Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 13

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BEAUTY SALON InclI no finch m4 mm 511 mainnrfiu man mu mm lulu mm um um mum mi nhIIIIL Km wmnm Ill mam um And me 57 Illh lhl leml EVERYTHING mini ml by an IOU Hull onln lulu cmm Mon WI IO II HIM ml your THE EHOI IL Ilnll TA mu WELL KEN WINTER mama IL Tim RADIO REPAIR EAYVIEW ELECTRONICS luth ol Itclmuhvflulld nuelwonh IL PA UPHOISTERY ymw UNUSUAL same TANKS caulértibl finin mm neuulul nouMl MRS ARCHERS NURSING HOME anyma 5L 1111 um now nvnllable or your finn Cau PA um on pm um mu wlNrul nnaiifins cow suoz smvxcs Skill Huhnu NEW Ind USED SKATES HA mppumu was mmsma Honii qunxps n4 dull mll Junum THESE FIRMS i£HKMs MEATS muonabln Prim Dunlap IL HIIH AIACII AVAILABLE PA MN NOT zw to your nun nu ma llnfllt Fond Plln Jlld front all of but BInqun my on from mm coma5v Bunion INSURANCE ll Com TH SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA All fiammc EQUIPMENT bium iv Comx EL HOOVDI SHIV Compllll Stock of Hon am Blll or all ml 01 Clunlrl 1an afcaocnams MEAf I1 MIDI munpunn mm up an dcllr mu rhm It chmmu thfl vvvnluy rhmu THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA All mu nvnn mm In mantnn um mum THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA HAN COSMETICS qu mnqu Dimes SHOPPERS PARADISE AUTOMOBILE HOOVER SALES SERVICE THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA Ill BENTLEY C0 rim Ionox mm Cland ma mama PA l7ll cum num 51mm Ammunlunll unllnl mun Ich MAME ahluiv sALoN LOG cxfiifispom ercxsr roon mam mm uo finch CM mum mu Splclllly ol mlInc IEO lJvflt LONG mus SHOE SHINE BAY CITY MOTORS PA $7081 PA HEM GIFTS ATOZ Ill Brldlard QUIlllY Menu CanSupply You With From PA MW IA 01 IA Ill PA Ml PA 0111 Inox PA dun PA N1 PA is my nu Ind IO HELP WANTED slim Wul Tnnmln LlmmluI lumbar mulled lo Ill lhrlr tlnlm More Dunm Mr 11 ML nllcr uhkh dull nu mm win In llllvihulod hnvlnu Irgurd nnly lo rlnlu chh Ihn underlined lhl men luv nollm DATE ll Tmnnln lhll llh by or Navnnhor 1w Ilmhdh ll Imlhlo Incl Ill III II nlnu Elmlrlnn by lollmm hm ImlDFN Mun lllklk WAI FINLAY nuumnoN MLL Klnn my my uppanunuy mm um um mm lnln hnml nun In Ilm to ma mm 1m manuu you an mhlnl ch an heal in Ilmcuunl mu mnnm or 01 1mm llllnhll than In II world IIIJAIILI LAIIY IMAM II In mm or mu uhonl ehlmnn HIM hounon u1 mu All pmam huvnl clnlml nulnu flu mm Waller Kcnnrm You lnlu ll Elmvnlu In lnwmhlp of Hm In ho Cmme lerofi WM med on Ihn nth an al 50 lunmv mm an rmulvnl In AMERICAN SCHOOL DEPT Quun and Dnllmush 511 Box 10 Brunllard Onl PLEASZ mm wmmul abllnllnn Inlomunon an lnnlnl mam Dranan Machlnhl Elcclrlclnn Dlml Prlvm Secrclnry pInun Phoni Inn ll can in cm hi my on Things nuon mm PhunIIA nu ynum Mltfbilhhx mg In riy own hem 5mm Col Iloudly to hm may hm Dlml Prl Nnml ADDRES Phona Number EMPLOYMENT WANTED runmm m7 puu mm nllnllnl Tle SALE LADY Inr lohlun counlu Mun bq depend ad nlry Apply to llhlwly Unllrd Clnr 51 111 Dunlap DH Blnl LADlll lnllmlled 1n mnklnl liemy lenulnu mm mu nun pumlom IHIh Full lnlnhll pwlflm hllhul commu Mon Dlul bomu mum PA 005 Klan WANTED ro TRAIN AS nnmsuam NOTICETO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESIAIE 0F WALTER KENNETH YOUNG DECEASED LEGAL NOTICES GIRL 0H WOMAN In thp In dot hnme No mkm In cm nu Mon at wnu 20 In mum Rum roronm unumm wma Relllbh wornn 1le In um or nneyurrnlfl 1er leII Bax an Auxtun outno QUALIFIED Ilmrlnu wlnled In Work