Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 7

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cMuA CHAIRMAN Chairman ol the Christmas Gilt Campaign tor the Barrie Branch at the Canadian Men tal Health Association Mrs Manselt Powell leit and Mrs Murray get into the glut oi giving as they deposit tr parcels in the gilt box Many oi the local womens groups and service clubs will aid this worthwhile project Kempenielt Chapter IODE Increase Donations To Projects The November meeting oi the tour Kempentclt Chapter was hold at Community House with ViceRegent Mrs Rolls son presiding Mrs Dean Treasurer re ported that both the Elizabeth Arden Demonstration and the rummage sale In the past month were very succeaslul Mrs MacDonald secretary of Services at Home and Abroad statcd that the chapter has had very gratifying re sponse to letters scat to lrlends asking tor donations at new and used baby clothes Thcse will later be scat to handouartell at llamillon where they will be sorted and sent to needy places in the world History prizes will be presen WED AT lir and Mrs Edward Matthew Kennedy are Ictured inilowlng their marrags at tit iinsile Roman Catholic Church Toronto Rev it 10qu oltlcnlrd The brlda ls ted to students having highest standing in Grades XI and XII in Central and North Collegiates Mrs Duvet and Mrs Rollaeon will make the presentations iODE calendars will be distsb buled to schools and public buildings this month Mrs Duvet placed the iODE wreath at the cenotaph during Remembrance Day services it was announced that the local chapter has been able to Increase contributions to worthy causes sponsored bf both Pro vlnctai and Nations Headquar ters and Christmas hamp will he rrtpared and given to needy amlly The December meetin will be held in the term oi daner meeting on Dec Members will be contacted Dear Ana Landrras The other TORONTO the iormer Joan Elizabeth aloran daughter at Amhrou Moran and the late lire Moran The bridegroom is the son at the late Mr and Mrs John Kennedy oi Toronto Cookstown Womens Institute To Collect Gifts For Patients lookstowrt Wormse institute members met in the hall Nov with members and tour vlsllnrs prurnl irrsldrnt lira It lionltmnn presided Correspondence was rend 11Is minutcs oi the lost mceilng were read liltI adopted Treasurers report was givers The roll cell was home your lavorita msnu series at ruchm will be held in the town hall on lion days beginning Nov la and car lrylng on thrwsh Dec and litre nsllttglrlahrrl will he put rlmi try the WI ior msls to anyone In the community who wishre me The ntlngulshsr is claimed and recommended tor the home and may Iss had tor nominal price ianh th member was re Ttrlifii In bring small glll to II December meeting These ilrrus will be inrwardrd to irmpust to use trythe there Aurh Items as sum lrwrlhilrttlh or pssle tare the etc are Acceptable An bun Wt member would he we nuns lo mnisilmis in this pro left as well in will ruin tum wed Mrs ii Smith and Mrs liltln attended the Training School on Desserts and Arrange ments are beta road this course on all the community date to ranged and announced lets it was announced that the on Arhlsvement Day would be held at Ilond liud Nov Convener oi Home Economics lira iatlnn introduced hsh Ies ilssstngthwsite who played two selections on his accordion paper on the motto lssce oi the world do load was given by rs liter Mrs Coulis read the cur rent events Mrs Waihse gsvs an ior imstlng account oi the lrt she took to Canadas wool cos last July via the Meltstrey Tours Meeting was Adjourned iot lowed by lunch served by the committee In charge GM UNIONI IINOAIOIIE iAlt 1hhe spars government as closed seven trade unions claiming Mmme at 00 ill on grounds the untrue innit $st in Communist troot ac let it go nl lhntl ld like your PREPARES FOR CAMPAIGN Examiner Photo THE STARS SAY By manure FOR TOMORROW Planetary aspects in the early part oi the day will be espe cially congenial to matters Coworkers should coopera tive and extra eliort on your part will be noted appreci utlvelLby superiors The PM will conducive to romance and social iunctlons PORTIIE BlRTliDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your chart indicates that as at now your occupational and il nanclal prospects should be better than they have been ior some time past and that it you mobilise your etlorts to take advantage at line aspects cup rentty prevailing and continuing