Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 8

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MONTREAL CWMoulml Cnnndlml Innuunud Mondny lhnl nzulur Illmdn 112m dump Waney Injurrd In Nllhml Hockey lnxuc ml at Tannin 0d been mod lo port to Qutboe Am of Ike Amnlun Hodmy Anny uld Wnnlen arm club at mom in MI dhclpllnlry mo Iml llvu flu went all chum la lel lnlo lap phyllul sh M1 Doc l1Mulml Bar sun Doc nuum Pan Hum 11mg JIL BIlnrrlo 10Mou Ear um Plumber the Gem Ian my Julie Hock Mame Wet Nov modllh It Burri Thun Nov lInmh ll Dril 11 N52 Nov mfhlealw ll Bah no Wad Nov nBmhll Mm 6th hi Nov flnmk at Dom Mu Dnc iBmh It Coll Bradford has been the early season powerhouse They have four straight victories nnd an opposing team has yet to give them close battle They are Averaging eight or nine goals game Ind its going to take full effort to stop this squad Barrio Plumbers will travel to Oflllia Thursday nlfilht Ind Friday night at the atom here SevenUps hos Orlllh Gump To Join Quebec Aces BARRIE SEVENUPS the local entry in the Geon gian Bay lntennediate League hit the road to night for game against Midlandi And they can pre are for chilly reception there Midland has made clear they are more than little upset with Barrie for not ving Ray Gaflepy his release SevenU giilbaiso facing another former teammate llo ur es This will be the first away game for SevenUps rhpy manggeglospll in the1r two gimfi to date Iiisifig Bfidtordrind wiltith évérUUxblldge The players and have been most enthusiastic and they are hoping they will build up fine follow lng battle forfans betweexi lhe juniors and inter mediates Isnt beyond the realm of possibllily The rivalry could make both clubsglve little extra to draw the fans COACH SHEWCHUK has two goaltenders on hand Dave Forbes and Clare Shepherd Shepherd is expect ed to get the can tonight 0n defence are Bob Ryan Leighton Smith Jim McBride and Paul Rther The Iorwanis lncludefionrad Maloney Doug Wil llarnsDon Amos Clayton Peny Rick Dunn Don Gll bert Ken Kreh Jim Burke audnlll Black The local team to be called the Plumber because at the firm which is sponsoring them has played one gshlbltion game to date and they defeated Newmarket With the excepllon of couple ol boys from Camp Borden 1111st local team he conflnued We re golng in need some support and its more dif ficult since we have to compete against me intermed iates However we believe well roduce pleasing brand of hockey and we can only ope the fans will give us chance Other clubs in the league are onma Meaford Comngwood Beelon and Benelux Theyre arflne bunch 9i boys said Al They deserve any break they can get and hope the public win accept them And thus Shewchuk pre me his team or iis first start in the Georgian Bay unior Hockey League here tonight against Orlllia wE DONT KNOW how this venture is going to pay off said Its gamble But these boys need ihis brand of hockey if the hope to improve It all happened so suddenly tint eiore we knew it we were in league and hope well be able to hold our own um€sfiéa 56315 four email dressinh r301 It the arena last night told his era to hustle up and be ready to hit the ice in five Mes Then he skepped outside the room with three of his players to pose for picture Ln mm mu Novmnn Hockey Schedule For Local Club WEI medulo or ui boc 6Ple Shsmhuku Dishes tarxIsthmw SPORT AT GLANCE First Start for Juniors Tonight by RICK