Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 3

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54311753 Km Emn XLAw anlonnl Searan NDHA Frank Per rull Crnlrnl Canndn Hrcvprfl Um Flay Command Clvlllan lcmnnol Ufllcer kc an New Chll Smite L1 oul llnnd he tlmnau In he Ad mu how they have and will lfv rivll mvnnu now nnd ln lho ulum NDIJA nationwide orzln Ixnllan ol dcknre employm The Camp flunkn and 1mm group II nmong nu Inmu In Canndn Gmup lmurnncn wvmuu the mcmlwu mllrcllva bnrunln In and nrhllrnllon and flu ll nnnrlnl and ndmlnmrnllvu npcrv Mon at he numlnlinn wm lhl mum loplcl nnlcgalu ram mun Onurlu mel In flnrrlo on lhu weekend or lhe Firth OnlIrIa Confirms ol the Nullannl mum Employ Aunclmlon He was wanking on mollon he Introduced at the board meal 1ng lhal tho Onlnrlo Department of Education be pclilluncd to lunflhen the school year lla said that board should rcasser helr radltlnnal res on llblllky by Involving Ihemxu ves In educlflan However he Anll clpated resistance from the De Francis Crane member at Burrle Dlslrlcl Collegiate Board sold but night that school board have lost lhelr tradition al luncflun Kuldlng the edu cation of the chlldren under their charge Scaled flu table during Iunchmn Al the Lukevlew Dnlry yesterday Ire tram lull to right Dakon Wlllcr nnlional president Cunndlnn Rellnnunl Almlnllon Lloyd NDEA Studies Group Insurance RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT VISITS BARBIE lllrco air cadeLs were prc tented with awards meal II Bank Air Cadet Squad ron last night Szl Gary BaLssunuull 11cm and F11 Bolssonneault lam and FlL Believes School Boqrd Has Lost Itsr Function Wu rnulhlly Invlu yml In hmm Ihrmuh our aperlmrn Imi ll your Imuro Our mm Me uulmonl alum All our lavmulla rhmm 0mm lnr Unhunlnl Ion Ind mompl drllvrry my mum In mly vlall In our mummy dpul mrnl lanes nmn WHIP It AIR CADETS RECEIVE AWERDS Thou nllendln ram Camp Borden And Dlllrlct lncludld Peler scou Muford Can nlnu Ednr Monty lloflmnn Thom Mcbmd Ind Ml Colllm n11 1mm flnrrle And Buy my Cookawn Tho Mll contortncu wlll bu htld In Cllnlon In April Idem Monlml Frod Enrh 0n tnrlo Provlndnl Pruldenl IK mvllle and Dev Wmlnu Prov Inclnl vkv PMIwnwn wm thl exgpullvn onlcm In nucndnnca hlwr 1123 BACKACIIE The altlmde of lucherl led erallons he Inld is Ihal school beards should no Involve ham ugh3a 1n pulley but Ihnuld can fine hair achlIle lo ralalnl nnd adylnlalerlpg um Mr Crane nld hal he wan concerned that school such Central Collcllale whlch ha Itde £00000 plant shauld he 1pm only about 195 dug ypar He envlauzed use he xchoula up to 240 day year and lux lesled that some lubjecu mllht be laugh on yearround hull purlmunl Education and from Iegqheu orgnnlzatlom lllll mm Hll tllluhl1 MacDouzall prealdcnl Holl day Branch Andrew Vachnl Onurlo coordinator CM and mm Mayur be Cooke Mr Waller stopped In narrll belora Ipuklnl la ho Holl Sgt Peter Murdotk Vlrlght wre awarded their wins or completion of tlylnu scholar lhmlnst summer we Brian Westgmth Tnylor 49mm was Emanth wthra diploma Service or ha scummien will ha ll ll mm and pm Thu public In lnvllcd In Miami lhl pm mvlu which will In damn la mnlrunllannl llnllnl Forovtr your an 3M mvmher