fllnlm who replaced lhtm al lh hat loI cl hf mndnu Ilunwhlle he fianlrunnlnl Toronto Mulbarnl um held In Ill Ivy 0mm Gemll who hire mm only llvo umrl In 34 um munn NEW YORK HANIS quarterback 1m shed uniform In dmslng mm at Ylnkea Stadium In New York yesterday Tittle velenm Giants Belars To Meet For Championship PEN ATANO llhc Our my Ullrd gun or flu umo wllh only umnd lrmnlnlnl pm lmrunu In wllh ml hm Snlmdny In In hlbllkm rumm hockey um uwny mum am loll In Im mlod nlnnx Illh Tummy Maulml la Im mu ma IlmMy Kyl hlvtd IM mnxln at tho ucond but Guruy and Inn Ihan Inhmu lulu rul unl YumIll thud ll Only In wuamn wt all of Ihc mnml In each Bum nlnmwrl lurk In Ihlul ml null Ivy Flmlh Keny Ind lrny ave lbrm load Hum mu Gmawny mlvlm II ll mund nmnInA In Barrie In Tie With Penetang Jr Wings Vacate Circuit Cellar THE CANADIAN NICE ohir Sunday encoun lard reached out hll rim hand to bat the bull Into the air or mend try zrabblng it But ha hnd caught It onehanded TM play gained 30 yards to the Steeler 11m arched an other pm to Glflord Ihen hit Joe Morrlmn with nyarder lor lhc touchdown that broke it open Up nnlll Gllfordl catch thought had chance bald Pmur luck In my hand Chlcaga mach George llalas Iva lllll analylil al lho Bnn Iurnabout ln Illa Icmnd hall alter they left lrnlllnz 73 It hllltlmg not our palslng on the 11d whzre Lane was mhllnlx They had Mike Ditka relly well hemmed In And It en Johnny 11ml mm open than nunL GO IN FRONT nldfl dlflora all vm touring Harm whzn ho hum In llynrd nu from Wado lhal put 2an Kn from to my Three mlnutu Inm Wlde connmed with Dlllu on uynrd Icar inx Ilrlka lhal cllncmd ll Lane mlmd the who be name at the death at hll wile D17 Wm Wm wrupplng up Illlu Jlmmy Drown finished HI mile he sinned week tarller brlnxv Inn hll record nuth lolnl Lu ylrdl with 1mm pickuy In Clzvrland Erownl 2720 lriumph aver thlnnon Reddlnl ne Brown Inlshtd mond In the E1an wilh IN record Dull Cowboy knocked SK null lnlo lhlni by lur mend plnu Ionlml Junlur ledluu dumprd NI Ann hm Flym And Culhlrlnu Bllck Huh upm lh third plan Ptluborouzh Pom campaigner In pm football warn toned hm recordv brenklnl touchdwwn plum In 1h gummy 5131 victory gyey mimqu vimry ennbw Illrlbom fun mm hold on llnl plug wllh ll palm on tHl wln lnu Ila 1mm Mnnlml ll elxhl polnll behind Mubarath hu 29 Nllur hm 2n Ind El Cluurlm 11 Gcnmll with IS pnlnll am nhud ol Iunllon Ind Xllrheyrrtrnlll wllh nlnc 1110 Red Winn blnlrd In our unweer lull ll Kllihrmr ml Hm Md lunar comelyrt mum Ihelr IL umpll Ind end their Innl my In lho Icuup allr as coma Calll murm mum IIIImmch lullltlul PlAY IT SAEE All THE WAY Ior Dependable AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIRS and SERVICE DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMITED leburglu delta alllled wave 01 prom over llu NFLI percentage muhod ol comput lngsl Based on Wllll and low only and Ignoring let the lys lem would have given the Steel en the ills If they had beaten lhe Glanll evcn though lhey would have won only elm game to New York 10 Brill 1h Cardlnm mu on Meredith pamd or two ouchdowna In he final quarter The3 Stealer finhhed fourth at 74 HILLED PROTEST nem Glnnla win the Eastern Conlennce NFL Iifla or thhd year in row AP Wkepholo Ollllul onlymu 211 BRADFORD IT mall small In DANGERFIELD MOTORS lTD Orlqlmlly Pvnhlud hom Thln Dulmhlp I959 CHEVROLET SEDAN $919 Only $1000 Down OntOwn Cur HM lullHal THE ICANADIANTREGB but yur when Tabla idle mdod hIl unhawa umlulon with flornnlo Arlonaull eflllcl ol the In quince club com rluned 0m he wu Jun pan qugterbggk Jun 30 mm were mm In to cle Ior hh paulnz whwlhey lined him an But onsundly with in nrmcrlp led by buullll he Minn Innlunar provedqw the mlmcflon three Ameri can Foolball Linus plubl that in cm nm round muck the Charger dawned Hauuan 011 mu imam zxmmzn iiioNDAY nzéznmmai IMH 111 nath cultomerl apart lrom Rom own employerl were Bullnlo Bllla find 30an