FRASER Exnmlnor Sports Editor mu CnlllJnul leunlnl um Mnlco lnochd on Jan Vuidu um Mnxlgo nleo CIllWIIholm Von Homhuu Germany Mllfllnled 110nm llllllfl uni ma Io lnlkhmnl luunn 121 lnnlmn ammlnled Jr IlllIu in my men II THE mocuuu PIX rk Wtii 19301 PH Feb IIColflnzwood Bank Your name of UM Plumbenn lum to gosdxedulMhrn 3m heiénCquu IMK The rm lbMedord BU Moolml ThemI Jan Hwlimood Bum WedI Jan lsBlrrle Beelon mm Jan 2113qu 11min 1an BMdm ll Bu Incl Tun 111 00rillln llnnlo 1mm Fab llDmh Al Doll ingvmod Feb Nnmrh Dalila wood Sun Feb 1611mm It Pm Pd Jm mOrmln ll Bunh Sun Jul 1513 Pem FIGHT RESULTS JUL aonmiu It Or non Mntkle Drum Jo Wnlhco 0mm 541m Wil lnL Bum Ken Wallm Grill 55 no Dunn Darrin Jlm Poole limit 11 oh Krluln Anxm llnl Sulllvnn ann mo mnla 143 Coo lurih hula no lluy resume DM It lhu Krmnvlw Lam llurrku nxm mm um bawlnd ll lho uln bw an Orlllll Nov 17 TRY EAXMINEII WANT ADS PHONE PA 2410 INDIVIDUAL sconas III rm am Ron Mncuefomu ms Jon llggluggncfy Ogllll 1231 vuu um mm In Slum Joe Montgomery IM Klan Mack 15 Jlm Law dny 01 inset 5ch Jim Poole 11min Lam Season III Slnzlol Cu anh mil mp AVERAGES flab llnrdy Cook 253 am Bradshaw Alloy Clll lNTEIbCIIY PIN BOWLING LEAGUE STANDINGS Ems and Glenn Barrie Plncwood Bowl Drlllh Kemp view Bowl Barrle Rainbow Lanes Angua Wnsm Dead Unpredictable Rouuhrld en Misfit SJ Hasboau SJ Allay Call Cooler 29 float Innnnlu mmm 1g lell ISEVMéleerclfiiVfl lllnh Sing D5 Skrypny chuk Nuggets 83 llllh Triple Dot gpnydnik Iha Russlans winners the world amateur chumplonshlp last year and Ioseu lo the Bull dog In game WIndsor Ont during ma Clnldllll our suned mm In the nm period three lime In In and Ind our me In hIrd Windsora only gnu am In Ihe Ilnal period Thu Bulldog play again Wed nudny Irwin Gmu nnllve um ville Sash who naw lives in Windsor wired the only Cau dIIn on LEGION mxan ugfmua moms was Vlndsora um 1m In as many dam during Elm Dean tour which opened here Moscow Dynamos bank the radius Friday MQSCOW CPiThe Sovici National team which hinted Canadas Windsor Bulldogs in an exhibition hockey game Sunday waiivped them again in rematch Monday Coach Shewchuk lug llvei of his lines 50m um wvnk adva Bar ri Pluxnbus prepmd or Bulldpgs Blasted For 3rd Time By Russians BOWLING JUNIORS PREPARE FOB LEAGUE OPENER mu Snflulchwanl 11 mm In lhl lmnd Inns ho Wuan umlllnm Ill mm In tho mtmory Cal unry Slnmpodcn could hlnw wpolnl Ind how far dnu ltnm hIVI lo bu In ran to bu mm Conch Dnvo Elrlen lb Lion out man who Mr and lo bellow Baskllchvwnn Id run out mlrnclcl Com mcnllnl on hll clubl 1M vlc lory um lht mum salurdny hl laid leluvhlwn Iudlmm The TilerCali who mulled Ollnwl Rough Rider 450 Sn urdny carry the lend lnln lhcir home park nu Sundly In tho Imnd um 01 lheIr lolalpolnu lulu for I119 Mamn lllle know mundl cam but In qumlon of pride lh ll Ind our boy in not tho typo loxlva Igp Any olher ear Um nmnk mlth hlw Mn hu had on Afler Lh Rlden dcd vn Ihcl Inclln1 by lha huplred Eulern delwd chlmplam cm WKMCIIEWAN woundcd ride two lo Inx oolbnll cln the In bmlnr lirlllunl mum Cm lumblu on and Hamilton Elmiqu mm flu GM 01 na Lion am on gum in their besMMhrcu Wulcrn ml Inlnn Sashlchewnn Rnuzhrldm And play the an 01 um flu at home when they hlvcnl lost name all nelson Thryll cl their llrll dunno lo elm it out Wedneln dnl nlxhl Almost agglofillully Ollnwl conch Frnnk Clnlr Ioundcd In last not of dcllnnco In all the Candin spent 