Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1963, p. 1

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fSoviet TfoCut Army Budget Boost Housith Protocol Could Stop Yule Visit Ihr ulunl wall In moltr mm HID lurnhmu rnnhllllnl dam no Inlquur Mum my Only tlmv nodrd ulllu mulncd when lllrMlll xlvrnlL lnu Iloml Sillyour homo Fur mum Ihm Mlhlul In dum HI nullnlNl It unw Snluulayn duvulnllu livwl Inlay an rlrnmm rm nml hurlInk hnmmwmu muml In In clur Um nulrlun um lam mmk um url llllvl urme mil man hula kl Ilnhlwln Illlll toscrvulr Irnvlng lhrrn prrnnnu drnd l5 anurnl Al lcul 0000000 Inllmlr mm nun mu unan lwrmll unmlvm Why 105 ANGELES AP II Ilmnlnl momm gnllnnu llllvl urme mil man Intel kl IVIhlwln Illlll Nstnnlr BERLIN Roman0n ml Jor hula lodny barred ha way Wm Berliner hopinu In visll close manm In Ensl Harlin durlnz Christmas or um um llmu alncn lho Hcrlln wall was built by no Commup In an uuuucll II or lhe urnnllnl ol lllcl lu Wul nullnm lo tmn lhl wall Wu Harlin Brand Sunday can hope mu nu Ill IN Wu nulln and Hnsl Ger man nflltlnls cnnllnucd numb allunq nimcd nl srllllnf hr question protocol toluwlnz IumvmcnlL an an Ilrchnjcll do CHANG mu VENUE The am In Calavl Dec pawn bnrcaln or the mlease two Communist unlnn lenders Arrested by he govunmcm President Vlclar Pu Eslenssoro on number charges nr Iha rclcaso hoslues lhe government uxrccd to put lhn lwn union leaders lrlnco Pimcnlal and 19 wen pecged to be freed Mud night but some radla stations ban tmlled by the miners criticized the mm and ngcgsed lhe union Indexship capllulnfln la an pressufe Ilnwever sources close to ma mlnm believed hchln who at rived In Cami Sunday nlgm wuuld hnva no trouble convlnb In the rnnk and tile um hoilnxesa DRM BURSTS KILLING THREE was hoped the homage would b1 nalcnscd later today liter Lechln head the min union explain the agree ment genural mullnl in Calavilha mining centre no miles soulhcnt of LI Pu wheralhgfiuskgzu are held LA PItZ Bolivin AMCum munistlod Iin mtnerstoday con tinued to hntd 15 hostages in cluding our Americans while waiting an explanation La deal tar their rtluse negotiated 31y 1mm vicePmsidcni Juan munisl Ias woe with Khrushchev listening Fl nnnce Minister Vasily Garbuzuv announced he military budget or 196 would be cut by 600000 000 mblewmmomo II the omcinl exchange rule cut had bcen promised by Khmslr cheval lhemccllng pl the Com The new nudge snbmllled la lhe mpreme Soviet pull menll rulleeted Premier Khrushchev pmclalmed goal giving lhc Russian peopla mare bread and lewer guns But Ix was only modest slam In his plans or Inn boasts 1n fer liter and other mnsumu In du esln lhe 13m fey yang Miners To Release Hostages Bite Meetigg With Léchin MOSCOW IANA Cu 43 cent in Soviet miulary udxel and an increase per cent in Investments or can sums good industries flurilu 1h next two years were am minced lodpy 99th Yur No 293 For Examiner Want Ad Telo phone PA Mm The elephant number lo cpl for the Enslnm or Edllhrlll D9111 PA 6853 Our Mal wmmilm Mlyor Wllly nlnhl upmud or lucceu In Télephones VWIlnmu uld mm wean7 haw1m an ml mum lined Man munlo mlxkutn plckul mrmnl lhc min nl Uer Ihnllenql human mm ML vnla Iran hrhlml whcn lhu nullr lo rurunlu llIrunlrd HII Imwull mluIbmhomL pulvnllMl Illa nm huvlly In pmml Imlln MART WITH LIIM lull Mu memlr mum IMJ Ann arlnlonl vulnr Ind power mm wllh mllhly mnr Ral unlny nllrr nMH lnnl drui mml ll In Ihc day um drslmyed and runMd mnhr dnmue Mun Hum I00 rm won wrmrd talks Ind hlnlnd Izmmenl Mould be ruched lodny on an East Gerrmm proposal to Illnw Ch vlslllnq