The ninth annual mmfleld Rubber Chriumas Party or In emplaycu chIldrm drew About logchlldrm flaturdny The party ll lponnrtd by the employee Five Year Club and by lhe company each conlrlbxr llnz so pm can nu am Enough um were bow or Slippery drlvlnx common and poor vlllbllity rmlllng mm IMI wnkendl mawltamu um Actor In lflOUlflelnll nc ddmll Investigated by Harm TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Albums mum Alum Mul Aluminium Albcrn um 4mm Alum Jum DI MIL ii mm cm my Cal mm Cm Cam Cnmuu cIn Pam Cm In 17m nndu Hum 553 Mndu Motorists Must Adhere To Conditions WARREN TAYLOR mm 11 lean st Barrie upan HI mm Bnnla me her the mde Rubber cbrlslmu Party or llllfl bobble Iookl on 81mm will she flopped bellevlnl In VI IIOIT Am mru Ml Holul hm In WWII Ill mu luau IMumh up In lull up mlmlu ll mnono flocl Lulu own IMMMDIJ Ann UI Odd MI It ll IV 0H Wuhm 400 Youngsters Receive Presents Get an HFC Shoppers Loan Shop now lo tho but buy on Inwnal madl Ply cam Repay unsibiy Dorm confldonfly llom Inc company backed W85 flwlom Compilcd Plyu on lurk Need holiday money um ummm 1wnwu murmuo lhtu accident can be altribub ed to mnwy candmonl Driv mould adiull their speed Mm the mad an Ivy that their can an mitt control at All Ilmu police human ded moral to th We in matlu dimmth mg mum 9hdreneavln1 nmn margin above an expected numr bar but to dose was the flur Inz ha chm mu um lenraver The party was held at Bunla 131mm Counlat where has been held ulna Ihe wllwala wax opened Detachment on um flew 11 Hwy danl the 1chde can hudly be nmw la the condition ho um Santa when hi WEI to em old but added All my helm In him hmuu ol the lltlla kldst Shawm In Grade 11x Oakley Park Bdon and Debbie In grad up mum um lot you in hrL My Forum lined by du lar onla weaum emu At 410 In Synoplll The cold weather Ilmu no Illa mflnfl uv 1emp¢ratum today wl ro wver to Mar flu Mute mark ln Ill null and just than zero In Illa nartll Sm lurrlu of Lake Huron and gamralan Bay wlll em up Tu Lake Claim leo Erie Maura Lake 0nlario Halt burwn 19min Clear with In cloud Ind chance of In om anal snowfltu day and deay Confluulnl my cum Wind wet to mflr In 10 la 29 Lake Hum Southern Geor mn Bay Alton London Vurlnbla cbudlneu with mm 1qu Ind occasional Im mualll In mne localilln led and Tueday Continuum cold Wind In nortth In Nurlhem Gearflan Bay 11m uamL While Rim North Bay Sudqu Mainly mar Ind con flnulnz vny mid loday and Tuudny Winds west to north west 10 to 29 kltchcm Haunt Forest Wlnaam Hamilton St Catharina TamIla Emma 7mm Temperature yum WI high Tnnlon Stores Open Until Nine 10 45 WAWA Special Health mlnhm Judy Mimi and Eat Simone HP Dr ny turd not exactly the beat of Hands On two cation recently mu Lilian In related to the Slmcoe In um Anotherwmmunlcaflnn regar ding the appointment at A4 Hume bandmaxlzt of Barrie City Conan Band than be oi In ternt Hr Hume dluded Iha band the anmu dlmm Km Hauler It Barrie tar amulet No Love Lost Between Kmart And Health Minister LaMéish wigld Argo wage Myth limmmunicatbm ll IIIM In I111 evenlnz In Clly Hall Nina of he communlmflonl an In connedim wflh he pm poled Tullnlcal Mllulelor which Baffle has been plug glut or some ï¬lm Members and Sunday Sdloo vu Ill Grace Unilnd Church ed ï¬ve hamper with gnu II the Sunday momth service The llll rm then 13km la the United Churn mhnlonnry It the Chrifllan Island or db hibuflon among 010 Indiana The undue Included pm dam In which his line of may yawn nd dun an in We Hakim deï¬ning lhldl Ill Inouwr pm of an lho collection of till taken It Shlnly Bay zian Chunk to mm Duh than mm Colutr SUM Chunk wen um by Robert Sarkm la flu Victor 1mm In Tommt nu UCW It My Bay mllemd UH or the math flowilnl A1 Prue Technical School Draws Reaction Worshippéxs Pill Gift Baskeis flaxdc Cly gill Riga had Lime to prep an answer to salon he ukeduvml 37 PM 11 have been carrying ID mwer to am quenlon arm hopln that he hamable mem ber wpuld be In the home um day and would Mk mu mum replied 11m med Dr Rynard to jmnptoldllectmnpointol order and to prom that he had been In the home Milly of Toronln pm in mum manllum no the grimari Tea at inï¬ll chll did not mean any allch In my Mutable Mend Ike conmwmln minim reviled meant since my Mum la the MM hww he has been here when have been 3231 In with cum lemlnllnn but he bu not been In the house during recent mention perlndxn Earlier Dr Rynard ran Alon of he health mlnlfler during dimmlon of the proposed Can nda Pension Plan lle Asked about It bub of he adunrln guru II to the necessary can bflm WW my ll ballath had mlied In part 1m born explained to