Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1963, p. 3

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nnrric has an excellent curl lnx club The same suds hnvn mnde it we nl lho lncsl Iny mm In the provlncc 11m New on and disllllm have conlzl bllhd mnlly trophlu prlxcs They nrovldcd Incen Ilvcs or companion with out oblignliun to have nnylhlnx morc lhnn glass wnltr nfl er the game maker line Ipllill has provldcxl Cnnndlnn profusion ombull wllh Impth or out Handing plnylrn Sum Ml Ilrm cm on dirt cheap when yvu consider the mnavnt or ml vullslng but he Cll ll Lets lake or tlbla l1 slull ln mlallon to span locally Banlo has lovely gal and munlry club 11 snlc ol lhu dreaded llqulh has made great den ll posslhle What dou it fully mallet that curllng clubs and golf club are licensed by LCBO What does It really manor that sud companch sponsor hockey or football broadcast or Inle casts Booze term uhILh Is used both glowingly and critically about forms alcohol has Mennnylhlng but bad or sports as 199 as Ive knnwn he turn An old frlmdly mlnllonship boozeandspomls being nuackcd again and again wonder why 220nm mums GIVEN 931233 4AT7CHBISTM1XSVIIKRTY DISPLAYING IfllElR tm phles and prize as top Mr ers or 1961 In the Barri YMCA Archery Club are from left to right Sandra Harm er lop glrl archer David LeigthQ up Grey Father Mike Light top archer $6 urgeu Rick Harmer lap ah char with handicap Pam Nuttycombe lop shltld prizes were awarded supper glven by the club th YMCA Saturday nlnfl lnr tap argher in the Barrir YMCA Archery Club Is Mike Light 13 Codflngton nrcel Presenting he trophy awarded for the first lime GOOD EVENING DISPLAYING IfllElR tm phles and prize as top udr ers or 1961 In the Barri YMCA Archery Club are from left to right Sandra Hann er lop glr archer David Lelzhmm up Grey Feqdler RECEIVING Emmy By STEVE Mnjur League baseball loam haw been buill on lho momy rnlso by suds The grout Stun Mus nl pluycd more than no your for Innm Inn owned by browcry Stun no loss admired by young and old Wherever me gum or bnsohail l5 plnytxl not where lho parllmlnr brand beer In sold The problem ll muld mm In not Are lllds mnlrnlllng units but cnn pcopln control hair sudsl An answnr In lhk dlmctlon would mm more ncunlrlbu Ion to Buddy Hum knock lnn somethinx lhnl In making pouihlo aomclhlnx you mid ewryono VIIIan and nmh llmmnlnmnnl This is no commercial or suds either its probably Just smnli bark against another similar noise Ice use sponsorships are conlribuling greatly You are not cxpccled or allowed drink whlle skilng lshlng or playing lwlball Prolcslanal hockey unlch bcnclils mm brewsponsoring broadcasu tells Lvcry youngslcr 1n the country lo stay of lhe shill or lhclr own good sell doesilt 50cm prepared to honor nnynpe many or Cnnndns lop skl event are bccrAspansarcd 0n nrina Big Fish Contest Ls beer apgrgorcd JONESCU his year is 121qu Elliskon launder of the club three yam ago Mr Elflslnn was guest at honor at the supper SnugdayfilghL at the YMCA éinhxiu Phofns 0n the other hand lnlcr 1n lho season lho lumen mum nllrm xklcr mm more d1 lnnl polnu Pcopln coma lo Col Ilnzwood mm ur way In Michigan Ohln and New York Stale whllo pain all over On lmollnmlllon London Wlnd nor Kllchrmr In nddillnn to Torontoam represmicd nnnoul from Torvnlo zcu urlher boos In January when lpoclal trains run In Calllnzwood 1mm lhe ally on wmkendl N9 ACCIDENTS No lcddrnls wm 10er on tho Ilnpcs this wrckmd Thl ll prelly good or lhe llrnl ngkcn an Mr Hall Jazn Weld ol Blua Mountain Rcsam near Collins wood poined nu um 1h mow came In on man mud and Iha wind was light enough that It didnt blow It Into drlIu leav lng bare patches ha crush of line hills Ski marl In lhis am allrad people mainly lrom Tnmnla Snow Valley gel large lum nul ram Danie and Mr all csllmmd HIM about half lhu people It Snow Valley this week end wgru lrgm Dan1a an12 airway of Mansfield Sklways aurlbuled the rush ol skiers largely to the ports olcondilions In Tomlo Ind An clxhbnch shahBr gnlufi day nlxhl Improved candlqu greatly but lhere were already ma many skiers out on Sul urgay The early start was auspidous In that the mow all was Ideal for first weekend Not only was then plenty it but was hall way bewcen powder uni wet snow Powder the best snow or skllnl said Bob Hall of Snow Valley Resorts near MIneslng but this time of year lha wetter