It Ihocktng to learn that certain Bark mum my be cloned tn Barrie mun at vundlllrm The Parks Board but reported comlderabte loss by de ltmctlon Ind dnmngo to property One park tn ï¬rtlculnr Strabane war men tioned board secretary said it war hoped that citizens would report any gogllgans so that direct nation could bo en Mont assuredly thle vnndallum wlll stop It few the culprltu are hauled lnla couxt Ind lined Better stlll they have lo pay or thelr Irena or the damaged equl ment en other wlll thlnk twlee etore eommttllnz luch eemelw acts But police cm be everywhere once And It 15 me at then perks to with or vendnle 403m A09 town Inaku fly it mu mn mm ll to Old opno ï¬hrlflhvt um 17 mum on 1mm mtm rum Am Im dinm cm fuzgmyfrw Mull Barrie Exnmlnor Nov ll 1023 Town Council hoard request by Vomcnl ln siltuto to have Ilroet corners proporl writer with name Baptist Cllurc pchoolroom bclng enlarged to provide nine loparaio clam Everal Fallon ot Thornton won trip to Chicago in South Simcoc livcrtock judging competi tion directed by llicCague ot Allllton Barrie iloyr Council elected Eilhhflowgll Partridgg nmxvor Lorna with Howell Partridge ma or Lorna Mncpoggnll rccvc Clark coll town clerk Clm rcr George Crcclman Onlnrlo Agrlcul tural Colle rpoka weekly luncheon Barrie wnnll Club and alkcd for cluur coopmllon bclwccn town and rurll people Rev Frank mnglord IYMKIHF ll Innlvemry ol Colllcr St Iclhod Sundry School Inld mm were more men under arms In Europa lodlr lhnn belorc the world war ex clud n1 Germnny Ind called or dlxmw nmenl Ind unlvcmlbrolherhood cl mm ln pallce tour Cmmoro dlnlrlct ï¬rmer wu lined or moomhlnlng llquor And two Wm Beach mm were con vlclcd mega humlng ol rnccoonl limit Colltglllo rnlulalncdl Mldland llllh School Iludcnu and won all three glmu junlor Ind lcnlor oolball Ind glrls mllball 30000 nddlllon to Should Alert The Police To Signs Of Vandalism canmu 0n um II om hannnmu om In In ml DIILVV In MIMI llal mum IM ILIUI 0le It minnow HIIIIAI llll Ann IM Hull MININJ CIIIIIIIMI Illl An 1mm no cm mme Iuomgu ulna WIHI Publllhef Eh Zï¬arrlie Examth The Barrie Examiner SIRE NEVER WITH THE KILTI Publllhedby Canadian Newspapers blunted 16 was Street Barrie 0mm DOWN MEMORY LANE Emil 6113111 6mm 11mm ruzamv NOVEMQEI mm mu md report them One of the major du lles cmzen In femomcy In to Ilertgolicq guy Illega ac hp wlppesy en The obllgatlon does not stop there Mter having reponed crimeymnny citizen has een ound unwilling to ap pear in court to testify to what he has seen Yet thll very failure has olten ruined an otherwise lound case agnlmt the hoodlum element In our democratic way of life zen In obll ed by honor not only to not commit of cum alnnt tha law but he must help the pu 11c ofï¬cers who us under oath to defend the publlc Igalnxl luch offences ii would be shame in do rive chil dren oi the privileges and eiighu of our ï¬arks just because citizens will no do oir part in hei In the pollen in put an end to vandlism Wellinglon Holel nearing com lollon with contract by Bail Planing ll ii Allandaia CNR eoceer team beat Toronlo Daniorlha L1 on goal by Polls and Roy Emma Capilol Thealre