protocol quexlinn us lhndow over nummcm lo law tome 100000 West ncrllncrl 0an ucrlln utullh nal Germany wnnh Wes Dcrlln nzzallnlor Haul Korhnr to llKll In amcmcnl on ID mm 1n the mm Um clly lolernmtnl umlll Pilot whales In In culled ho rause lhey allow male leader Bob Dahlia Mnrlnelnnd uld here In several lhcorie in why pllalwhnles come usher One um um sonar device ricochet mallcw slopinz beaches and contuse lhem An olherxl lhal thty are chased Man by Elllarlharkx Five mail whiles were mm by mm mm Marinelnnd 017 Fladdn Roy St John County dcpuly 51mm said 150 um reported on lhe lhreemllo meld at beach He said some weighed much as an Ind measured up In lo leek PONTE VEDM BEACH Fla AHJust as they did hm or our year 0111110 whale lumed Sundlylo Pain Vcdu Mast wen died on an Ike hostages wuzusemixia Fedeiim Escoth on um In Cmvl Instead olln la Pu and relzase them on hall gavelamen also med to will drnw 3000 Imps 1nd palm sent ha mine ayer unu Howuver um Is no hump dlule mean of making elm comparison between Sole bud get and American budgets Western specialists in Soviet budgets Insist um approximat ely halt Ihe annual Soviet ex penditure associated with un military About the sauna pmpob lion in the United stiles Pilot Whales Die 0n Beach Military spending 1903 was given 13900000000 rubles 615400WJM Tho tummy budget for 1961 flu WWW 460000000nf total govern manl expenditure of 91300000 000 rubles $101340000000 anal FlannelPym Lomaku Announced Additional lnvesl menu In azrlcnllure housingr light lnduslry and food prunes linx In Illa 196165 period would be $3 per cent higher than In malls two years Without giving flzu anal Planner Pytor mmcgd lfldiflonal lllnnlly pl IM lhr Emu will at lhn Mrs The Hood mush Uth nprmlw mhlwnllnl um hll Aukn wmmml devvlnpmwnl nymd lhrwlh lwu Irwva AILrim and In olhor mldenllll nthhlmhoml lhnl pllrd lulu and rnnlmi rhnnnel mi lound ll uv Ilrh Imlln MW humlml rel below lhe llp he dam mlnn he mlh II ML The wlnoldwp buln noon llllml and mlunl nl nllml wnlor um 14an unynn lo uni hf Immu below II nIr 10 Ml hlah um llo arms nil hnum and mum llnfll II mu ulnwnhlll ml Ilvlll Inln mm min dun And he mlmml mm mm I9 Itnlr All but our xnve been ldenllllcd ofllclnll Invungnllnn IM cruh wtm lo mtc wllh ml llvu lodny ll llm Illa la drier nllnn how mnny al Iho vldlmn wlll be Included In the mu burlnl Ind when Um bunni wIII be SITL THEM25E dc BLAIN VILLE Que CPDPlum will be made today or lhn mass hurlnl unclnlmcd vltlim of Iho TCA Jclllncr crush Nov Ihnl oak ll llvu Slnuln spent the weekend at the La Angelo hams mother Plan Mass Funeral For Crash Victims Pal ancc viceprcsidenl ol Hnmha me however um yaung Slnnlm wont mums Alnllna before Tuesday nluhl Me calmed with tho Tommy Dorsey band which lake Mon day mm tpokcamnn or Hurrahn Ca xlno when the nyuwld em lerlalner was employed at the time nbducllon Dec confirmed that new mule mom is bclnl prepared or Mm lend kidnap Frlcnds said Sinatra is anxi ous In return to wnrk at Lake Tahoe HOLLYWOOD AP Young Frank Slum made plans lo day lo 3an again whilefederal Inlhorilles pnpared lo In 50 Ire Inlo nlr wnlqr ll llr lvll lnln Frgnk Sinatxalr This jumbled mas um tree branches and suitcase 11 on In Angdu meet mm mm LEFTWCBLIF mAAxihsniivbmtndbb Eur Ilwhll II ll vlcllml 11w won dnm bml In Mr Inry mmml Imrl kl Mo llnllmw llnly Aboul 110 pm Ion drowned when III nvahnchn mind lnln olr lamina nler over lho lop new hlllrlunl dlm Thu many 1m Inmw rm and Ilmlrr hm mud mullvtm Cnlflamln In Hm Ill Funcls dam In Vmun nunty mm Ind 500 wmnu lunl thr Itm In Ill