25 minutes In lhn funky box while the Russian pum had only two minor pende FOX NOT HAPPY Geuenl manger Sam Fox mmed the three losses pro lesled lo the International Ice Hadley Federaflnn regardlna lhg rink 115111 Evzeny Mulafiv lured wlce lnr lha Soviet learn whlla other Soviet ROI were mired by Some 12000 spedalm In tha palace sports wtlched um Candlan sufler lhelr dunk Ts news agency uld Can dhm player Jack 0051le be haved like boon an Ha wax penalized hm mu finally ltmmaea mm Boys Wont Give Up Claims Clair their Hm 51m In Ihe Geori aim Bay Junior CHockey gems MIth the Arena mum 01m Conrad MaL ED SIMON Candin Pm sun erler Hamilton hnppr lecrCal nfllclm lnurcd at can 12000 fan would bl on hand or Sun dayl nmo dcxplu lhu hum Iuml loplldtd margin Secre lnry lreuum Funk Glbmn nld 05 per cont tho cluhl Iubxcrlbm hld plckcd lhelr llchu rd aooo ng lllqnnl mu Dian mid berm 1m sllurdul mo Aim mm en at arldzo Influxea baton Silurdnyl um um on wan healthy Rlden lull bnuered from flu lbmJILnILI Ilsa nickcd up no naw Injuries The nme Malnnlna EST will Ialnviscd by lh the TV Ind CBC nel wnrh third game in necu my It wlll bo played In Vau cauvnr Snlurdny Suhlchownn to think Inu th Cnl 17 um um they had mm vine rim that they Just had to Hop on by field win It Thay Ilwm nomad walking at wmelhln to hip pen Well It didnt hippen HARD 10 BELIEVE Canndlm pinyin coach Jon Klukay nld alter 01 um ll ll hard lo believe they can but so easily Ila described ma Russian areal tum Iddlna that ll good lhlnl we dont hm la play Hum 511 w131 Russian nu trimfly was qlgnwn in the heir the Cam dllns were outshal lo 10 xivhg Cnnadlan goalie leno Ruuedfe plenly nation Russ nn mil Vlrlnr Mm RussTiniBalle Vlclor Talmr chlav didnt hm lo mm on save in In 3nd am pedocL Earls Malomv Alex Rnulln Cmsluline Inklev Alex Flsov Yurl Volkov Ind Vladimir Kl ulov Don Amos are Ihe me play ers pictured from Ion to right Gama lung set or me pm hammer Phala gmyk Dem vlluanu and MURDOCH lnpln Your Car In wlntu Drlvlu WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK MIEOHIIEH HEIWICH COMPLETE FRONT END HUSIENSION OVERHAUL 1282202 I1 TORONTO ET HARRY olifi VIM to Will 2231 finch hid Donazhyl paced Honduran In this do pmmui whlk Cam Brown ml Hm Murphy aimed blah Jinx mm with 170 more Th Banh girl ducked In whiz Will 22 mm placed Ilefldnym In this do puyxygi whlk quI Brown Oldi In on me then dim OHahdnmoued 11 mos pmlmc er Wm Caurnoyer of tha third place Montreal Junior Clnl dlen who ha 19 ml and 121 amu JInfpfierfit Hamlllon Red Winn thlrd with palm on lg Ilid mist mm Bemlo Plnm of lbs 11mi plm Nllzln Fdls Flyerl In of who with only aim zomn hm lumen Ho bu ml 111th ameimilo one sham la la mdll Ind own 167 poll lead In an 011qu Huck mcllllon Junior cartel wll ll win Ind II In 14 um Innt mnsenwlndha lop flva norm and lhelr goalie am In lh ma 31min 01 St cum Inc Black Hawks remnlned three point an the pm by picking up ml ma louras alsu during an weak lo Iva hi mm or In nzulm Bob Sneddan St Cllhlrlnll ll Iopl will aaxoalalnnlmwnutora 111 Averu MONTREAL CHBl Jun Balmn mm luv mm ad Elm ho dldnt mm look no my ltl to any mm the Mammal In ham flu alien le pm may mm with lhu caudal Iuldo mutupll min Bell mu lend Nuonu nanny In with II and vmu mm NEONIO CHCoach ln varln luflbute mm by their cub to tum elfart and Tomato Mulbom do 31mm in contrldld Ith iygrljbolyg Ayth hold tour Holidayers Back Up Win