managed by IL lilorrilon waa featuring movie iuman Wreckage atarrin Mra Wal lace Reid and alage lei ll cQuinn Sir era novelty orehealra lit the Grand Opera Home The iiiemgo ol Bluebird Canadian light opera waa resented can oi Barrio reople in air of hoapila Ana liuyckc liiu Mabel Cheeaman and Mra ill llealh took lead roles in lha junior grou Beryl Wollenden lda viich and Lora Brown were alarl lira Grillllhs waa piano aecompanlll and direcled orcheaira New Dream lnnd Theatre lllld movie Homeward Bound alarrlng Thomal lileighln Tllonlpaon Jennell oi ivy had narrow eacapo while deer hunilng when Ihul in elbow Snrieanl at Kin began Ielllng out menl wear alock handlo only lullea wear ln luluro ll graph could keep ln lllclr pockoll In alaullal percentage of lho money they hand over In In they would have purrlmlng power llud would lw lpcnl md the money would go lnla lho lom clmnntln ol llllh No one would hava Io worry Iboul ll lhe money would clrculalc WHY NOT CUT TAXESI Vlmlsor Slur lmlmd of making caller money And localch mlld Inllnuon lo Allmulnlc bull nm why not reduce lam Ind glvo tho pcoplo man of lhclr own money do lpgpd Governmcnll lodny Ira lelllnu l0 lhcy lmnk lhclr elocllon Im Ivan lhem aomn dlvlnu right to tell lhl puoplo how lo mm the money 01 earn mum of Mlln lhu eople oou whnl they mm to he gavtmmenh uh hi mqncy 5nd rhyme hay will In upon money lfld decide how It will In aunt Just for change lets no how Il neu will do the ample cut In um and no hm Ih own mom to mud um um mud wlnh OTHER EDITORS vmws QUEENS mut ly DPN OfllAï¬N TORONTO0m dly mm In he and plflrade ll exams Oh no not limorrow or next year or tho yen alter But 111959 Amy In nu wind The mm courlirlri in 01 hudnhe Tho um bum In luvln them In to rude puplll or an vcynlylgnlrngn And then hu been Inch delny In clllnl than mama that Iherl hgl bun conlinull cogpmny Then hm been huge to peed gm But Ihm hunt bun loo much lucceu And with man And morn Iludenh overyyelr mummu heflnnln to argin daist The mm In wind bullelln from the rlmrchda pmment ol the OhmIo Collm ol Eduutlan Vhllo the mimic whole avenge out than varlnion belwun Individual orzcnlu and th Idull cum mum Extuulvn Itudl undar way In he Unlled sum Ind then rauiblllly um In cm of wuhllnx ha Individual ullmllel will dwelan tram hem VThVey mlli dont lee much paulhlli ol unlnl th mark out mu uniHer DROP THEM 1110 ground In open or noma lhlnl new And um lama lhlngf could In to drop thl exnml Not too wall known II he lad he all teacher lubml conIL dantlnl estimate on lha mark lhclr puplll wlll makuon the vnrou dyll papm The OCE ha Hen nnnlyzlnl the conï¬dential enllmltcm and in ï¬nding hnvo been Ilrlk On In Avenue ha dlr covered the estimate have been Jun about Road In ln den n1 nape scindnra betwem cg5h nnd between schooll There hope however lhdl U1 yum banyercome week In editorhll enm Jed Fm Important Dechlon On Education Question ID rurcd In your yaw new timellml rem lhu mnlnlmd wealth of mhlnlor mlflon in flu Inumll of In 1an clllzem Indol mm n1 your tandem would Ilka In memvt mm clnrmculon £519 Iiluluan The union they couldnt be Accepted now Inllud of exam In lhnt