ior at least tour months ou should lind your alistrs in the enough shape to consider bit oi expansion in mid1061 Do avoid extravagance and or speculation in March and April however or you could uptet the financial applecart Nest good riod along the Mormon lion lines September and Do tober oi neat year Personal relationships will lay an important rota in your within the next in months with mph on social and sentimental matters in late De cember Janus May and June on trave between late May and early September and on happy domestic relation pretty general especialiy ll youavold ency to express yourseli too iorcelutly in ismlly circles during January and March Creative workers should lind the tint all months pl 19 especially inspiring ANN LANDrns ran sansrs mm ruseoi Top For the regular meeting mem srs oi Everett Wi were Invited to the home at iormar mem ber Mrs Dalmas Somervllie in Allistoa Mrs Burns prodded Flitean mam andtwo visit ors attended Alter the loose period Mr Sutton conveaer ot citlsen and education began her pro em thtrrent events were rea Mrs ions Raid The roll call wa answeredby Whati have turther my edu cation since leaving school Miss Louise Carter wee pra saat as speakerand told oi her trip to Ottawa tor which aha had been chosen irom the high school to attend coolereocs on citizenship Dehates in parliament were described work shops attended and many pla terlca interest were thanked Miss Carter to very interesting report at the center eace The November meeting was held on Nov at the home oi Mrs Don Kerr with 15 mem bers and one visitor in attend ance Vice president Mrs John Reid resided Dur ng the winter the WI meeting will be held on the ilrst Tuesday oi each month in stead oi the usual date to avoid the night school classes which several members Attend Several Items at business were dealt with donation is to be sent to the Mental Health Ae soclatton ior Christmas gills tor patients Nursing Director wru Address General Meeting Of RNAO Mrp Blanche Duncsnson DI rector oi the Ontario Hospital Services Commissions recently established Nightingale School at Nursing in Toronto will be speaker at the general meeting or South Simcoe Chapter No at at the Registered Nurses Asso ciatlon oi Ontario The meetin will be held at Trinity Unit Church Collingwood tomorrow averting at ocock ll Duncanson hu been in the iieid oi Nursing Education ior man years Following grad uation mm the University oi Western Ontario she gained her Bachelor oi Science degree in Nursing the active woman began her teaching car err in lost as Science instructor at the Toronto Western limit at where she eventually rose to the position oi Associate Direc tor oi Nursing Education in lhla capacity aha pioneered the itoao pitals new Nursing School cur riculum consistio ol two ears eaten academ and Inlcal training tollowed by one year oi internship in March last when Mrs Dun He Rocked His Boat With Wrong Answer evening my wits and wore sitting around alter supper The TV set suddenly broke down so we began to tn My wile asked me rather strange question She sold It you were in row boat with me and your mother and the boat tipped over which one oi us would you try to savei told her that since know she Is good swimmer and my mother Is an older woman with arthritis would try to save my mother She became red In the lace and hollcrsd You dirt dog it thats the way you eel why dont you pack your clothes and go live with your mothert would like your opinion on whether or not my win was luslltied In blowing her top tried to give her an honest nn swer Was wrongi Should bsva Just said You dear and stewsHENRY Dear itnryr first question Is an old one and its usually good iorya iourdoor ismlly light better answer would have been would never go In boat wlUIoul matting certain lhst there were llis prcsrrvrrl tor everybody its not only good snswsr but good policy BAND PRACTICE Dear All Lsadsssr am girl who has always loved band music My big ambition was to beln hand Now that imhrnsn In high school are signed up ior irum lessons really rslmed he clarinet but they are plenty at clarinet player they were short on rumps so agreed to help them out The problem Is my lather ile says he cant stand to bear site Eecilu becsuse It gives him ednche Furthermore tl re mlods him oi when he was In the army end he says he Is turning out with the rams nrrl sous ltth he had then know inn not very good yeti Ann but how can get