Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1963, p. 4

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Mllhuhd mm mu mm on mm napmu ml punmu pm In rm mun lumllyl Ind Imulm llnllnnn mud nun lulu rnmm vmm munn Mmlu mnmum mum unu nun WII mu umu Mlnlm MIMI mm Aumml mum llelLlJ Imlm mannanun daily my mum lk 1r mm In on no uu mm mm lhun manlhl ml mm nurm Ynllllt rumn remmm In my 01 mummy NH AI TOIMIMI CH nu nod mu man mm mum Ily Barrie Examiner Dec 1948 Sim eon County historical essay winners were Glyn Evans Cookstown Donald Lilly Beeton Jean Lockhart Collingwood Marlo Woodrow Medonte ltoss Morrow and Patircia Wildman Barrie Shirley to Alllslon Marcia Dick Oriiliu Emer Dungey formerly of Thornton whowon DFC an ltCAF pilot honored at investilure by Viscount Alexander GovernorGeneral Wilfred Belmont White 43 better known to Barrio hockey an no Texns died at Port Colborne Tex got started on Dy mentn pond and the old Mammoth Itinki At 17 he wns star at linrrie Colts who lost Ontario junior final to De La Smile ln i920 he played deieneo for Toronto Cnnoo Club that won Memorial Cupi Later he was with New York Amerlcnns and Pittsburgh Hornets in NliL Juvenile delinquency on decline since peak your 1042 Judge Lorne Siewnrt told Barrio Lions Club at weekly tilnner ltobert Noy 7i Conkstown and lloheri Dnles 32 Allis ton formers killed on Highway till when struck by our while helping injured nnnnln be uulnls urcu people In cnrllcr lcnl Gullrlon new Community all In be opened next week Chalrmnn Norman Sloddnrl Inld Too many farmers dont have enough technical knowledge for toda and too many are or businessmen really successlul armor has to know bookkeep ing feed additives fertilizers estate plan ning income toxrnorketlng policies and crop he hasto bean educated business man and technologist and he must stay that way Too few farm children are completing high school and most of those who do are not returning to the l5 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The future of Canadian agriculture looms bigger and better but With fewer farmers more credit more education and more businesslike methods as the im perial 0ii Review Agriculture no leng er simple easygoing way of iiie It in volves not just sewing and reaping but chemistry ph sics genetics economics and mathemat cs Mr Kierans arguments make horse sense We believe as he does that there has been entirely too much fuss about the socalled threat to our economy In the early days of Canadalong before we were nationcapital from the Brit lsh Isles was employed to build our rall ways develor our mines and finance qur business inst tutions The mother coun try liquidated many of its holdings in the Cqmmonwealth because of the heavy drain of capital during two world wars The slack was taken up by the United States and American capital poured in LADORS CHOICE tllcglnn MilerPost Omnnlzud abor Ipokcamun hnve put Canadians may prefer that needed de velopment be financed by Canadians but the unemployed suffer while the prov nczs wait for this to happen he con en In short Mr Klerans contends that foreign Investment is boon not threat to Canadian development He decries alarm about threats to our national economic Independence and described it as unfounded Eric Kierans outspoken minister of revenue in the Quebec Liberal Govern menthas sharply criticized the Pearson administration on ilscai policy Mr Kierans has puiied no Verbal unches in describing the federai aiuiu towards foreign investment as despicable pur poseiess and aihreat to invigoration by provincial authorities of their backward areas Farm Future In Canada The Barrie Examiner We Need AmericcmeClpitdl To Foster Edonomic Grovvth Walla Publisher OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by ClanadlihNewqupers Lunnéd 18 Bayfleld Stlreel Barrie 0mm hXONDKY DECEMBER ll 19H Pue rreathor mu rlnytng 50 make him hlnk mu hang reach in dpunl uy wlla ll quake lhlnk The ner lo marl lo lhls cxlrcme Mop an llalnslrrul la llll people Cum Ida generally In In lmlu unlonlnu llul nrgnnlml Inlmrn