here In the mm vernxcl Iyen ml deal money Whm thin nu cl unim Illy Ill human echmloly would In 1m mu the people Barrie not llnxle dollr It in munlclpll level From In re qulmlnn land lhmulh bulld lnl adulprmenl mm Ind mnlnlzmnu all mun would bl borne by Ihn two mm ovum menu pmvlnchl Ind ml Last Week helm Im an dlcncc WI membm pm vincll nonhrcncl In Toronto Dnlmol educallon mlnlnler on 1le mad um WI Dgar Sir wnur tdfloflll Impxled In in lend furmph lhal lechnnx yxlca Immule valld qm loci WHITEHOHSE YT lCF Thu Yukon erriloml nouncll Iuwom lha mum kill umbflnl In lhl Yulmn commu nlly anmn my whcro am than naurIhed n1 lIu lbw mu nu Klgndih old ruh council 1m unnnlmaul uppraul Friday to mallnn llmlnx ovlmmeul conlrolled nmblinl In Dlwum mm In In hmu ol lunch drprmlnn oar ï¬hlw munrll number lnr Dlwmn Clly Inlroducld flu mollon no Inld lcul Imbllnl would communlly Io comm boon llmcdl Mr Bhuw nld wmuhlnl mwl don lnr 01mm IWII nr lm commxhnllg wlll dln pnr Ind llma nolhllu ll LONDON nmlm Ilurv Ihll leulll Krylav any hill flavld will Ml nuclm mk nn unllmllm nu pawn Id In The Bgvld Mill umq Tull rTomd nulurdny vle mu land colonl pow In 1me umnlo In rurhlnl Iho and hm lulutum Ihk mm lu Im ill M401 mmvw flu mum nylnl Ml mm rlnnhh nrnlnl Dm Dawson City Seeks Retum Gambling Soviets Boast About Rockets ll mulen tht In OCE May SeeThe End Grade 13 Exéms LETTERS TO EDITOR been Illemptl hu Wen lhll gunman Hi Jim partnee that It hu lor om clnll ol the collm Impor member he and II Ixnmlnatlom commmem Ngwsmun snow 77m bl Ihnw cirnmluea ll ulllnl undu wuy Iuln The Ielect committee on cont conlumer credit unpainted at tha union ll um new hurtnu To dm thamommmu hu bean the blumnewlmlkor And lhn henrhm In dntl could bl only baglnmnl By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dur Dr Molnar hm luo lnvmul my Internl ar 11 vbelng lrnnspaled or on lhqwr9nz lldq About 25 doctor hm ex amlned ma 1n the few yam manly out eurxollly They were all amazed Ind lama didnt believe my heart bull on lh9rllh Ilde Belnl wln teem to hm lama burl but nobody knew mcuy why Lenhun dedneu In one noulblllly um In been observed clackwm revarneluhnk whole ll Inalhtlf A115 the Inlzrnnl mam All my p0 nvgrugor only norm It II develonnuiï¬lv ï¬lm and lhlll About In load ll plgp on WI hing How men do thll occur Whn cause Am mm nnI win Dou Ihll have Any my todo wllh IHNN very mo biï¬ditlon dust on the right IIde 11m mgr Ieflhaqd no on down In In have any harmful ellecu ltl ï¬lm that the mam are arranged in WignnlL reyarudi pattern live in echnlcl use Ind en dorud Idvnnced lechnlcnl IdIl cnflan comparing Ivorlbly with lb Ill too nucn plrmlnlly melred lllml mkan univer llly education Mr Dnvll 1m plled that II bulcllly cm In Ind demlnd Ind the med to my II undeniably or chnologllkl Ind achnlcinnl may be of Imam to mull lhll Mr Rablru mm llmIlar Imu mznll In lha arm nloremll durinl hll lerm mlnlmr Iducallon Du Dr Molnar hvl IZYCIIQM boy who won nu FACTOR Another Important factor la liken into Account when do clllon In belnx made pm van Illrndian lechnlcll col lege or lechnolaglul lwllutu or Induury To Bmlll erh and prom lhl unblllhmenl