better it dont practicel The best time ior ms to prse tiso is early In the mornin about Silo am lly lsihsrs alsrrn doesnt go oil until mo and he says he needs that extra hour Both my tsthar and would like your opinion on this is he wrmg or am ilMitA Dear Ssrsr Sorry Toots but im casting my vote with dad You can practise either alter school or at school Most edlools havs practice rooms which you can use it you ask andihopeyoursisoneoitbem YALE STORIES Dear Alli What makes poor to lie and stend to be what ray are not woman who came to work in this olllre re centlg lost no Uma in telling us all but has tine iumlture her esqulslts linen and chills She described her elegant back round and wetlrbrhaved chil rrn Sunday was driving by her home She was In the yard so step tor moment could isll was embarrassed that had caught her In lltthy house dress end without shoes She did not Invite me in but one of her children came out oi the house its was eating something out at pan tile must have beset the cultured one The house needed painting and the porch iurntlurs was broken and taded The yard looked Ilhe tungle Yesterday stun she rted In again bout her sle urroundln ms to are ioegoiteo sraliow can people be like lhlel DUMBITIUCK Dsss Israel This woman sounds ltkl patiglogicall llisro Such poop want spores an pa ass or turn and persuade tlssrnurrss that the ties are true The tars this woman persists in palm the isnlasies alter our vl it evidence that she alealy cut to lunch zCapitdli Topic Of Speaker Conveners were the Bible Society ed to have their collecting done by Dec Mrs Wales reported her tind lngs on dtilerant plans whereby the WI could adopt child irons ioralgn country The remembrance committee has recently sentslacers eon gratulattons to tormar resident at this eommun ty Mlu Phoebe Evans oi Toronto on her one hundredth birthday MunNancy Hillng read vs no on no Dnt tin refiult ilod rem edy Current events were pre pared by Mrs Wood Minority filddall and bar group were presan and showed lovely dieplay on their proiec The club girl stands on guard The girls demonstrated diitao ant types oi bandages and dil lerent methods at artificial rer piratlon and showed their new irst aid kits and record books The institute membars are most gratelui to Miss Riddeil tor her splendid leadership Bob Wales was present on he hatl oi the school board and spoke oi centralised school which he expected would be in Tossorontlo in very low years He asked ior eration oi the wt to preserve od records and lctures and anyone with hip orlcal lacts about the old schools to please glvb the in lermatlon to our historical re search convener Mrs Stan Bal lay MM 3me DUNCANSON canson retired tram the Atkinson School she conducted nursing school in Manitoba which enabled that Provinces Association at Registered Nurses to grant approval to eight Schools at Nursin tier sbiilt es were next turn to surveying Nurses Registration examinar tlons ol Ontario the surveys purpose was to outline the most suitable are at examination the meih oi administration and the costs involved in October lose the active wor man undertook the responsibility at directing the Nightingale School which conducts two year rogrsm in haste nursing sducs ion CiiRiBTMAl BAZAAR The Womens Auxiliary oi Essa Road Presbyterian hutch are sponsoring Christmas Sa saar Tea and Bake Sal tomor row aiternoon Tea time isom until oclock Tha event ls convened Mrs Robert Scru ton with in William McFad den ss cocouvener TltY EAXMlNEll WANT ADS PHONE PA littd PERMANEle lay Appointment Only 550 Oils ht ss to use IVBI BEAUTY SNOPPI as an anusrs In PA Iitlumura itbo Scalp Treatment iii Elm anointed ior cHAprt outta ritosriAAAiIAL BAZAAR The annual bazaar sponsor ed by members at the RCAF Protestant Chapel Guild is one oi the most popqu events at Camp Borden Above leit FL llinaon Macieod annuals looks over one oi the interest lug items displayed at one at the booths He is shown with Mrs Maciean preeldant oi the Guild At rlgat Mrs Biggie wire oi the commanding oillcer oi RCAF station Camp Borden cuts the ribbon to otllcialiy open the iund raising event SPEAKINGOF PEOPLE ANDPLACES 7MB ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Harold Johnson Grove St West attended the Mb anniversary celebration at Mr and Mrs Thomas Orchard oi Wateriord on Friday The celo brants were at home to trlends and relatives at their residence on Friday aiternoon and eve ning The