II than who will Uslen and later nu Dr Rynardl gum wave not correct Mid anym who in dolng hll Job properly mould be able to ascertain 1115 ï¬nder and chairman me pafliamenmry voluntary health commlflee the EM Slim coo HP in one of lab partyl chief lpokamm on matter 01 health and vefluomd ha quot 0094 the pm pm on number lubkdl Incllidlnz the gum of lung cancer mm give and serve the finest Earl New placed am In tbs 4H Bee Club and he also to celved the Ben Stem Special or Champion Bee Showman 1n the Coakxtawn Fnlr Thu Innua Coohtawn Hi Inn night and banquet war Md Friday In the Cocklan Mamie Hall Wayne Jahmn wu placed am in the 44 Tractor Club and ha Gookmwn 4H Junior Dairy Cal Club 13111 Lalnsan vm overafl wlmm in tha Senlor Dairy Cal Club And winner 01 gm Elan Slur pedal for the The winner oi the Denny and Dnriing Trophy or lbs High Bu Judge at the San Simone Junior Farmer Livesiick Judg in Competition wu Ken West who in member of the Senior Dairy Cali Club The Eatanl Special in coaching the winning judging team the vuka Judging Competition was won by Pem Vandalpost Junior Club icadcr oi the Cookxtnwn pany Guam grand Mpï¬m uvémci Young Faxmen Receive Awards John Maya placed Hm In the Ooakmwn HI Grain Club and tho luluClub Tmphy or the malnmmpctlllan the Battle Junlar Falr um won by Ronald and Ralph Cook and Douglas Campbell IOP CLUB Outstandan club in the Cook lawn area wan the Coohtawn Swine Club and Chnnilcr dub leader received Lion Club interClub Tmphy Over all winner in ill pmled wal Ralph bah and with hil bro ther Ronald and Doug Camp bell flzcy warn winner of the Barrie Junior Fnir inlerClub Swim Tmphy Ronald Cook received Ihai Edwh wumn Tmphyioriabmz the melon leeflock Shaw man the Barrio Junlor Fair the worlds most wanted gift whisky by HInAM WALKER um manna EXAMINER mmm DECEMBER ma 51045053 Such was case last week when the Flm Grenfel Scauu under in leadership ust an munmm John Tracey deemed to an hike In Min uan swamp Ummnle objec tiva of he lrIp wax toennbla the boy la pass lost or scout WW every good Scout knows he sflnuld do good deed day Seldom howeverflï¬ou an en sue troop 503112 opporwnity Al tha lads trudged toward Um swamp they bncame aware or the camtant harkini of daL Talking It over they de clded to lnvullgate Perhaps the dog had freed some animal and this would add lama wild Ille color In the an adven ture 0n the other hind per ban the do was In trouble Dmvlng cIosu became apparent by the dogn barklng that lpmelhlng was Indeed mammm mums SCOUTINGAROUND draw lï¬onï¬rod th Bar ur Barrie Horticultural Society Makes Draws For Six Prizes held at he Imperial Theatre Sa turday n1th 330 Slx mem bm 01 the Indlenco were all ed upon to draw name Winners were Norman Riy Funml urvlco or John Wes Icy Jennen of Wellington Itmt who died Royal Vichfla Hos pllnl Dec was held Dec the Jenna Funeral vae Rev Baker ofï¬ciated Rev Jay at Cen Mr Jenna was born In Utopia In 1892 son 01 Joseph and Mary Ann McMnsler Jew mu He lived IIIBani llnco ma moving from Ivy when he lived qr by yegn ml Uiliedizï¬miiz In Barrie ML Jenna was employed at Nan11 Dnlry and later with Caldwell carpenter Afler some llme he markle or Emlqu Fug Dglry Smlvlng are his wile Calh Entire Trdop DoesGOod Deed Unholmrlnl In Oahu uu Not Just BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Ileautllu Sample Fm Emma FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phona PA 57 OBITUHBY urban JENNETI wrong When they reached hlm tha scant law um um dog Husky was completely angled In shrubhcry by 15 100 lagging chain fled In his mk Some of the mull recog nized the dog and knowing tho owner returned immediate ly IL was here theyleumed he dog had run away from In home ï¬ve days previous The algnlï¬cance of um good dud was clear It Lhty had not In vestigated the 103 harklnx no Soul hewould hnvaatarved lo cal Names or the successful up plIcants have been Innounced or the 5th American National Jamboree to be held Valley Forge Pennrnen July They are Queen Seoul Randy chka of the Sixth Barrie Scout Troop and Quem Scout Bob Flock of the Third Barrie Scout hoop Bolh boys also hava their Bushmena non um 17 Grove SL $15 vaucher Began Nurseries and Miss Mary Henlngtan 11a Oodllnglon 52 door wreatfl Mn Whitney mollown win ner door swat Withers HI Wefllngtan SL let at 75 out doar light Jlm Dundal on Stra bane Ave 315 voucher mm Fendleyl FlumruMu Clanyep Bkayï¬eId 15 urine and listen Elizabeth Eï¬lmllar Pallbearen were McDan mon Koran Mnh Wlwm GquflIM and Dabsan Flowerbenml were Jennefl Jeane Hockln Miller McCun Wed dell Wm lumen and Jenna