Innblllly In clean up ll own mun lly rxpelllng gnngnlorlnm lmm lmlu unlunlum gm Canada and lln people nnly lwn clwlm la ncl lo rrnlurc nnlcr on UN waterlrunl Ind ml lrmlnm l0 llw mnflllmn unlum or IQ nlaml Idly ll In pennll llm llanlu gun alorlnm lo lurllll and ulcnd lla cvl lonlnclcu lhcr mm on tho nub Ibo contrm vmlnl lruxlmhlp Ihnl lln nlm In not to xhulroy llm lrmlom or lmnalldo un luns but to pchch the Immllumism mu qutrmllnu an unlonlnn under Mrsm i111 nml mm from Iourlnhlng In Cun untubluuuwll um nuuau but way Iklnnlnulhlt Tram llnmlllon wrole produced and flrulur mm dircclcd the Allow George Wllsonn or Mm chum provided accompaniment mm flu Dill Dell Vic Knox Shepherd Betty Knsmnn nnd Mnrlo GlacomellL plant uccordon Mac Mcflrldnl New York soapbox brought downthe house Im In ry OSixlllvinn Feature pm Dell Vic Knox am nuananlol John Murphfi was em cee General Electric stat old dance at Club 70 with Mlss Mary Mllchlnaon an convencr Mrs Charlotte Bull ln stalled WM Golden Star LOBA Mrs Dorothy Vance bought Coutts Chlldronl Show rcnnmcd Stork Sho llou 00 Flower Sho apcnc Em rum In v4 Barrie Ladles Bowling League held Christmas erly at CNR stallon mlaur ant Allin ghpMQIgpy ya em P°F°rma Agriculturallsts see good future for he new kind of farmer because therell be desperate need for farm raised food Twenl year from now Cunadlanfarms wll probably only num her about 250000 but theyll be bigger and will produce about twice as much For acre as today The Inefficient farmer words of one authority dead uc Farmers are prone to pay large sum for new machinery and live stock but hesitate to invest few hundred dollars to obtain better training for themselves and their sons to become better manag ers of their businesses farm Each year 1500 openings are av ailable or rlcultural graduates but the supply has een averaging less than quarter this many Our job as Canadians or years to come should be to encoura more US capital without curbs whlc could turn such investment In another dIrectlon perhaps to South America Mr Kierans is speaking as rovin ciai cabinet minister Interested in economic welfare of Quebec But in broad sense his remarks are applicable to all of Canada He says he cannot understand wh tCe nadlans are crying Of all th re urns from new investment divlden are the least new $50000000 pul and per mill may yield $100000 in dvlo dends to foreign investors while adding $35000000 to gross national product It would he says employ 1500 dlrectly and many hundreds morelndlrectly ll maypay $10000000 in wages and sal aries purchase $15000000 of raw ma terials and services and pay 33000000 in taxes company that would have created 200 new jobs in Quebec did not come because of Canadian hostility to foreign capital Must wa slog or eyencurb such in vestments for he sake of economic1n dependenco We have that Independc once now despite the fears expressed by many theorists Mr Kielans adds favb tolling points on this very matter to give ourCafiaHlan economy Im mendous shot In the arm Wilson GenetArman vocylist worn ww pmtd In lhe have final mmo Unm llll lalluw nut unlon Me um nth Ivy squalor Thnrvnldulv In uvollumd Ind menml buulnmmmlu nr mm WinIm by 5mm Urlllln Ulum on at llu 1mm Mlle In Canndl lav by 0mman 144d Ron unwound IN by Hauler Um Cull who mm but dfll Mend lbw MOM mml mum and by other KenIon manly on anm mu To but lha mmdm In Grnd Old Man Ilm 5mm llytnrold Tum Crmr rm Io MI HI win unmn nut lhll nmlndmun mu lain to he moved ho hum down llh Iedlom MI Irlll any mum Hun do anllar MrCulrhmn Mn much ll bnd IllIr llvn Wllhln luur or In monlhn Another budget III In brmllhl dawn mmdllu hhlmlen in maul budget WMUIUIUIV llnl nrn Inln lhn ulylncl min In durlnl he Vim World Waropal hunt MI plnllllhgl ha bill now Saltor McCulcheon mum forcibly And perunllwly um Blll had howl the won my do rllhl Mun umd Hull Cauldl badly mud reduce unrmplaymcnl In crmu Cmndhn owncrlhl md la lmyrnvt cur balance pay mmim Du lho uovcrnmenll Rroponl lo Increua ho with nldlnl In an lartllnownbd Cnnndlnn rorpamllam mull not Ichltvn lhln