mM hm mu llmn In hm hm pawl halnw Ind they dlu mer In muhul ham Iho mm nlmnl llvn mllrn Iwny Up 10 who ultk mud awml ovrvylhhll In lhn pnlh he uIrr RECALL pm IIIJMTEH The new American pmidept mnda he pkde In manage tu lhe lsnntlon NATO mlnlsle rial council which opened hmday meeting her Io ms the Wesls menry menu WW lie said that under present clr cumslnncu here wnl no dnuhl 5419113501 BJQHES Eli Support NATO CF Irom Roulendu PARIS Presldent Lyndon Johnson today pleucd full my part or NATO and assumd the nfllnnce ha United State would keep least six division In Eu rope long they no needed curly Sunday In pm Ihel abmkcn Baldwm Hills Rem devastation len 1mm flood volt In the wnlhweu ma pham nun whlrh INIan mum uteri which named himugh Baffle QIjhrILLquda gyncm Ho 1963 Shopping Dny Tll Chrlltmn film clutch to win bun In and due I7 11an mammal Ik Thouand mm mldenu llvlnl helow ulmlllr Imam Ind wundgrlu ANTI mum Ul Yorly hu uhnd rrlnklln Nu thamllor In Unh var Cullllmlll II In ulrg Norman Mm ulni Dr Norman Idml mum oh mm vidlmn who uni In know who wlll ply lnr damn Mniuf Salnuvrl Ynny who mm know vhy lhl dun hmlv Non nlnlllnl lodny will nl tunqu lu Ier Hunk nucndlnz hr NATO mnmrlnl mccllnfl hm look llmn oul rum the Allanllc purl um to pa tummy call an Um pml cnlr Hulk told reporter he And do Gnullv had general dllruniun durlnl lhclr ts mlnulu lo xrlhcn lJul he qucnllon vlnll by do OIuIIo Iv Wuhlng Ion win not Mind lurk lddfil PARIS cute Pmldcnl do Guufle and 115 Slntn Search Inry Rusk hnld widerunglnz xcnurnl dllcuuion lhn Elym Pulacg lodu External Allahs Minister Paul Martin Canada old ha mln Men at lhe lwhour mornlng Imlun that he belloch lho pcnplu Commnnm Eastern Europe tnkylnz Healer mum of autonomy Rusk laid enrller flul John son had auumed lhepresldency with sunje and nleady hand Dlrk Sflkktr Dutch sectMy zanml NATO Iald John 5011 message we very well rccplvcd nnd created good impresslo Rusk De Gaulla Hold Discussion the six divlslonx In Eurnpe will mnlinue to be needed In his message read by Slate Secretary Rusk Johnson said Fruidenl Kennedy by conunw our mm of un lull lan partnership flOMEOWNEHS CLEAR DEBBIS Mm Ndbllfuu Minna minded mun 1mm mm tram all mm ml mam IM mm ma null In um um wIlhIlM ml mu new empty on flu nl Mel an be new In lhl ll him lurlm In dam halal ltd In urIm IIM mm on Mi IN bull In an II no my hm been ll lull hit mum dun Io loch uld rlnrrd nnldwln Hill dluw lar mu mnllnu nvnllnbln my term law lnlmnl loam tar fqud vltllmu VMu mm thld mlnnt ol mm mm for ma dc be an nrunllnllnz nller ho nil Sula Brltnln and Franco Inld Hm Gcncrnl Aucm hlyl medal DOHHCII mmmll the molullonl mould bu Ihfhld um um lnllnnd ha 50v Union rcwnud Ill Uncut la block rouncll rnlnrumenl um Communhl China wu mm In lhl Unllrd Nullanl UNITED NATIONS CP Tho MmAIlnn Ind Lnlln Amer Icnn group hm Wolltd during flu weekend on deal In rum through rtwlmlonl or whirle monl of lwo United Nullnm councils aver the cppaIMnn all lho Four puwm They hoped ho able to ICM¢VE unllcd paslllon by lhu Ilmo dcbm mum Ill nllrrv n00 The blacklhllnu may Ipmd beyond Ihcflnre empire cnuso of his senior direclon nra blacklisted too Clare 59 has been lavish In gun nudJaunn In Israel Last your he gave 1000000 In Illa wasz Iqujlqle Science Acwucu wwy Claras 40 Nmpanles ranging from shoe slam to Ihlpbulldinl will bu buned ram trading with Arab nalcsefletlva Jam LONDON AP The Arab Committee for the Bo cult of maul hns blacklisted busi ness empln real emu mag nale Charles Clare launch AfroAsian Bloc Resumes Battle To Enlarge UN EXPLOSION