Purim whn lucked Into th for the Emun Divlllon title In malt or Houltanl daleat For the Chum tho victory meant they can thh In no wom lhau Iglffllhe wuglem title Th nun Ind PanMI wflh ldonllcnl JIM mordl lnhhed III uhedula Saturday 3qu dawning New York Jen mo while the Patriot took 351 dmhblng from Knnm City Chit All ha other AFL clubu whlth had much wflponcd three weeks ago bmuu Pmldent Kennedys manlnn all mph my next week By 11 CANADIAN PRESS VPrnvldencu Rod widened thalr margin to our pnlnu flap Illa Emem Dlvlnlan of he Amzrlcan Kathy league In weekend acllon whlla Plluburgh Hornau malnlalntd the cam lnrlnble lepolnl hold on In vlnce In line Wailem lelll Tho llomclx tank class 54 wln over the vlllUnK Prowl dencn club Saturday but the Red came back Sunday to de te1t the Clipper 11 Balli more In other Saturday umu Cluveland Damn dumped VI in Rochester Americana 41 Am cdztd Jlumnlnwn Hm cy Beurl 44 ml Spring Held Indlunl dulealed vlilllnz Bultlmure 53 ln Sunday unmet Cleveland battled to lle with home town Eulllla Elmm and Ro thetar wallaped Quchec at Rochutu San Diego with 1M mnk cm win lhe Weller mg on rllhz by butlnz Denver Bronco hum next Sunday Oakland Raiders at II mun of their 3531 vlciary am Denver Sunday finish at home nahm Houston The 011m have 97 record Clevelnfid travel Io Qurbu gar lime with lho Au Tu sync LarkIn cared lwn goal vaIa Cec IIoelqu and Ed IIIII Iircd lulu In Cleve landl Snurday win aver he VIIIllnl AmcrIcanA Darryl SIy cored Iar flarhener In lhlrd Ipol In lha WuIrrn Divhlonl Leon flachzlort polled pnlr whlla Ed whirl Ind fllll DI netn mud on each the Am dawned lhn mend plus Eulem Dlvlllan Dun Waan fllvm to Ind Pm Can uhu mu lnr chhey FACES IIOIINETS AFLIthotIigihtfiu Leaders In AHL Post Victories Apnoer Pltllburlhl Pd AUTOMATIC THAN MION l2 7166527 Rm hud bun doubtlul alum animt flnuuon AI lhlnu turned Vuulr he immploted 10 0L hi 1mm loru erdl compred to 259 yard picked up through lhenlr Houuon qumerback George Bandy Iha Charlen irimnlnl 11m lucked by numb Menu more dun rnada up the Memes vwm Germ Mammal In olher oxmu Axanuuflllln1 In or Injured lullblck Kellh LInmln San Dim picked up in yard on he mum to Hunt 012 llmely pm Inter ception genabled R010 to won one auchdown wopllyn later on ang rxlrd qulmrblck an and ylrd hubck meal Ind Another 13 Ice mn can by Bob ond loan by Bob when third Interception And lumbh recover mulled In Held am or he CharmL remnlnlnz palnta npnrkad tlu win over the lcagueludlnx Rldl with two goal Ind tummlm Chuck Helm Yves Lem Ind Billy McNeil not one each Gearu Ranlcrl rein pulr or Provi dence Single went Io Llrry beach and mm Marlhlll The Imélanl grit led it via lory by my new lwo Koala Jlm Wilcox EHI Spur andlmll Sweeney Brynn Hex lnll Dave Creightnn Ifld Ken Schlnkel scored for Bflllmm Bab Beckett and Jim EmuII fired two elch Sunday In the Reds whlvped he cuppa llcd with Reality In mend place in HM Eulem DEVI11m mu flavflch Luck Rinlerl and Manila got lflnulu or the wlnnm whll Ed Ehrlnverlh was the Iona Balllmm mark Dick GImbia ied Amerium with two lull in Sundaya overwhcimlu victory over the lieu who hoid down fourth pot in tha Eulern Diviinn Gnmbinl perinrmnncl made him nlnlh hllhut lauinller in he leaguel history with 225 goals lhlrd forum Amount Cockle Gilchrm val balked In hln mom to Ichim mend mowrd mm or ramlo but mmled hlmull by scoring thewlnnlng touchdown on twgyggd plynga lag NegflYork Cockle who not tho AFL ord by runhln or 1090 yard last mason made uronz comeback in the later mge 01 1h current campllgn Inch lnz lldellncd by Injuries But the 114 yards he picked Satur day in 31 um left total lortheyqay The Putnam who MI 1pm agnlmc Len Dawwnl puma at Kan City mm the Bills In nuddenduth playoll at Bullnlo Dec 13 to decide tha Eauem Ulla Ln Dull Bronco Horvnlh Bum Smrke Sly Gerry Eh mnn Ind Red Armurnnl munded out Iho Amerlcuu Acarlnl Daul Harvey and Clde Mort Ian at one