ll mlnnly no tho gklnnlpg hut The on Wallace McCul chcon he unalar from Garm Icy Onlulo II by Icniorlty qum law an In Senala lolem But In lhl lo mnmhl Ilnu ll aywlnlmtnl In our upper dumber he hm been minimr wllhaul portlnllo hen mlnluer of Twin Ind Commute um now more than Ill ornnmcnl lho Oppollllon lrnnl bench Among elder Ilnmmcn On Senate 110 II In ecled tumulul vclmn the mark 01 bunlneu AIEGUMENTI llEEnlIH Honéiuablo be In Imnndmenl move Ill Blll CM bu not new read hlrd limo occasion lhu mam hundlul ol upomlora Md Ilum bled mu knowlnz lnlo an hll arlc mlon When Mr Speaker ukud Honourable Senuan II your plmura la Idopl ho mnllun lhm wnx ruslle an lha from Oppolillon bench I10 Rn declared an Then Senator Wiilinm hyiur moved ha ihird readinl oi all MS in amend lho Incama Tax Act Third reading in usuaiiy perfunctory ijole at approval nitvr hill ha been dzbuied in depth on nccnnd reading Ind mathcombed in detail in cognmiiiu By PATRICK NICHOUON OTTAWATTho In mow oi winier covered Parliament Hill will ihin blanket oi while nimni was wind whipped ihe Red Ensign on he iinl liaii iop ping iha Fence Tawer in tho Red phamher iiiiie more than hail filled with senator iho Honourable lhu Speaker had read prayer and Senator Nur man Lambert had reported iwo hill back from he Banking and Commem Cammliice gmwa REPORT Senate Is Seen At Its Finest D0 YOUR CHRISTMAS GIVING EARLY fining nuuuw mhm eroded um vim uplmflm whenMonu um MM alum Ind mm um um Ilium In mm mm um It HIM up Ii in no 11 llml rim Ind DJ lug Mpg mm ham col whldl In published In ma MM Hi Modal In dumb union cl II Men lrom um ll IIII wow III Whllr Hm mt II MullwmlhoFk Ihlth II purlh church ol In Admlully The thurch umnnmm how mr Im not hunted um wrngnmpm Inch Chum In lhll country won rimr uud naval Illmlllnl Ilnllanl Although UM pmllu common on Ibo mllm cm In My cm only on hnrrh in land hu In Film In llr gig nm II nn quuuan mm mm luv ruched Ill pmml Inn can flld Ind nu churtll Aulharllm not Him to Admlrll 81 WIIL Inn Jlmu flu nnwl hllmlun ukln or Inlarmlllon lbw the nu lho church Imur In wu Ilml mind receivan Inlonnlllau lth Mum lhllr rrply uml mm lho MmlrIYly In In arm of brandMa whlth thoak Iham 11 mm mi Mmlr ll Id By McINIYflE HOOD BHOADSTAIM Kant vnrhnl mm It In full len bclwun lhe Lord ma mlnuy Ind Iha wnrdm church In flu quldv own Erondntnlu on lhn Kemhh count Up ho prucnl II drawn bnme with thy odd Invurlnl lhe church nulhorlllu And It has Ill Irlun becluu lho 1m lhll ar the pm 150 yum Whila Ensign or flu navy wnl flown ovcr lho lower Penn Church wllhoul Anyone fill my objection New Admlnhy hu decided lhul lhn church mu no nulhor lly to Whllu Emlyn and Inn or crud that the prncuco be dllmnllnuedr But the Church uulharlllu ncl llvhu up lhcir ur old cuuam with am th Brodauer pen lo hnva becn Iccurlomcd let Ill I1 llytnl nnr ha Church aver palmnla They buy under Ilood that hln nutom mu Ir lb mm durln than when Ibo chur tower mod almnhu llan The quuflon which hu mm mm unmd WM tho luanlllfllY Io IMI bcjlel But on hit him chill winin niiernoon we nw ihn Sem in mm The debut mu on the high level oipracilcnbliily rather than pmlumhlp by Sen ator McCulcheon And here in flayed But max lmprmlva feature oi the debate wu lho closely reuoned omlonl oi ihe male who unlike their col luluu in the Lower Climber dld nol read ihclr mach Flnafly 1115 Amendment wn put Lo the vale and Wu dm tested by dlvluon urictly alarm puny ML MET mom 1m Battle In Full Swing Over Flying Flag llll humus no mm 7m will It Madam AM In 1mm lullM um mm mm Ihlrh um min In mm IIIOI armullon mm ban came Jan to Iha hllorlum ll 1h Admiralty Canon Tho mu Prlchnrd lhavlcar of 8b Peterl Church lllyl Mr Moc kttl mm Ia hava Iplkod ha Admlrlllyl um They have not yet rtplled to our mand Idler Unlll lhcy can product prov lo Iha comrlry nhnll up MI record and canllnue chm lnh our lonnmblhhed nnvll lrldlllon lnwer and their alflnnln wera vtgllmyflnz go ul Dec 10 1M An nmcndmcnt to In ErIIIIh North Amenu Act Ivlnz an Canadian Pur Iamznt rower to Amend lhl commulnn In matlm Iylnz mlcly In