Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 5

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0n Sundu some bay Iain llnhlnz law the 51mm on the bank and when he Wu um men In the evening they old nearby resident Down who put In call to tho lnnh ll Police CanalMo Robert Thompson mponded and called an Imhullnco when lhc mm could no ha wakencd The Hugh Bmlhm added more alary to their Ilrendy lonl llst or prim at tho Royal Wln Fnlr when they captured In prize or the Ionrhom bitch Saturday evening In mm elltlan wlth mm from Mich ann and lam olhcr plncu They will be entered in he nixham bllsh font chnudnx eyenlyfi MORE RIBBONB Parker cock took tho Gnnd Champlamhlp or pork ram he Fnlr Thll II no ha nm llma ho ha been In tho wlnninll with hll pork IhOWy Inn The cnrcnn Iold or over pound which was lop the Royal Dob Spmulo Innk llll manor um um In lhl ahawinl Tom Bowman In In Ihcep nitarm conlul Will only vary low pulnll down mm the but pombh Ivemn cgmaz llANBACKlED Thu collage owned by tho Po Ilk family of Tollcndal wu lound havt bun entered Ind rm lacked wllh over two worth of good mlnm Connnhlo Mnrlln oI lunlull Police lnvutlgmd Ind nthrule of Ian wm Tho chlldmn of ML and Mn Xenntlh Maullnu lho Konnml of whom ll oven monl wm Ilicplnl when lhl llro bmlu ou Veroqu In Ill lo ho my cl nullhhorl horn Ind an Ihn louml lhm one mlw lnr mod bark Ind luund Im yourold Dlnny Ills name Nohcrl Hclnlte 31 formerly oI Welland wllh more recent addrm Spa dlnn Avo Toronto Ha or finally from Hnmburl Ger many His mother lives In Wel lnnd and me arrived In Barrio yeswrdny Amour Ms posses sion was rallwny Ilckot from Norlh pay to Tomngo TIMMINS CPI nnhyllllcr chnlcn Krnknnl 10 ll md nrrl wllh mlnl IIVNI Imnll chlldnn ram lhnlr blulnl MLM hgrly5undqygllllnl The man found Sunday In ha ruvlnn mulh of the highway ngar Palnswlck when Lover Creek run through was last report still alecplngr Re had been expected In com to yes lerdny afternoon lndlcaunna were he was In good physical condlllon other than sleeplnl He had apparently slipped Into alupinl baa alter taking hll lhDu on and ludzlnz from Vcan lound In pack may have aken rulunm to make hlm Children Saved By Babysitter INNISFIL NOTES Tom Bowman of Slroud km accept me Sunbeam trophy from Pershalle 1° REGULAR ROUND IIIMIP Illl WEALTH lPECIM OUNM JACKPOT $340 lEGION All COLLIER ST Mother In Barrie To See Sleeping Son WEDNESDAY NOV 20 lEGION BINGO STROUD MAN GETS SUNBEAM TROPHY 110 lhc oilicini rcporl oi the ar biiroiion board who were com sidering he applicallon of in nisiil for the rciurn of tho perv lion oi the Iownship which ior ycon hns been part of lire union school radian oi Giliord was not invorsbia lo lnnisiil West Gwliilmhury has received advice that lilc decision wns iavorabio to them lhs am concerns laru porlian oi as scssmcnl now bcnriillng Wes Gwiliimbury school area now transporting lhrce pupils in school lnnisiil had applied to have the boundaries adjuslcd to lake in heir township so ihai lherc would be no dupiicallon oi scrvicu and lims cave consid firlbie Adjustment in oiiicc hond Ill AT COUNTY cornon mum of County wellnn to replace th pment lyslem ch municipality handllnl awn Rm been Inflated In Slm checked mm the owners who had been awny WEST GWXLLIMIIURY presldcm ol Sunbeam Corpor ation Canada Limited the Royal Winter