RIPS TORONTO STREET Anumwmmm kc on hm utml um up In MM pm mama 1110 mm by he Onurlo Il omcyzcmrnl heard by lhc Su prune Court Junev wan up posed by untitled Emuprim lefltd Guflph Out and by 01 cdzrnl xovrmmcm ll wnl nuppofled by the Illomcynn cth Qucbcc Mn JuniééJudmn wld The theory lhe Iulnlhllon In hat the tourl In ambled la The Ontario Appeal Court had ruled that the not win unconsu lullannl beenuse In xululnnce ll wax lezhlntlon relpled In In crestn Held rcxcrvcd lo IM cderul Pnrllnmtnl under lho he Brlmh North America An Gum FIRM orroszu Su podlnz MI decision Wm Chle Jutlcn Tucke reau nnd Justlm Gerald Flu eux Emmett Hall and John ll Cglwrlghl Tho mlnarlty Hndlnz wax wru tcn by Mr Justice Ronald Mart nnd nnd concurmd In by Mr Jusllcn Roland Ritchie 11w wording of tha Itntuta lndlmle flint It mt lho rule or amount of Intmst which the concem of the Icglslntlon but whether the transaction In whole In one whlch It wmfld be pmpcr Io maintain as hnvlnz been ner oomgnted to by the debton In myaplnion It not 125 NananrelnlonIp intern but leKmAUonant In In nulmenr urrdmlflm con tract on the grounds let out In he act namely that he can the loan Ix excessive and that the transaction burg and unconscionable The court declsian means that whlla the Md Interest ledeml mponslhlmy pravince can mum to pm vent moneylender mm charl Ingexcesqlva lamu ram he majority Judgment writ ten by Mr Juatlce WAHM Jud 5015mm The appeal allowed the order tha Court of Appeal or Onlarlfi let uldE and LI held hat the Unmhsclonable Transacflon Reliel Act within the power loa lem latura of the province Onll Ho the majority judlmenl my man cuAnGzs Mia The court In 5402 decIIIan granted an appeal by the On IarIo altarneygenerala depart ment against judgment In Or taber 1982 by the OntarIo Court Appeal mling that the Un conscIonabIe Transactions Act was InvaIId WAWA CHThe Supreme Court or Canada ruled ladny In judgment with Intreaching implications that legislallun um has protected Ontarln bor rowers or 50 year II tonsil flonaL Supreme Court Decisiorr To Bid Unwary Borrower udzméfi the 111511 Nor Moro Thin7e Par CopyH flaw Snowflunlu Ind occulannl lnawsqualb 091d Low mm ngh lomorrow II For mammarylam to page twa Leda Wéather bound uvup van guard of umember dd Han carrird mm requutn Ottawa la mum Win Income overhnu mm nllcr TCA lemavn ill lurbov Imp Vlmunll ram urvlu In W1 bannerwaving Wlnnlputrl mm on Innd Sand member dclznllan Ml or lawn to try lnlkamdlll Into lucle TCAI nmhaul Ind ynlr hm hem The CNR Super Continental lrnln unbound from VIM veg mu dernllcd nl LINh Port 51 mllu mt Km 11qu orlfour plemnl wen The lmmconflnenul In wu weslbound with About 10 palmgm All Inp when fill mm occurred CNR emula laid the dlml unlu remained an lha truck but that club can dlrlzctly behind hem Ieu Iht rail railwy spokumm In uglgmeql nld 1mm FORT 130 CPL Elm can of flu SumConfl nental mung min flu Candin mammal Mm Jumped tho trulJnawm xterm early today Ind men venom were Injured All cm regained upright Winnipegers Hold Protest The legislature cmldeml lhll type or contract as om calling or Interference bo caun the vulnerability flu contract having bun 1m poud on one parlyby Item Jammie neceufly pm five obligations of con tract to which In all Ihuvdrwm stance of the can he unnoi be aid to have film Ind will mnaent the act that Interference with such contrnct may tu otvo Interference with Internt as one the oomtltuent ele ment at the contract II Incl dental nl lgul In Train Jumps Track ywnmrm rpm

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