Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 2

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Alnn mun Amal mun LIL um DIION II Ifll In Inlullllllv Ill Ijlrlllll ll mqu It mom um mum mm mmmummpf umuuwmu Alum mu Alumlnlum AXMHI IM AlhMl on All up nul mu mm mu ul Nl Ilall TIL mumn II IE Ill lzm in hth um nu Dam llndn TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE DIVII In Mr Mc County In xndunlu of ha 0n urlo Aurkulluul Callous Ind in hnd monle cx rlenu in nu relII Iced and efllllm buxineu Mr Iile II dlmlu dlrmar of hi Ontario Sell and Crop lm pmvemcnl MIMIHon Ind vlw Ho uh Iprtnder lervlu wauld alsn bu Ivalhble whm he firmer an ant th ml chino Thu company upch la ur vlca of Simon County Ind north and wlll mnka ll product Avnllnbll la the oullylnn dlllrm um Descrihm the operation lha plant Mr Dlvh nld he nw malerllll would be blnndud lnln mmplcle lulllixer from kl orlxlnnl bulk lorm One the min urvlcu the plan will pmcrlpllon mlxinl he cnnllnutd We wlll be min In lormullh any mix ture that farm lull lest demands The company will employ live incl emplnytu when It npem lhll Februnry Only two ol these Ihe um manager and um plant supuinlendent will be fikllled PARTNERS Henry Davll of Ulopll Ind Robert McConney ol Barrie partner In In new venture uy lhe plant will Assure lhl avnllahllity hlgh analytls len llllzm In bolh bu Ind bulk lormI Sime Caunlyn Mn dry hlendlng leflllllcr plnnl will be Islnbllshed early next year Allislon was Announced lodny The cnmplny In be known lluronln Funlllzen ml 11 Joint venture 61 two lonl men Ind Cynnamld nl Cmdn Ltdu one ol the countryn hum chcmlcal pmducml to go over the New Dwell bus male The decision was mada after hearing deputation mm New lowell at lulnlzhtl board The dcwkallon requested um the bus be put on Iho mu It allowed last year With new muting my sald some of their children who wen fwrmgrly Barrie Dislrict Collezlale Board decided to and member pl the Irmgumfomgugtee Dry Blending Fertilizer Plant To Open At Alliston In 1964 Anhn LendI Swlu can nu In Toronto centre shown with Harry Nutter mm chairman cl Inst nlghll Study Bus Route rom New LoWell Compiled In Flynn Dunlap ll IL Illnll ADDRESSES KIWBNIRNS 0N SWITZERLAND VI MillI mVl mm Aluminum PM Cnlnu Nllnmlfl Clfl All Ind Em Mm anzoun Inna Id Inlllrm jlnul nm mum on on lludonl my Inw Tanm pm on I12 mu lnxma Nu In Nlrl lnm Ulllllln Inmmv rip hull Cluh gum In Mull llmvllll lNDIJIflllLI MIND Fara3 Timpenlum on lonlhl hllhl Vednudly Windsor St Thom 35 London 30 45 Klichentr la 45 Mount For 40 WInthm 40 Hlmlllon SS 45 SI Cl 35 45 Tnmnlu 45 IMelboroulh ll 40 Mulfiokl Nonh Bay 15 35 Sudbury 25 mnxaml Cochrnne Nanh Buy Sudhury Cloudy and cooler lanlxhl Vlrlahll cloudl 3m Ind much cooler Wtdner Ay Alxnml Whllv Rlver Wtd nudly vmablo clwdlnen md muth mm Eynnpxh Colder Ilr ram lhl Pnlrle will move lnlo Nann zm Ontario lonlxhz Ind Wed nesdny Southern 0mm me Inu posed by lha cnld nh advnnclnz eulqu 1mm lhl Pnlrlu And developing div urbane wulhweu Chlcuo movlnx lawrd lh lawn lakes Indlcnllonx Are the cold tlr will still north lmnlo Ind lam dun Illd Ihowarl will tenth mulhwulem Onurln by Wed nuday ovznlnl Northern th llumn Geoh xlnn Bay Hnlibuflom Wedner daymnlnly cloudy Ind cool president or Flru Co rnllva Packer Onlnrlo miled Barrie Mr McCanney has had mlny yearn experlenc In npenllnn Iced mlllx In loulhwutern 0mm Because 01 wk Ihey sald some 01 Um children were hllch hlklng two and hull miles along the mad 1mm Rman New howell onthuwgy home debutaflbn Insimbnlhiargw In in Ivor 01 um naw mute picked up at the door had to walk to ma ha Mu Other had to have up to lull An hour earlier in ma momlnz andslayonlhehuumudu zsmlnulu longer nizht Klwunis Club of Bmle mm in and Roy Macklem pml dent Mr Lendl spoke at mun Switzerland and how 7n 45 IN um um nu my IN WEATHER Mammwm3uwnuflfl Noun mm IIIMIIIM umu In III II III HI II in mm In mum will Noll OHL Nfl Moan talk In born In Tum cm Tum ma Tnlu lYnltIlI flll Iak wt my added um lhe milcue of the bus mute was 1m but that the Md the Inn travels over immahla In mu Iprlnz board will make Ion altar report ubmlued by the lrnmponallon comm tee me New unwell deputation said am lhls and other alnlo menu made last month were untrue And that the girl only has In wllk 19 mile to the bus They also said that 41 Mama by Ian monthn de putatlon um lhe walk wu hmum unlnhnblled counw wu unlrue plcliedup near her homma 5n walk thm mile no catch the