such 201191 would lmmenu vulue Purer matter economy It to In dullryl Idvnnlm to locnlo clan mum cl hlghly ll ptrgonnel TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Slfll Anelhur poln or tonId arnllan II lhul In maul It In IJmIH minority univer 1M wouqu whit umu om IIJI the Inter urhun unlr owlu lo lhq lmlller demlnd and ma smalln opporlunlllu In Gcoulm BI um lhq mud or unlverl ly rldullu mutant bul law 110 lhe do mund or ltchnolazlm in Jun conunl but nxtramfly high And Ingrgulnl WHY llcalin Substance Shrinks Iilcs wwwgmum No II Um aloud II Wnl In an Minty lmm called Irvplullunl Alklnvllllllldm MW luv couldan unwnl 01 011111le dommmhd mt llul mu luwm In or ulablllhlnl In lnslllulo Tuhnoloty In Ulnlt whlch Ihlll bl pinned to mnlu null Ihlc lo nu ll any ll Would you XIII pdllpm own oum Iméoriim umnl mlllcr Your wrgh Indy lltklu nlrmnn cMa Acllu Commmu 1mm min uni tubaln will the nbluy la nl Mmm vhojqApdnlagly ll nllgvu lkhln rm hull m1 Mllnl ul nu lama can Illu flit whlk null Iun1 nln nunlluduulon winningme plum Mm impomn IIINIH moaleth null1mm ml mlgulmd on wind winged yn ï¬tflï¬hflfll nqawM mgrth lnllllylg hll mm Ilnlaul mnuulum autumn nplpulpo Pasteurizing Milk Is Wise Precaution Announce New Nov 1m lhc Elnl Rebellion luck on yam ï¬lmwim hll Moll follower For Wlnn Ho lubuquanly became brul dam or growllanai lov emmm 1d wound or lhc entry Aulnlbolu into lhc ledlln lodcrulon pmvlncu Manl tobl HII pnrllclpulon ln Ila mend uprlllng In 1505 led to Iremn convlcllon bed every night unim let him up end eometimel he does Anyway pediatrician laid he wil umow it have niw been laid to live him powdered min and Iailpeter mixed with war every night until he mm Da gaurecammend this MR3 mm nu uid hcip it might iurmiul buidu train winning concoction Your Ion in name urinlry condition or sin psycjoloflui quirk oi Jayne ml Den Dr Molnen In our um lly llvlnl clm we were study Inz Iyphllh and gonorrhea and wen nlumped by an quuuon Do lhue dlmm luvs any r0 mm to cancer Could they bl cnmu unceraul in Hm Noumea In no rellllonlhlp lo cancer But they do enmh damn othtrwiu to mum lmmcdlnta remnant In time syphilis in wucnln can uuu damnu vnrlnul mum of the body the hurt and the brain being nagbln gxaplylel Den Dr Molnon ll lhl drinklnl of milk from can own and com me wllhaut pu leggmllpmMfll No Alwnyl pnleumn Why hmqu herd lhnl II perfect today my not uh tomoh raw nxberculmll um 15 not Ilkdy la appur overnluhl but Ihera hu to be mm Um At which an dunn ram sgleï¬ ml sale occun fhphold lemuun occur bl cmm In lamI my the herd an unlen lmpun load or In Bructllolll cumin hr mum Abortion in unit and undulanl cm In humnm In Illll molher 11qu mu know of mu in which In Inflated herd moved from Ila onqu 9mm mud Infection of other hard mnnl liter BLACKPOOL Enlllnd AP Edd Bum hrn oarold Bllcipool boy who in ylnl leukun wen buck to halplm Eund mum curm mu puny Every on Elwlhem Ind bum told to prclond far Eddhl lake lhu salurdny wu Chrlll mu Mal Inn 70 chlldnn crun lxed Lh pmy far lha bu who guy not llvc 2h ug1m 3711 CANADIAN PRES ny Brit hh Oolum Wu omllly declared Hold Chrisgmas For Stricken Boy ma Abnhlm