Ihenfedml ImIp cum was mud yam un today In ms The nmmdmenI don mt lpPIy to pmvlnclnl and duca ItIanaI mm and 14 hi up egInl to the Elm Ill and tenth IInKunlu 1m Tho Danton Ian party wan Ilnnd In pro on In IaxnIIon miJn tanner pra mler Prune Konya wu found hm tommmed lulclde ma CANADIAN Prim TODAY IN HISTORY BLACKSMITH 80 WANTS TO RETIRE In ml Erhard mm un Ilkcly pron hlmufl nu good European MI luppamn hlVO tucked Mm up to be And MA nub xllcmentl luueu he much more rm llva uflrllllh avurlum lhnn mnutt would hay bun Unlm Ill ha lllfll lrl ml lcudlnl Emmi In unllkely to In de Onullcl man 11w new nhamllar hu been called he mbber Han aunmlnz Hm will Alwuyl Ive way undtr prmure but II brie wuh olflu In indium no lrgcq 9131an num Thch wn an elcmenl Imlh In Km lormcr chnccllorl nus lcloul mum Cownrd Erlmn Adcnnutr didnt do much In Imprm manor by Ihrowlu Iupport behlnd Gen do Guullol olele In Eumpun lnlelrnllon ngjq moment now Such an mutton In Ilmon main to be min under the new chancellor Drv Ludwlz Er hard lhnn It wauld have bun In the dm wntn Dr Kenna Adflllflfl hnd Ml pockm lull or cllpplnu claimed ta thaw Um Britain ll Imlcnlly lnlb Ggrmnnl By ALAN HARVEY CIMdLIn PM lull Wrmr Watch for flaw mellnwnm in relnuom belwm Brlllln and Wu Evewthlu points that way Wllh Franc rnaklnlv noise about hrukinz up the European Common Market London and Bonn are naturally Inclined to look around tar mm kind ucana route ram chant 11 mm Somewhat pull mm to hm demanded hm will lho rcllrcmnn Robert Mmulny rqm up cnblneg of economic uld ovulopmont Mr Mummy you havent mama your lwllclllon ye1 yau should any day now The form In baht um 01 It In rm 00000 day And all driven in tho prnvlm 02 ba covered by midJanuary RQBEEI MAQAULAY Sllll howsver It In 10nd Idea to pick up 1h nuw licence now For you should happen la 1m or mlllny lhu ollldll up pllcnllan you would hm to no to conlldmblc mubla to get my chat INTERPRETING THE NEWS lutnmlllcllly mun lhnn lhalr present llcom II In Vllld II No doemt Yom old Home ll lood unlll Fabrulry is You dont hm lo pink up your new pet mij null then 111m ant palm an luml not loo elm In may reap mind whom they me va lhl lam 31 mm omAnN By now than 06d chum you luvs melved your Iypllcn lion form to Mamnllcllly apply or renewal at your driver llcenu QUEENS pm Look For Closer Relations Between Britain Germany 00000 Licence Forms Going Out Every Day clmr Thou who mk lhe And In lhl mm daily Icllvlllu llnd Ilw mm cnlm which rIzhl ewmm brlnu and Ihl oulwnrd pan In blculnu low In yeumlm In IIMP mum up mum hrull up you Inflow lmM In 14 ll ml to Ink ll lord Ill Ill tome Ind nln Immune vr yawHole mu Since the Sacond Warld Wan hm hu bun untmlnm In Anglo German relnllom It wauild be of Iqok dih mpllve scum by Franga in brlnu Brltnln Ind Wm Ger many clam loulher The Guardian of Manchellar slrlklnt llmllar nan lay um amm lnlemu largely co lnclde with than lb ltdcrnl rtvubllm de Gaulle really brnnh up the Common Market he hm lhmlened to do over In urlcullurnl luut the WP vapor quull HIM Brllnln Alwuld be rcndy allcr mm kind of lrndlng Allcmnllvc la mwort Erhard London Dally Telcfrnph for Imam ny editorfly that mm havo menume lhl IKOHIIMGUI loodwlll between two lawnman and luld upon them slronnr duly in mwma aynugm mnm workan nilllamhlp balwm Hana Ind London In mt been loll am In Brllaln BIBLE THOUGHT lulltlledzed clvll rvlca camrnlulon ll in chum ml mutton Ind lend to hollow nrlctly bullnm pm nu Ire lulu cloud on flan um Ind 2601 bul lhl um lulu brouxhl blck la PIrlday he ml all Tlu ll nmMn alum iuw yam no va probably would hive myad cloud on tho Friday 3110 being allow by mm but mm II com mm undgmcdly being heard olhcr nm In tlu with olher old cal leuuu hu omnle new 11m Wu cant help but eel how ever that out any ha will In Pluck Iuln vromlnenlly In palb firmJnvu been few men around hm to mammahly sleeved In lltlcl Ind gated to mfilu CIEIHMM HOLIDAY buy But duh and drlvo the farmer minluer Arent lhgxfe Mr Mauully whack lull 3110 practhg Lay mm am And he 15

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