TeamEfiort By Marlbdros TOP Defensive mover Burk Holidays Swap mn nlm lmn 0mm 11th In dunk phyla Springis forthe birds IuvubMAufidMON ALLAN MlclACNIN MINIIYIR OF HIGH CANADA nee all you Nltlonll Employmml Dme Winterl for hotior timo to hovo thou ronovotlnx and donortin john dono around your homo Mon and material are moro romllly mail this for ono thing For another you um often Iavo money through offmum discounto Iio help you do it now Homo Improvomont Loam under tho National Housing Act an uvnilnbio through your bank You my be able to obtain up to 000 with up to ion yam to npuy Yonr contractor or building luppiy douinr mnvoifer other oxtondod paymont plum Why wait for Spring Spring to for tho birds Do It NongmghI Bum Syria ll whon tho bldi build But in that my town why no nhouldllo in mm Fewer Inn probably In Iwue um Beflvcau In mud on delemlvaly well 4H mm It be my but Mn po gnnungber dountrmm Olllclll NHL mimic lama today show mum 1th 1n tearing with points 11 of them goals and our other Black Hawk among lhl lop no might2e VXBRIDGE Bradford Mels Expresxmen bowling om Ill opposition dm posted mn va vim ovu Uxbfldn Buck Hawk hm ha 11le In Georgian Bay lmmedhlo Hockey League mast Wu the fourth ILrIInM vie lory 1m Bradfold and Ill be how by lopsided loom ludunhlb with chlmol Bobby Hull In Iha Idlau hm played so at the oppollul luml can has manned only on ml thlc Bellvelu wa on the 109 nu in Chlcm 0d 10 Montrelll um am of Iauon mains Huhwhen mm mm not my mm 11x fool hm Ihadow long Ingufl to mrq Lm Jun pllyed Irr 69 lune Ind hII oppnahu centres mm Ml of 11 mils Not bud mnsldofln that Belivenu Icond hmaell which with wish named Mm leth pllco lnghp Individull Imamc HUGE WEEKS OUTPUT Hull led Beflmu In In Int race In week with uxe output Iva ml Ind lhm mlm In hm limes Both hive as points but Hull lixtad nhend bucaun he lend lha luluqu gm will 127 7m blond leawinger wall dust or the ma In NI 501011 nelson munth ha had only Iva loll lllIr 11 £2931 Ken Whmnm lled for ounh spot with Nuw Yurkl Andy Bnthnm Blll Hay Ind MlcNell Pierre Pllole an Med for Iav Kelly enth wbllc Ah McDaan ll tied Romeu Bradford Crushes Uxbridge 90 For FourthWin In How 11A CLAPPIRTON mu Skl Dom at Lm Trad GOLDS SHOE SERVICE Skates Ski Boots BIrrlnl Orlnlnll 5km Exchango Ilnco 1947 NOWI SKI BOOT EXCHANGE New Bauer Skates New Dnous Ski Boots lhyu Hock skm lionfusiIufrlio Hawki who won all lhm amen lut week hm can gamma elmpolaL gm mp the mum and 0mm golf lender Glenn Hill In lull ll comfortably In ha net or he 101m Irwhy Inn and MI mornIv Den Duordy havn filmed call In 17 when Runnern Torry Slwchuck Detmll ad mlued so Ind In hu pllycd wo lower lumen clio £66k ovu Ihe mm Indon Ihlp with mlnulu Bellvuu Mll Mlklll whmlm Ch Elthlale NY Goyme NY Hay Chl 911m Chl Ferluwn Mtl McDonald Oh Man Mtl deemIon Mu Oliver Bo Horton Tor Kean Tor Puuard Wllllanu Ban Mllwvflch Tar Gilbert NY Hadflald NY Howe Detml MlcNell Ch lelly 1hr 1h 1W9 WM Dial second mam content They baud 33 nan1 sevewp Inc man uwm DWI wan max mu and sun 11mm ton Don Gibson Ind Phll NM nLu mounted at an other or nlnlh with Montreall John JIM Both Hull Ind hmnlnl Don Simmonl hm one 1011 chimed win them um wu mm onu1 mpltnyt hTonffiwaclalue Shlck ludl gm Iagguerln lpdlvldnll perm Ihe loam In lndlvldnll 31¢an Nu wing at mlnulu Ind Chl any cm Tho loaders Mei PM WHEN Mu DIM

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