Barrie couple also at tended tamliy dinner celebra tion held at the Wateriord Lo gion Hall on Sunday Mr and Mrs Orchard were married It Aukenshaw England on Nov lb mos and came Juno me They both enloy good health HEAR SPEAKER While attending the National Association ol Real Estate Boards both annual convention in New York City Harold Fors tar and Mrs Doris Nuttycombe oi Harold Forster and Co Bar ria attended the annual lunch eon oi tha iutemaiional Truders Club oi the National institute at Real Estate Brokers enter tor the occasion was Wit am ltlonsces at Fort Lauderdale Florida The luncheon was held in the Oval Room oi the noose velt Hotel BOY Congratulations to Mr and Wire Tom Garner oi Oakley Park Square on the arrival or their son Brian Allan who wet ed In at lbs 1e oar Bran Allen was born at Royal Victoria Hospital on Nov id at 1059 pm FIRST BIRTHDAY Robert Tikkala celebrated his iirst birthday at party held at the home ot his parents Mr and Mrs Ttlrknta Vine St on Friday Roberts sister lilsa lekala greeted guests mong those attending were Greg Lawson David Simpson Paul Woods Jamie atrial ian Us Simpson Helen Colpilta Sandra Barker eight monthsold ANNUAL TEA ilAZAAil Allandale District Brownie and Guides will hold lta annual Tea Bazaar and Bake Sale at Essa ltoad Presbyterian Church on Saturday alternoon tram to oclock BIRTHDAY PARTY lira it it Jones oi So his Street West celebrated her rib day on Sunday and irlends and relatives called to attend bcst wishes Among out oi city guests were her daughter Mrs Eric Knight granddaughter Miss ir ene Knight grandson Edward KnlflsL Mrs Jack Campbell Mr and Mrs Dart Bmkuuhhe all atrToronto ALBERTA lllESTI Weekend guests at the home at Mr and Airs Norman Mun roe llotgate Street were Mr htunroas brother and sisterIrv law W0 Ernest and Mrs Mun roe ol Peubold Alberta and Mr and lira Brio Selgourr ot llus sar Alta $250 ENGAGEMENT St Georges Anglican Church Allandale will term the setting ill It lift hill as ye one oy an Hugh Ellis on Dec at oclock The bride elect Is the daughter or Mr and Mrs Ed ward it Klghtley oi BrockSt Mr Ellis lsthe son ol the late Mr and Mrs Crawlord Ellis oi RR Utopia The engagement has been an nounced oi Mits Anna Elisabeth Paterson daughter at Mr and Mrs Neil Paterson oi Stayner to Kent Russell Baker son Mr and Mrs Russell Baker ol Barrie The marriage will take place at Jubilee Presbyterian Church Stayner Nov 80 at pm CllRiSiMAS TEA The annual Christmas tea ba zaar and bake sale at Burton Avenue United Church will be held hr the cadet hall on Wed nesday alternoon and evening immltoboclockanditos ocloclr The event is planned and organised by members oi the United Church Women BEAUX AND BELLEQ Colllnguoods Blue Mountain Promenaders square dance club entertained members or the Beaux and Suites oi Barrie at dance held in Nottawa liall Saturday evening Barrie dancers attending Included Mr and Mrs Gordon Peacock Mr and Mrs Albert Grose Mr and WHEN IT iliiAILEHS ro TttillilV CANADIANS Cash Your BABY BONUS CHEQUE at our Store STRANSMAN COATSCOME T0 TRANSMAN 44 DUNLOP ST Mrs HowardFairweather Mr and Mrs liarvle Weber Mr and Mrs Earl Carroll itir and Mrs Dntus Lee htr and Mrs Jack Ccawload Mr and hire Earl Brydges Mr and hire Ralph Green Mr and Mrs All Wallln Miss lilac Ferguson Sill Wright Mr and Mrs Bill Jud ges Mr and Mrs llm Jenkins Mr and Mrs Hugh MacDonald Mr and Mrs Fred Coutson nursnranvnraurs Prior to her marriage in Ortllta Presbyterian Church Mrs Will iam Harold Boyd oi Barrie was most oi several entertainments Mrs Eidred Clarke oi Carley aunt oi the bride entertained at prcsentatlon party similar party was given by Mrs Drum mend MCKEmw oi Ortllta The Ontario Hydro olllco associates oi the bride presented her with gilt Miscellaneous shower hostesses included Mrs Don Morrison ol Baylleld Street and Miss Sharon Lavender oi Dunlap Street East Following the wedd ing rehearsal the brides pan enln Mr and Mrs Earls Camp bctt Reid oi llorlaud Strcct West Ortllta entertained the wedding party Alter the wedding the residents oi Central Om lormer home at lha bride hold mis cctlaneous shower tor the couple In the Central 0m Churth prcaentntlnn was also mada la the newlyweds by the residents ol the community oi hildlrurat at the Community iiall COMES TO sun at mount FOR DRAW on ratatoucourouaoot new so rants rules ssruabav harmij Mrs Muriellilettllng mi

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