Fair Mr Bow man defeated zo shecpmen TUDAV ONLYI rmmlu A1 TOMORROW ROXY MW LINDA cnmnnm 02 Man Mummy Aswm Mulltlfllml onwmm lflUlS JOURDAR ELSA MARTIRELLI MARGARET RUTHERFORD MAGGIE SMIlHRUD TAYLOR nmnwmou Ann umomnu ORSON WELLES BATH nzvoNn THE SUN All Lqu Show Du Mnnxnln CANADA TRUST Mann It Mon nmu Fri Continuum II Dunlap IL mo Counly ior some time This mornlnz speaker was in nd drau Couniy Council on this sub ject Council is in session for tha loll meeting and aim bean in oi minute and correspond ence Monday morning adjourn ed to meet in mmmiileesunlil today One moitcr to be discuss ed by committee oi the whole Council Wu recommendation tho sniely oiiiccr he engaged at Iaiury of 500 per au 04 4filllN DEPOSITS WELT MMwnh CA 41 35 Mon nmu Fri Continuum II Dunlap IL sum Imm Canada and the United States In sheepshearing oompetluon Mr Buwmnnmn this trophy our yam ngo other classes Ind grade ol slaughter calmch actively Heady wllhcows selling uane to higher GRAIN WINNIPEG UP Flux 132 Ly an peg Own kahuna Oah Ind hulay trade wa llahl with evidence or ahlpplng demlnd mostly ln comedian wllhleedluprlf Rye wu Irly shady but alga was no curlynpaanad CREAM BUTTER TORONN CF Chumlng cram Ind butler prlnt prim were unchnqxed logay Butter price mac Ontario lenderabla 5152 nondendmhlq 51x nfl trunk In light Indium western 505M nominal undo prieisulinlor heavy supplyat Illa Onllrlo publlc mum today Veal call prices wen sleady Ho prices were steady and sheep and lamb prlce were Heady Slaughter tattle 4211 Chulca sleet 2125 wlth Inlay feedlot steers la zs50aood 2m me dlum 2042 commons 1549 cholee heller 1324 50 use medium IMI common 47 moles fed yearling as and 1214 good cow 1MB wllh sale In use medle 15501650 camera nnd cutters 1015 good heavy bologna hull IBM1950 common and me dlum 1543 Replacement caula 500 Good llth awaken 550 with load steer stock calves to 23 me dlum and common 1973 FARM PRICES LWESNCK whom CPJTSIemMeru should you on Durullm In your on engine you own no mo modtl our or on phnnlnu the purchase now one BA Durnfllm In tho molar all or your an BA Durafllm wanted for tho highpawn cnulm of lodayn Iuwmobllu Those unxlnm an larder on componcnl pom Valm cams bearing nnd npark plug mum to motor um Mth tompcntum And crankch gelling Imnllcr This means Ihnt limo mam povmlul engrth hovo In be lubricated WWI la oll Ohvhmly Um ol must be lot mom emclcnt BA Dumfllm motor all ha been lully mm under candlqu pm mle by the cur manululumnl lhcmulm In every run ILA Dum nlm mm by hr Iho mulmmcntn the mod newm Icrvleo Gals 1M Dunnlm ll notlunu Rood mawrull ll havutlyuwlormowwll Dumlllm keeps unulnou clonn Newly developed Ind tmmly pommil drumnu and lthllon luvn been med In new Durnlllm11wlnlulhllom pmvcnl all lxmkdown at blah umpmlum Thu drlmrnla qu lhn miklno than 1th man no clean all umm no uutk vulva llflen no hilly plIlonl no luck pluon rlnu lIAn new delmrnl mmhlnnuon alto mllmlnnlu olllmluced pro Iznlllvm well plug faulan and angina rumble Dunfllm nuku guqu all cuumnummgrm nqqlromonts an IN EVERY BA PRODUCTTH RICILIBE BENIN OF QUALITY manufacturers service requirements New BA Durafilm ELMVALE xsum Slnca county council semen an an mu week ElmIa owncfl met here Monday nightmare the mu Wednesday we Ne uouluonswill be Mpened ho Iween the village and the Im perlll Oil 00 or purchase of