Llpcnln dellvmd um lmmflll tysburl Addml 1933WEW why Top OTTAWA REPORT HISTORY an Beat Natural GAS Speaks 0i Dangers To Economic needom OTTAWA Hm Clnndllu lolt an M1 and In lndnpen dance 01 th nlonuu who opmd up our Manter be want hIVOer Imnmlu Im dom mod may from and rapId unflorm milkw thorm dlflncnnflvn or um sucker halt encourlud llll palItlclI Io nulbld ch other In vIIh rom Ind amlndlnu mm In handonu than pnylnl on In menw we hm vut Ill our lovcmmenu federal Ind yrovlnclnl Ind mummyI bcglnd the Ilml elghlvbgll our outstretched IX lulu noelmm Ill mum About In III country by lhon whbonhl win Ior pl In th Thc cmpln mum phllu nphy at nclnlllm In Cumin hu chilled Imm creep gallop under flu prmnl love eminent hn nld 1mm thn I01 Iowlni mmplu By Indlllll hm Men or Ihll 13 hm Cnnadlnn war hit none of our UK lpmlu hu ever won up Ieroul IIIHOMI debate on thl Im um lune Do wu mm to or Um bl mm linuenu by makinl onmlvu coli llve In world mnrkom or would wn preler to lentherbed our wny through lnl wel 1m lute mop pm It mum The hnnlble truth wn cont Ileoufly explnlned In much by Eldnn Woolllnml Connem uve MP for Raw River Aim to the IIld¢nll of Med Unl varsity an tho wool which oleotloneer In pofltlcllnl hlva wrapde over Cnnadlnn cyan he db mind how mdlyn when hm Incurred debt which com lnz unumlom will luv la my You deservu In Ipaloly lrom my lfllflllhn he nld because we hm monnnd ihe luluro 1mm of your Inborl Ind above All wt havn pen rd Hem mind your an lh mu nd mm Mr Woolllnmu pllnted flu mmelul picture An Army or novelmun emfloyeel mm mm It mm In mm the mum In In MHMWMMN you Our defamewhich man mlkrwork thin mlllury pm nuncam In 016 bllllon mr Boclll wellm com ummm And thl Ihlaml on our nI hull dam coul 7111990300 PATRICK NICEOUON Timo Hem Ind mort You 369 Blyfluld SO For The Best Deal In Town ORMISTON MOTORS HILlMANHUMBER SUNBEAM Auihovlnd Dulu mu which hm hobblid your lmnomlcdmlny hi lold hll you Iudlencl Wo Mk Ibou depleted ll MI whhmd mourn but what moum lul bun mm IXPLollqd ulna our MumIII cg mg nu We now hm Inpmuu liking war II mpomlhllmu Indlkunl hi numd qum you um Iho claim doctrlno of Al unitlull lode II to pm at urvlln um SodHum Ill bmnlhl coulllry with npuy or mlulnh an un hu med from creep um gallop under the present we eminent he nld 1mm the lol lowlni mmplu Tum hlvo been lnmmd depmment Indullry hll hm let up lncnulnl Ihl zovernmenl No mlnmm lcul lure hm mnvlppolme or the In Ind on or the wntan lncmn In mu Ind cos forced contrlbmon pen Ilon plan Im been pmmlud Il though ha been umparlrlly mcksd lo sleep became ll wn conceived 1n huts Ind dr Sam he lhlnll whlch Ill Ihould And can do helm itllloo Reject wllifcllul promlm of breld IngAclrcqu Mk Wink cm do or my country and my neighborl nm Whit wll my country And my nglghbor doufor Ipohllled to on or the we nan cmlod our mention forward Ind ulda Iho political sin or your Mhlrl llmcl uid Mr Wool Iowa purulnwnllry mu dldluworthy they Win 111 you ll durum Int mu II Inn will hear II no am wrench upon hunk MIMI 1am nle LordI mmm Wu navel Intended to hi mm cm beneï¬t of III do not lull It II II no keeplu mm BIBLE THOUGHT PA 4330 my mg $4