new is welcume because lay good foundation or the 31 SNOW IDEAL Usually sklinx doesnt 518 this earlyLast year it be an Christmas time and re sort operator say this the earliest mm In several yuan Skl resort nperulara were pleased wllh the turnout and even the Onurln Provincial Pal lce notlced the exlra tram an the roads The numbers the re sort operators fell Wm not up the level of mldqcnsnn but were beyond expeclallons or the first weekend lha ski season opened with hang thls weekend last weeks snow put he dope In sham for the first time this sum Somiilmfilho nm wteimd AND NO ACCIDENTSI Turnouts Good At Ski Resorts SINGING mu mldhlpmnn Huh common on Cunldnn Ilclflc tonl II also known II he llnxlnl llxh beeuse loud hum mlnl Iound mlku So In non hach who knyl were men hlvu been porlcd alolcn the saiunlion point ind been reached in skllng but we had 20 per eeni growth 1m year and It looks as though ihereii be similar mwm this year An expandinl market is im portant to skl resort operators because each year the lncililie inr skiing Ire expanding Es iablLshed mm on adding new In Ind Hit and Improving others while new resort wring up each yen Under lhese conditions the competition could be deadly ii there wen not continually mowing number oi people in terested in Ikiing Somv warrlcd wonhIppen caring their cm mith be one below lhcy got home and back with hnlr um clr km wnllcd whln one member nl Iho lnmlly made tht rip alone It seems nolhlnz is Hard 10 mm people Thievu xlola Into the lobby of Mnlly Anglican Chum durlng ycxlcrdnyl momlnx lurvlce Ind oak lho car lay out lb pocket cverll ovamau HILL EXPANDING $0 gagsuuong um um Innis sun upmdlnz Waikua the salunUon point had been 1129 ms lhlmenl lsnt d° Win 519mm spirit of ac pub though Mr Weldcr says hes almdy seen an awful lot of people with new equipment asklnz or all lessons Thieves Take Keys At Church But being out of sham help cut the mldmt me In self said Mr Welder He observed that skiers back on the slopes or the 1st time In year 16 cumb man quicklytomemld son 12 and sun backs than they do anu low weekend have put them back in mm bring low accidents because people think they can still ski at the beginning at this season ihu way my did the end last season They usuniiy cant hu added not only be cause theyre ant oi pncliee but hecnuse theyre out shape um um Don McKenzie and Bob sin clolr no lo buflermakm and tonmnn for Barrie mamery the Innull meeting the Issaclallon held ll the Royal York Role In mom His 11 vu tray and cash awnrd wan eq 1911111 Qreamcry dflflhnd mm manager Co cll 9n hpreslg9nl 111a yeast and mould mm petition eswnllally an award or cleanliness In pmducflnn For the second SUIIEM year Ind the sixth lime in 19 yum Barrie Creamery has won the Ontario Cremerymens Associ alion award or yeast and mould competition Igniusl ail provin cial muneriu ea in number The competition ha been nu slnce 1544i Burris Cream ery won the awaxd In 19454647 49 than wlihdlew but reenter Id In 1961 and finished mm Last year the local ilrm won it link and The image was slight no car hitting the first on the rim rear Ind Immu on the fight rqnt cgrqer motor st who stopped It the ed of tho road to glvo assis tance It the scene the no ddenk howevar lnadvertenlly started second series or cash mm mm can bumped in to each ulher In trylng to avoid the vehicle whlch stoma uh ius to add Ifinal touch an other car hlt the cm which Ind nflzinally gone am of control Barrie Creamery Cited For Quality FOR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS mlunle yleuplinked only by the bond of Roodwlll resulted on of $400 dam Iga ynluduy bu caused no Injuries The wk of cum Matted At 705 last night when car went out at canan on Highway 0l Ind was hit by we our anon Phllce esumaleddamuo It win hymn round collision on nwax 11 just Inukh 91 um th concession Innlsm 180 yesterdny lflm nnon manlet Kenyan as Rack vlew Gdnlsafnlgourdhgat wn Cumin In my when cur wn struck In Una mr In anlo driven by Chip camomvm 13 Cal car eflnuIed It W30 filial1 um um Emma gum nacmnnn ma Nice Guy Does Finish Last 1355 Déméges In Collisibn Fin Dcpulmelt PA um Pnnlnunl Pollen PA mu Clly Pallet PA 55388 Ron Vltluh nuvlul PA um Cullin SL IA mu Cold Mull Imporud Chm Imported Chmtmu Cindy Gnocolnm Lame Vuler of BARRIE DELICATESSEN European Food at In fines 19017 local delivery last date Spaiiald 