mnlreanuan bu been InaUna nl Codrlnllon Blmt qbllcsdlnol Mum ninth church Wu lay Janu Dmlo Church Chrlu will nchlally open Sunday wllh th1 urvlcu Invite Public To The Opening 01 New Church Stnllnz that cammorclnl lub jectl would he elncclnlly well adapted lunuch lrenlmenl he observed that yearround lendi lnz would allow comvrculon the pmunt laur cur commer clnl couue lnla rce yearn Mr Crane said that ha mnda lhe mollon became ha 21 Ihn many or he trullm Ihurm hls ldeu and lho board lhauld dil cm lhe Idem Ho noted the boards concom lull June when mm was out although 01 Iclally wan Illll In uenlanl The board tabled the mollon or dllcunlon next Monday day Branch dlnncr Inst nigh at this Shanurlll In Orlllla Exnmlncr Phala May we mum yml lnlk av our fuluru flnnnclnl plum and um ymonl heth nmmm pmmflnn wllll In nod ruprmnlnllvn of The Exulalor IM lmumucTonumglydhuhm nyhrlplnlcanadlnnn hrlp themIAN Ia mm mt fornuccculul completion 01 um enllra air ends program Thu praenlmlnn was mndu by Squadmn Loader Gmrna Malr at Trenton Examiner Photo umnumnn l0 Hundred thouand In wwk nu dronm nu any mother ofunnll Illdmn Mil yau Up at Iho mick of dnwnfclchln currylnx wuh lnl lmnlnl prcpnrin men In annulus All day long mm Week Sh wonder how the could mulny do mnm nhou ynur wife on rottnlnly wmlhlnt lnldn rlnm wllh hnr Yul ulnk hnw much HXTlMuholl In In do an thing hnppcned lowur Imam nml aha mu farm to hack to work an lull palm hika lmw mnny thin or your rhlhlrm woul be In umlnno Them In mm mm wny Infumnnlm lhnl III wont happen In your wifn nml mnlly and that In by our runImam now milklent xrmnnmt parent llfo Allffllflfi Although ll dny week II mllly mum Ffianllnnll or hundred hayand fldny wwl AFIVE DAY WEEK JUST DREAM nu floor Ild In llnum ll under gulrlnm lllfl II II no expected lhll bl uhoal band will hm lo vly or woyk don In coma lhl warplnl AI lhire in bibhm under Uu floor then would collecuon or maltluu uld Burton bond cmmm Th mnulum floor ll Cen lnI Column will hm be am up la dtlcrmlm thl cluu varying Ibo floor balm ll mnlzd Bum Dlv mu Collegian Mud mulln Iau mm The floor banrd cup ed to 1th at 11 An nth ICMMIHI report Tom luv nhawn 25 per can malnut ooman in floor BUY ADI Barrio Diurch Callcgim Board voted inli nlghl la buy iull page ndvcrliummu in the yearbook oi Nnnh and Cm ini Coiicgiam The ndvnriiw menu will each mu fliECML MEETING Darrin at Coileginio Board will hold Ipeclnl mm in next Monday night It eight aclack lo dllcun lh lochon lhird high Ichoal planned tar ANNUAL MEETING Annual meeting oi the Darrin Brunch the Cnnndlnn lied Crau Society will in lucid Dec at Collier Si United Church The next biaad donor clinic will ha held Dec at Trinity An iicm Church fiarrlel PEACE STUDY Then wlll month al the Banlo Pam Sludy Group Wadncldny uvcnlnl pm Calllur SL TM Group wlll dllcuu the book An Allarnallve lo War or surrender by Chur 101 Ouaado pmldcnl ll Amcrlcnn Paychnloglpnl Soclely and pmmm plychalugy the Unlverllly llllnall The public ll lnvlled lo attend CANADIAN CLUB um Mar Lou Lymhvwlll bu Wednel Ayl apnkar the meeting In Cnnndlan Club Barrie lhe Library Hull Her topic will be Prllanerl Parole Ind the Publlc In mo Mm Lynch WM nppoinled member lhu 11v