three Iota the end of Ike falmmundt imperial originally look in option on lhll properly year 30 and mm wants lo carry through wllh the understanding Mached with the 132 pouncll Compw Npresenl Va John Banhi attended the couxr all meeting H610 imperial Oil would like to build ware hnuso and storage facilities hex spring if pmperty could in bouxht in time An unpaved mad leading to the lots sought by Imperial OII bulls up In my sprlnz In ll mev Elmval¢Cdundl3iafis Talks With OilFirm for Land Sale KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY BA brings youanew kind of motor oil that Mum all car Thé Rfindequus Lounge BAYSHOREIMOTOR HOTEL Developed Ibr today wrapowerfulaud more demanding engines lluraiilm makes your car run better and cost less to operate and maintain Dureiilm gives you easier starting greater gasoline economy Up to 10 better mileage in city driving nuraiilm reduces repair bills by preventing contam inants suoh as sludge rust dirt and water from depositing in your engine Plug fouling and oilinduced proignition are elimi noted with new Bd Duraiilm eent condition It wouldhe Im pnreable then or all tanker trucks Mr St John we me While eouudl II anxious to hive the werehoueezo up mm lIIctanee was expressed overthe vIllnge win the entire cost for the necessary reedwork In other huslneu council was reminded that the deadline or Ippltutlnns or the job at Bren caretaker ls Nov 20 It may be another two week before the Irena 1e randy to have Ice In Itelled publicwork ehllrmnn Kgnknox ntd Sewer nieanup operations are continuing under the direction at Ken Chiids Proctor and Bedlam village mince No report has been received yet by council on the litigation underway through the work stoppage in Soptemher hythe rewor contractors 0mm weii Construction Co council was told Barrlgi brain And Man Luxuriou Fully Liemad Lounsu PPresents Nightly Entertainmen with GORD HATCH YOU CANT BUY BETTER MOTOR OIL HAMMOND ohsAN AND PIANO Oh My nunmm Ihlorbs wnumlnmumonhonmumm mow oil In to hald contaminant Inch Ilmt dlrt Ind nut Ind mount them mm depositan In your angina Wham loo mm mm lnmu pt Inw Um oil II hmkl dawn und nlm In contamlnlnll lhrwnhout the mlno Thln clog lhc main wllh gummy damn Iludan Ind am When all hmnm yaun head with npllr km BA Dumlllm pmnnu thll Two mum nl BA Dunmm va 1M Dunfllm mum In EAR lowso for molt driving mndldom Ind 3M mm or lmm cold 1M Dunnlm Motor Oil lutyourlM dkrl now Buy swungmater fuel economy New BA Dnnmm very hlgh viaeonlty Index Flow mlly at ulnde law Impen tum and does not lhln out It uucmrly high engine npmdnz arm pernlum Th mmnn that cxlnmo temperatum have an arm vlmlly than ha also with ordlnnry olll Thll nah your minim Ila unlu Ind hm you helm vnlvollhcr mfpnmoo You mm nupllnq oneMMuplo 107 better In dly driving Youll lilo yoqrfiruwnnmbwmhnbmudwhbmum ulo lollall Ind hnvnlaci1hlon war innlnmln THE HARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10 NH ONE EVENING snow AT NOW FILMTOUR OF GREAT BRITAIN Well Now 20 8pm Public Library MK HAWNNsJOSE FERRERALEC GUNNESSMTHONV OUNM mmnmwmzmw msMmmov nown swanAu £622 tlt éizo 511 55 233025 8563 585 51 51 BARRIE FILM COUNCIE CokunziaPcm mu THESAMSPEGELMVDLEANMMM presents MUM Silver Collacflan winun on mum Amnnsl gamma SAT HUN 200 pm CHILDREN

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