Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 14

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till BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1m lelrvhhm ummlf Tu um Ill her have in WI nllllu Inllmmrnll an In 0h In an Illm la prn an hm ml Mlulhm gnqfiuyny mm of 1m mm WAHIIINOTON Ml Kill Iclrnllnll ylnn lo uh cluuuy Itlum at vim4 Mari In 17 1am Ill ll Hm mil equle vllh lelrvll mom the Kern ll MCIIIEM Flm tn lino dIIVM Wllllnm Slmrkl nd milled going Ihmuah Hm m1 llzhl hul Iald ha wnl lulllzwm norml premium tar prun Ju run Act maulnu med Mo day II he Hut1 Hm dnnr ol Ira nnulnu lnvolrrd In mull film In Ihmuuh Iryd Iluhlu LONDON om CH Flm en In an hound by lhn pm yljnm ol lhpAlllahwny Trnmc ivhnéon Lhu lelophonc mm dauuhlnr Mn WIlllnm Orr Ill back on Mn MAI nlnn mum ln Dcyel plondnd ullly hut Frlduy mnnslnuuhltr Thu rhnruo wnl reduud mm ong olrcupllnl murder Hninu the Onlnrlu Supreme Court nid hn would rrmmmcnrl Illa be Knraled whrn um um rm tr thinklng problem He du Irribed lhr crlmo nu ma wlUI ouI mullvu lnrutly duo la coholhm LINDSAY om CmHelen Doycll 1H wns senl Io ponllcn ln Monday or live can or th atoning nn oldcry shoe maker In death with wrockinn bur Han nnle 70 dlod May 20 oudnyl nflur ho was nltnrkcd The Star Inyl lhe ML asked Icnrchlng quesllnns about he applicanla personal lilohaw they alarm with lhelr moth on lnthm wlvcs whclhc they tell permuted chlldmn whether they ldcnllned them lvu mm group or were one wolvu Photograph Mars WASHINGTON AP The 13 mm dmnnmcnl has an pended new psychological 21 or code clerk nppllcants ap mnlly because prolosln mm oulrnucd Job suckers and penonnul ofllcm ha Washlnr or Star Inn Fireman Fined He old urvIce club meet lnz that manned bombers will remain the major threat to the United Shite and Cnnndn or as long as we can foresee be came 01 their renter flexibility and accuracy Calling or man public under Ilandlngof Noradl use of nu clear dclcmivo weapons In 115 glannlnx he said lhe threat of ember attack 13 one NORAD dare not limp while poten tial enemy is mnlnlnlnlnz trained bomber crews MONTREAL CF Nuclear deiensive weapons offer lira bent chanca against an enemy bomber Mind and tho oniy promise oi protection against enemy mimics Air Marshal Slemon recently retired deputy commander at the North American Air Deience Com mand laid Monday Gets Years Suspend Tests LOVING CARE FROM KIDNAPPER lhmeyeamld whm father was jalled or stealing her mm hospital last wmk la reunited above with the father Robert Morelnnd 30 after 1m Angeles Judgc Monday night mercd her re leased from Juvcnlle home until doclom can determine why four days away mm the that caused her to lnpse Into CAPSULE NEWS Slemon Defends Nuclear Arms GEIIONA Spain Hummu Cnrmcn Amnyn 50 Inlcrnnllun nllyrknown mum at Spnnllh Ilnmtnro fiance dlcd aur nnnr hm lmlny Mrmhtla own nucncy rcporlcd Shu hnd brm unnerlnl mm kldnty InletHan Toronw na nl Ihn society lpoko briefly the Government House Mrcmcny whlch WM Al lrndcd by Henllh Mlnmer Judy thlnrah and numhar anal Rad Crou olllcinll It was also the flu llma that vacmorGencrnl wu nnmtd an honorary counsellor lha hlghesl lulu lhu Cnnndlnn Red Cruu can bcslnw OTTAWA CF Governor General Ind Mme Vunlcr Mon day bocumo the HM husband and wllo la melva honorary cannscllarshlps 1mm lho Canadian Red Cross Society In rcmnnllian of their Amlco lho Red Cross durlnx and algnr he Second World War The answer 1104 anld Cammlsslonur Slvcrlz In an alarming hlnh rpte MM Mr Gun manager or the Hudsons Bay Company who went to Ihe north 192 Im glad want be around In 50 yam OHAWA CPLAn old Arctic hnnd suggested Monday that somebody tell Cnnndlnn Eskl mos that eight children per Inm lly or loo many ar the coun 19 supgqn Flamenco Dancer ny ng been done along this line in northern education or wellnre work asked Scoliy Gull biuni Scot from Yaiinwkniio who Apaku as he Northwest Territories Council buckled dawn lo an emergency session Dr Wllllam Plckerlnz Ila llnnnl prcsldcnl of tha Ameri