member Nullonnl Parole Board membm attended lho meeting which was chaired by club pruldent Dr Hum Tho qull wen Mum Bruce Barber Chanch Drury Emca Bryan 8111 Plcknrd and non Hadlleld LOCAL GENERAL Repair Floor Central Gym tinold Parker nnd Dan Jahm non were named cMnlrmen the vet thaw Bob Walton wax named chnlrmlno tho pay Ihmy Illneu mad the cunullnllan at In Iddml Im British 151 Today by Tom Brahman Orllllnv comhlncd pony Ind pet Ihow for the min 1m wu dll cuuod by Darth Mml Club In mm at dinner me lnl held II the Ccdlr mu Rel lnurnnl The alderman had uid urller Ihnl he would run In In anh comm municipal election but dld no lyncle Iha noniliun inld Mr nohem Wm my mm mm or rtelacllan II lldcrmnn Ald nobnru ended mo uInllon lau night that ha mllht run or mayor In 1h orlhcom Ing pcquon lMlml EXAMINERI TUEDIMY NOV nm1 May Combine Two Shows Would Remain As Alderman Tho Dcvnrlmm National Dorm refilled to quzulmu placed on Cammam ardcr pager by Mr Madlll who but an ad ml of enrller my Mom about In camp ruck maln umnce prournm man told lhn Landon wm gullcd hyllnvllllqul Ind that lhl cullcd by Invlllllan und that ha lerml an no call la mnlnlcn nnco mad cranlnu mow runovnl at road crmlnu maln OTTAWA Special The gov ernment han cnllcd lmdm on maintenance overnmznttowno ed railway Inc In Camp Bar den Ihrauah the Toronto olflce ol the Depmmcnl Deltnco Produnllan Elwaod Madlll Corr urvullvo MP or BulletinElm cat wn lnlanmd IM week Am HexIcy chnlrman or ho cammllm nld conlldcr qu invaumntlan hu bun done In connemlo lhllhhjuporl Plcflu and Indullrm Comm Ed May bu renamed la warm brief or prmnlnllon to he dc pmmem and that thl mayor gram cammnleo to yrmnl Barrie 91mm Cellulite Domd rojoclcd wflhwt debuts 1m night request flu mm School ml for min In lhe rm mlnry or nlzhl Ichool Ingmclon to 03 an hour The request wn made In bring the alnry In Ilno with meauvrevnlmt In Um Toronto lem School lmlrudon were paid 15 an hour In your ha wm belnl railed to to It Iha beginning lhIA your Ihc report In Milan Miami mammcndm filmy by tho Barrio Wlnlcr Em ployment Campaign Committeg anyqu Mama Th Finance Cammllleo re or mnmmcndnd that an 1mm Illa hemIn with the Dcyurlmenl Educa Ion bu rcqucmd Iadll nun lhu appllcuflon Call For Tenders To Maintain Railway Track At Camp Borden Barri Ciiy Council iuu inktn thy iirai my award nailing technical imliiulo in Barrio lo um lho Georgian Du mm lit Ipocinlmulinz nlini ht council unnnlmouniy ado it FinnncoCommliiu mm which cniil liar immedinip mien Dont Consider Salary Hike Cdunéil Is Urged Maire Immediately T0 Gar TECHNICAHNSTITUTE mvlaully whlcvnwfn Earlier llr Madlll had been lalfl In lelllnl the luck maln lennnu nul on contact would mull In an overall annual In um Th week Mr lladlll wnl lnlormed that Illa urvlccl la be provlded by the ICE can ullmaled $1000 Annually Ind hey rm nal Ink an lnlo conlldmllnn when the overlll nnvln wu ullmulcd 5an under lender ctJII Illa ruck malnlennnu crew wu not nfrlm wlll not In mpomlblo or em mum at culvcm or drum weed kllllnm brmh culling Ind em mnlmennnu All hm mvlcu will be ravldcd In the van gt ark Campnpy Nu n59 Canadian Hui Cert Aflor adapt Inuch 01 In Iltllnz council dull with petlllnnl