ya oné girl vihoILgowA Ullvmnr Amu himnu ml 2d film He mu been alvlnl talk an Switzerland In Can and the us to In yam Exminer PhMo 720 hours ollnllmcllon FOX mor ClMCHA VALTZ RUMBA HOSSA NOVA AND OTHERS F9 ADULTS ONLY or If Oh Our chneuhy even clu In llllrd In menu to Human Iha um new clan mumm Ind 6661 TAUGIIT BY EXPERTS For further lnlnrmnllnn all Dan llltcllui PA mu 7170 max counsz If luck of nultubh financing in restricting the growth of your business or If you run connldurlng darling now onlorpriso IDB may be able in mint you EDI mom information call at tho nearest You All INVIIID TO VI 1m IDI BOOTH MANUFACNIINO OP PORTUNITIIS SHOW OUIIN Illu IIIH BUILDING IXHIIIIION PARK YORONYOI NOVIMIIR 26151281 IDB ocho or writ or descriptive booklet NEW AND EXCITING ADULT DANCE cLAss Is Now Forming ITARTS MONDAY NOVEMBER 15 AT IWIM my INDUSTRIAL DEVELUPMENT BANK EMBASSY HALL llAflCM MM MIC NADA COUJNGWOOD sum kill orenlnx ceremnnlu beinl penned for the animal Coilinzwood mama Collegiate Institute in meeting here last night the High School Bond Authorized husinen ad ministrator lelor to nnxe the ceremonies The ee cond week In December wn annealed he most conven iell lime or the opmlnz The hand meellnl null wn one of flu thorax thln yen andinl around 10 pm Only mu llna Idmlnlnmlve mnllen wlndu In uplhn msunl Illnlrl wen on he Imda Mr Taylor porls Foumen mamas wen listed or the II council mu Pour chase were member or coungllMrl Jun Pllchor Oliver Emilie and Frank Mlsener mm mm bar of the 196 count John Taylor was nomlmled for mu mdfih lefll sun Nm 1W5 WWW ALLISTON Stall Thou mmlnmd here 155 mm or council Public School Bond and flip Fubllt UlllilJuCommla lion hm until IMI lonlzh lo quallly About 100 persons at tended nomlnmlon menan Add In the arena hall lllmnomlnlled or mly or Includu the mummy Mitchell phu Dan nu present mm and Thomas Georn McCaxuo and John Taylor won norfinned for move 110 yrueut deputy nova Rllph Hunter was nnmed for thn position Mm kgnxle Health was the mention bums Stasluk 13 Niev 9013 WI pm aAnnmzxAnmmn rum Nommn Ii Plan Collingwood Schqu Ceremony Nominate Three To Compgté In Alligton Mayoralty Bade oik John 386 BLAKE ST PA M967 lor Elmér Gllrdy Fred Bray loni John Lowll Bunnll and Richard Von Dmekw PUG nominees In La ln ar Hnwu Cal in Ind John lawn Councillor am one year terms whllo school 1mm Ind PUG member operate on twoyear rolnllon mum Named for In Public School Bond were Dr Chmen Dr Hudzlns Bu nlll Ind Jlmu unmet TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MN Allandalo Drugs limited ESSA ROAD PA 82823 These few of over 35 items you will find on our PRECHKISTMAS SALE Monday Nnv 18 90 Sniurday 23 of your IDA Drug Store Capture ha lays mum wljh Kodak movla camera kli Trulyiha man aannllonal oamara mm in yaar MOVIE KIT KODAK FUN SAVER Barrio Jnyceu luvs declded nut to xponsor tho Wimp Cu nivul pmde thll year Awoh tnken It their meeting 1n Iho Amerlcnn Hotel Iumed down ngmonhlp Bropog etfecllvo In coum which begin In nigh IlDO Vllhlu Claude le being magnum by New or meme nponxorlhip pro on Iv lrmurer Sloan hu laid in is willing In ilk nn rtho groin memhor appoglled tho lenlar Chamber liic mm oi the Winter Cumivai com Ipomurinu within ihe next iew week include Slnlll mail box at me Bmie Finn and Memorili Squire The club will also Iponwr iele hon book com mu in durihulcd Iaycees Arrange SantasMailboi 66 DUNLOP ST PA 32901 Caldwell Drurs limited Franklin Bud councillor on Nu Bradlard Cnuncll was nomlnnud lax mm to run or Have of hu town he qunllllu Mr Gard nor will bu lrylnz lo unseat cumbenl Rem Bum Stew art Election Dem Two nmonl wm warned by ICCIIMIUOD Thu wm Mayor Joseph Minn Ind Dupuky Rec Fred Cook Six councillor wen namlnnt Um lha our mu Thua Im dude Incumbent momu Evm Ind Henry Bull well Fm Dow ILO Davey John Zlnu Ind Kenneth Tulllnl Acclailnf Mdgqni TBrcldford MdYOI AST FREE Film FREE Muvie Booklet Harpers Pharmacy 128 PENETANG 51 PA 85407 P1 with DJ Those nomlnmd for lhu Pub lic Utilities Commission In Jame Church Paul Sadlon Jr Arthur nnmr Edwnrd Gm anti Meek Hamhly Four will In II All piermnx namlnaled mull Luann by ML lonluht Only livapersom have hem uomlnatcdvfnr um le poslliom on the Pub Bqard gm Iunher nomlnnflonmeellnl wlll hlveto be held laler lhll month The five already nomin ated are Dr Bllckwall Kenneth Wood Robert Mo Master Rev Woolley and LH Gardner 495 value 100 valul

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