each or Am 21an Wm Momma Wuwtwlympmmrmynm 00129 mACH Wilbenop CALGARY CPICzechallo vaklnl ulnraluddedy Olympic quad Anlvedyln Calmy Sat urday Ind Immediately uld hey ha ed to lurn soma mnz mm thl pmleulonll Nauon Hockey league The amateur club ranked with the Ruulnn Ind Swedish nationl mm Aron En mpus beak plny 11 games In Canada mm min Canadas Olympic team and one at Chl caza mum Ihe Unlted Slam Olimpia team They apen their North Amerl can our Tuesday nlmhnlnat 10931 six Hockey League III1m team at the Stamped Com Saturday night pron canlmnu Dr Nanak Andru yruldent ol the Czech Hockey Federation And mm manner paid MI club union play my NHL team WI re lnumted hi mes Inz minor lame professional club he said through In In letprom WM like to play the ban nu matter If we In by live ar 10 gash became we can lum wrpnhgnlr PLAY THE 5581 An other last year to play Toronto Maple Lem Europn or H000 am wu Ilmn dilly ligponible Dr ngnek added mat in event In NHL club visited Eu lnlemallonal hockey rulu be relucd to permit bodychecklnz In the negflrnl well the defunct vane 11 will be bird an but no It would be very hard or ha fromIona also when they wand have to plny under Inlet nluonnl rules MIGHT CHANGE RULE Dr Zdenek laid it wu poul ble the NHL uyk checklnl all zonal mllhl Ivenlually Idath In Europe but ha Wajlnyulor myv only Gordon ncrelnry manager of the Canadian Anu Ieur Hockey Amclaflon pre dicted it would ha lean llva year before an NHL mm yum In Eurgpo added WI phy not log mughln our European hum lrlmdl want one ha will do everythan poulble to help thgm get 312111 wbh he added wqaldgzlarefjer sIgvmeet fNHLSqudd may Anton and zn with p11 um um Itqu vlley nmy mm Rel MI SPECIAL PRICE $995 nulo IL Dloufl Summon GARNERS $2995 LEATHER SKI BOOTS GunHo SPECIAL ARLBERG LAMINATED SKIS 5995 Im team members lung mnxpalar Prague dld not commune Aman ha worked to reynlr deflmlva wukneubellaved major mum or Czechollava klll delent by nuslll at Villa world chlrnplanlmpl 1m yur HI dclanumen Include mam Frpnlluk Ttkll ax Jule Capln 15 member of the Ouch championv Brno mad Frnnliaek Grelor 25 Rudoll Punch 14 Slanlllav fyentek 53 and mum imld 21 0n the omrd line will In caplaln anmlrnll Bubnlk 32 and Jozef Galankn top ml Mr Ian lawn in Grub eagueylay Bubflk hu icpreuntcd Czechollavnkla In 111 Interru Uonal match inculng 117 Cascade 40 flamelessdeammmtlmhl Ien year guarantee on the tank lEcTRIC WATER HEATING IPPIMROI IIIIIIIIIII PunIIc UTILITIES AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER MONTH TO HEAT IT mulchlcu elecmc water nailing 15 proven to be ovor 90 emclent other method my only be much 65 Illlclent YOU CAN USE OVER Independent Iurvey prova that morn water can heated at lower cost with flat rate elnclrlc water heating than my other way llm Inmo volume hmlcd by mother method could con ovbr 300 per monlh APPROVED The Canada 40 Wow Hen Applianca ll an APPROVED PRODUCT devole through the comblncd numb Ind moumol Dumb Hydromd clouded Madurai Wm When You flan Have the BEST 10 LESS ALL Electricity Is Safe lean flameless More Efficient tool FOR FULL DETAILS CALI ELECTRICALLY Six Times Faster OF PIPING H07 WAIER EACH DAY WHY PAY MORE TH HOT WATIR YOU NEED weéry nfler Ugh lrarn appear It WITH THI NIW COMMISSION gum Gulofika Icored goal In lha Czcch league 1m year other awards Include Ilrka Dallna who hdlhe team wIth elm galls and twomlm In seven gnmes at the ma world champlomhlp In Slockholm and sharpshooter tinth Vlnch med on the Ian nt Ikuten In Europa and win new Inn Man Valuabl Plum ward during Ihe world chm ylanthlp Anton hu flrlvedmr youn learn H1 um mln gon Iender Vladimir Dzurun II 21 phym In no yam um and Ike younzestlelt winm Jlrl Hellk 19 Dzurlla was Handout in world competition last year Inner Dr Zdenek Id he knew Ht 119 About Clnldll Olympia gum colched by Rev Dlvld 200 GAllONS PA Hm

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