cammunlcnllopl and accaunll referring mm In com mlum oddellflmwu requm far phealant shoot to help the In film Chrlxllnn mm Ald lloberll um III hld hm dllcuuod wllh aur roundlnz mnnlclpnlm and lbs committee had resolved en damllan from lhom Ald Hem Mr ha been dimmed with flva ml County Council an far an hour and In mlnum mummy mm In in Iha um mint hi union It Wu Announced mm on Earl new will In 5qu wonk er County Councils annual bunquu mo nm Wedneldny My Bnythgrc liglcl Md Horny Illd We Ind In dullry llyexlrenwly Anxloul and lhll wlll encournu Induury Ia come to Darrin The qumlan mm will lhll hinder location at unlvqnll In Bun101 0n the cunm Inchnlcal Inllflulc our 1y wlll Tho pravlnchll government provldcl Inc can of thin 11m wlll omcamo lutomlflon and unemploymcnt dun cums lo Bmll Wu nun ax dlculta In 115 men on ma uh flu today Indmlry lndl ll mm prncllcll la lubr Ildlza Ihurulnlna County Council T9 Aid Indians Md nobem Eula hlw no objection in technical whoa but Id like to and camylca mm In olhorand no rule out the Mu unlvmilyl Md Man Tho TM Agricultural Cammmu r9 parted letter tom Wm sun can Plnwlnt Auoclnllan mm or III Incmu In In tram Thu reparl ruled tho mm hu may hm doubled um year Ind recommended Ihl request In related The report wan adopted ungnlmqguly Item Allrcd Cm quln nld do not think our mm mm hu done what it mould have done or In Indium 01 Du Inland And Ihlnk lhflllld remember Hm the ablo bod led Indium on Chrmlln bland were In ID Armnd nrvlm dune Emma ll 10 mm today And In Barrie and lwo newsflaer llkq ll mdl duck ar the Quad Mary Thll wu In nleranco In In cdflorlll mum olu where Ihlt Bum nudl Unl vmlly Ilka ll need dock or thelgmn Mary Council Adopied monorimu tho yhcmnl moot held at churn no Referring to Iwa ream edib arlall in dlflmnl nm npm MduO 10me and dont mm to becanu Involved In Inmument between lwo nowupn on But In my oplnlon the admin Exminer cdiwr will hand on 1m And In 4mm Ho find been fluumd wllhlu lub comm flu or the people who mgdg Ihq prelunlallon to cgunch COLONEL SANDERS FAMOUS LAKEVIEW Shirley AM HI musical mjorml he crulu unlqun In tho concert world lam probably lho molt mud people lhllJIlVl em Ilcned mule Whmvn Shirley doe with Median be alnulcal popu Iar folk In at modern It mum An mm Ind ulruh in recrullbn ummenl to MD Amuln vmulllly And mu lul lnvml an Day BUCKET In 11 BARREL lndelul BOX DINNER mink dropout in fig school It mum mm from mm milling ha huv II he mum of mm Mth educuion 11 Mo com rim plum cello and mu won warld wlda minim Ia Ill virtually Admlrm Dan shlrlny rma ram clmlcm 1m Blnvlmky mum Elllpglon la Duka Ellington HI hu mm 17 bellulllnt reconAl film which hm sold over mllllon IN hall caplet drown In aduutlou um elpeclally In About mm the yr um mulll up In our In Id am an either Ind unumploycfl or hard lhelr yollllom WAY The Don Shirley Trio will lhn mt alumina In the Com muull Cancer 391 It Im rte lul Calleslm Auditor Iug Nay 27 wow think the groplr Ilia lo um 02 mlan 1n er mmm nulnln will bitinch fnului 373679 Mty Whether ma with on thl other down really nub Don Shirley Trio Next Attraction In Concert Series FOR FAMILY DINING 375 495 35 W23

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