can lnslllnla of Aemnnullcs and Astronautics anld that hlnrlner will bu launched by an Alla Agenn vchlcle mm Cnpn Can averal FM next November and should nnlve ln the area of Mm 111 July 1965 Honor Vanier Warn Eskimos umm Dualv IL In tween her parenu was hos plmflmd lot encephalitis when the father removed her with out authority Thu wan caught ha lather going to jail and she to the name CF Wheplwto MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES lethargy resembling s12 he llcknma no child San Ann Moreland centre divorce and custody sull hm ALL CLASHFS OF INSURANCE FIIOM II PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE ORGANIZATION SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD 145 Mr Fisher said the proposed nmmdmenis will not provide Canada with the kind or teach ing setup that is required ior ha relrainin oi the unem plnyed He sad the overwhelm ing proporiiun ni new pianis mad possible in dale by the 1960 legislation has been within lhehlll was approvéd In prin ciplealven second reading The former high school teacher made the statement the Dommnns debated govern ment hlll la expand federal grams to the pmvhlccs or lech nlcal Ind vacatlunal raining un der multimilliondollar pro gram launched In 1960 by the oxnu Conservulve lovem men Nun OHAWA CF Dauhlu Fisher 1NDP Port Arthur said Monday Canada dam will have equnmy educhtlonnl op portunity as long Quehec re fuse to parlialpgle in anauonal educational promm Fisher Stresses eed Eor Educatibn Policy DoYovo you do nnwhlna about buying now our son the 64 Ponllnca flight nwny youll ronlllo Pontiac Is no look ulkolta tho 04 thats bonulflully dlfloronl And bocuuso ll coma In 38 modulo your Ponllnu dunlor one you lho wldoat cholco In Sodom Hurdleps Ghooeo from 38 medals series transmissionsyour choice or Astra8 or wide tango of V831 with all the beauty PONTIAC is tamfififiiifii IV urn VI IVIIIVU EXCELSIOR LIFE SUCCESS GAR64 mm DI nun to wnlch Telescoyn Ind cw hisvsuppnrt behind hrlei prescnlcd last week to 1h government by the Clnadlan Tuacheu Federation urging the euiilnz oi naiional commute to seek solution in Hue Inequallflea beiwegn pmvin ciai school systems He said We desperately need an equality of educauonal opporlu nliy in this country and we can not do ii long then is one part oi the country that lays no or withdrawsiliseli and Insists that the 0th nine parts in tum oiproylncesrhnva in IC will ihav me bnsic altitude Tedmlcal Insumlcn and min whom were nut being bum to Provide facilities or an traln n1 n1 unemployed workers Canada 501 ha no national program in this field Mm mums the ymondary achadl Inma work Qnebei ht anyother prov HELPING CA NABANS HELP THEMSELVES To PEACE OF MIND DUNLDP nun nu YEIEPHONE PA 63159 Bulauporlorslyllnn and nwfliormodol cholcomo onlylwa oltho udvnnlnnnn 01 amino mo now Ponllncs Thom mo dozens mom So lake pond along and chillnohurgqflulvpurPopuapdonlors Copvoniblop and Station Wagons On adddfia il1bUfififmako hat555E Ponclls you have to keep sharpening am convinced um English making Cuwdlanawmt uonnl program In this field Mr Fisher said The actor win to hm about is tether all these screams yell and bowl from Quebecln connection with such xi program my In the reason or the xovcmment not going onward with something that longterm and ambraclnx Mr Fisher asked the govern men to slnlawhtlher It plans to adopt national program or continue with in present 11m lled shamenn He was unconvinced that the way Quebec should do It was by cutting flaw on mm my Hana plan or national objec llvel and In data this prob ably acuppcrlng nr fieslmylng the Intendon and the wish of most ol the ml of um country lnceanecd5 Io do something gespgrnlely Ihonp it edncn on Zero Ono on UK VRTV Check yuur local filling or time Ind channel nmmmt comm on Amqu lAullNllAfl conhump cum Iomuvlu nunn mum Illau tum4 ll MAI ll GENERAL MOTOR VALUE Bradford St PA 61885 PARISIE wst MOM SPORT COUPI IMIHIIM OM OM

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