74 retired president and board chairman oi the Im perill ibbnm Company ui Canada Limited Fairlie Scotllmi ihe Earl of Glasgow 39 retired cap tain oi the Royal Navy New YorkMn Molly Km ran 56 motion plum and mu producer of cerebral hemorrhage rennin believed hive the Mrs woman all proley ions In the United States Sagume riding and 111311 Bah Comenu QueI bushes mnn in rattle ncddanL new Lew Weiss Veteran motion plctun dlrodnr and distributor credited with gim lnlmduung Tartan motion picture charmer Foreslvllle Qua Rothinn Thlbeanll 46 Liberal mtmber ol the Quqbgc Legislature or Mr nzton bmulhl wcallh bl knowledge or Indus lrlnl Chemistry particularly In respect to Plasllca dlllen cut klnd ol plnsllc for each dll Intent use Polyethylene la miracle plnsllc wllh thousand uses he uld Synlhellc plaulu vs speaker Capt Blake at Camp Borden whom subject tkperlences 111 the Middle East Chairman will In Art Edmund figméink the speaker Douglas Walkinxlnn public to laiions Canadian Industries Lim Hed MannML Chm1 Roger ch H1 Tnnlxhts dinner meeting at gab of 351 Luzcsttumuul on In eieden during fiha same period on cumd In 1982 when the llqu Vale encouraged 5510 per cent or the electoral cm haltou iv mans Brendon inan vutea given each aldermln and imbue school trustee oh fllls yenr saw the laws per canth allxlbls Burris voter lum out at lhe polls time 1356 Final tabulation shew nuLv 13 per cm voted lhknl vole In 1958 was 1M per cent By TILE CANADIAN PRESS Kiwanis To Hear Of Middle East TopsAt Polls Kgpwllon Qnet Ea rle FOOD MARKET I6 DUNlOP EAST BARRIE Ward mumHun MABGHBINE GOLDEN DEW PORK CROPS BUEHlERS LEAN LOI DEATHS BANANAS MoundJames Edgar Hill 57 dbcclor Royl Setup lllu Corporation Limited in bospllal Illu hrld Illness Manuel Pierre Gravel as prominent Monlreal husl nEssman TomatoRobert RICE t5 reglnll superintendent or alr cran chdem Investigations or laden depnrtmem may paws air services division In hospital TomatoJune Glmet Wal ker 55 armor Canadian OLvrn pic boxer hurt Aunck Kiwanis Administmuon Pm sident Mndem in charge Ich ievemani Ken Walls atten dance and mtmhership Waller grungy iund 5mm Tomlin er one an Neoplian ll Burgess education and iéliow ship Ross Stephens laws and regulations George Cnidweli growth and music Boyd Ro amen public reiaiinnl Ted Neiueion Youth Services VicePresl dent Norm mall in charge hay and glrlswork Bub Hod ges Kay Club am Craig vo cational zuldance Earle Little crippled chlldren E111 Lang Eaiur Sells D11 George Lez gel CilIzenshlp Service vlcePrr sldem Tony Imam in charge agriculture and conservation Emmon Swain public and buy Ines anal Edmundxz gup nu uunmufl any port of churches Rev 110 Adams inlempuonal millions George Dmufleld modern use 3971 exhibits demonstrate COMMIHEB WHEN Pnsldtnl Mullen an nounced Ihu proposed aim comma chllrmen or nut yen tollows WIN Bulmer Harris 361 Morrow 531 Smith MB 1L Wmlnm M0 Wm4CKcumnungm Emma Mantl lul Made 146 WHEN Public School 1mm Cm 1071 Laxmom 740 Human 891 Mc Clymnnl 106123 Millsl W7 Minuet Norman ml lof myriad Ward Allan 410 Madmen New has xx P116 10171 GOLDEN RIPI lBS 49° 29 wuhm backup mu M1 wheel disc and whim ML There are only 11000 mun mile on this automobile which still In absolute show room condition throughout It mm In rchued an my budget lemu or demonstration drtvn all on or hhiria Hyour immediate plans include new car want you see this cl modeL WI 1962 Pontiac Parisian 0mm can as nyon and lutetu appointed Inni china interior This car is power ed by Pontincx econumy wk Inder muinr coupled in Iller lie transmission inr mouth ei lorllm driving Memorial in dulge 151w ligating cu Eligible vole to vols or My 11 Schoalmmee In Ward 1491 actual number voting 121 lMUer cent Percenlnga ol vol nr Pub School Trustees Crank 156 Lmnnur 51 Mio Donnld $35 Mcclymonl 48 Mills 76 Mul chlnnck 111 Norum 914 ODonnl 313 PHI 708 Seymour Stephenson 1115 sun 89 Brénkdawn In tho percent vote cast or eh mde lava follows Ward eflglhlo with as actual number voting mg or 2163 per cent Ward Him voters am ncluul number vouu or 2475 per cent Ward ultimo voters 168 actual number volipx ur ms per cent Euulhla mlm In mm Ellzlhlu vplen to cast ballot or alderman 917 mun number casting ballola 1813 avuau Ildermnllc volunt 91w as gm Seymoin 17w Stephen ouuu Suumn pgnpgrmuas LBS JOBNKFRANKI 00

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