Immol Duuly Sllnn Luzrim amenIa but um um Iulry Tllwhum PA NM of mm lulormlunn OPP FOR MEN WOMEN Must be good Hi Worklng with figures and typing Apply rmuaunnu or nnpmnlbll nu lur nun uhnol Iludenllrluulm In upmm ally mm mm Hub sum Qulen mm Ind smhnm mm Johnlnn sr Ind Immy mm noun Mon any mu mm ma sunny nmmm New In 11 run nnu minm Rmullan cum Dlvldlnn an au lhls ls In lnlercsllng and rs Bponslble posldon lor bllln lull clerk lyplsL We require someone who accurate wllh lures flood mm and has the ablllly Io handle the French correspondence well pre pare lhu necessary manlth re ports lam day unullnllnm and um um mmml In Itlltln no And Am wuim Ibova houn yrlyu Inr lord vli BRICKLAY ll HIM Unlon wuu TI phonm PA mu lllll benl Inlnnld Expo dulnhll but no Omnull You hIVI lmblllon Ind In lnllrelled ln ulllnl Mlphono PA 671 Imam 503 pln Mon dly lo IndH I100 mm to noon Elmay MANSFIELD RUBBER Canada Ltd Barrie Two ladies with cars wanlcd hnmodiakIy for excellent crrltorlc In Innis Town Ihlp to sell AVON Gm sets Customers wailing or vlce Telephone PA 6551 or Write Mrs Walker 35 Thomson SL Bani2 BILINGUAL CLERKI TYPIST nz9z omzmmZ merEO mo mamfioa CLERKTYPIST For Laboratory and Production Office Apply in peran lo FEMALE HELP MALE HELP AVON no polnlcd by Pullumem EV Madly opposile end of he rope wen manorGeneral Mnxwell Hendnrsan and lwo lop bullneu exccullvc who servn on ma councilCol Douala We don London Ont Ind Mm chFarhult nl Wren puhllc lundl Id um Inc muncll lollawl Ihll mum ml in oblllcd lo um lhll the my hn bun hmlo councn hu hm Iludyinl he method 01 dluribullan Ilmpll The nuke an Ibaul 015000 000 In interest Ind pram earncd on Ih 0000000 fund utnhllshod 1937 or ho Can ndn Councll la dlslrlhulu to he universluu Io hllp pay or new bulldlnxs Mr hrlbnull presldcn and neutral manner ol the General Trust Cnnndn dmrlhcd or the committee the method lhl council um lo dlfldhull he momma uld he council Inland lo use the ma mlhod In dlllflbula tho Mum and mm which hlva ucumuflled nhl qndylnu 1857 He has buckan mm umth Liberal remlur Lou Robl chaud New Brunswick who has prcdlclld modlflcallnns jlsgql relallans Albenal OTTAWA CPlA lugaim aver thn legality oi Cmdl Council plan for distributing about 5000000 to Canadian universities Wu lured or the public accounts committee Mon day Quebec Jenn Leanne want to do may with tho iolnt pru gramshu wank lhu money that Dunwn pull Into lhu lulu welfare and olher schemes but wiihnqt using augchcd chlim yziii emem frnm the federal provincial conference opening hm next Manda for week They could main tone ni Iho most significant meeting since Confederation OHAWA CPlThe Pearson gavellumen appear lendy In alsnal major deplrhna from the 01d system of cult Ihlr 1mg wll lha prgvlnceg pmmzfi wum artcctcdr And will this ha ha Hmlt Omwnl Ngcegvslonsula the prqvlnccg flow In Jajp apgndlng ihe blk uestfonsz will so AUCTION SALE SEL November 23 1pm or Ills um 01 the Ill DR SPROIT CAMPEELLS WAREHOUSE 95 Lorenl SI South John St Sole ol valuable household ur nllure lncludlnz several on ones Tegma cash No reserve as tho estate must be ullled JERRY QOUGHLIN Liberal Government Ready To Curtail CostSharing Tender are called trade or the Bell Company Canada Building Cgmp Ba Tender are called orLb trade or the Bell Tolzphona Company Canada CrossBar Building can Borden Ind Cmmm Closan dam will he or Camp BordenWednu day November 10 lo Im and Crcemore Thumdly Nov embor 21 In Il INTERNORTH CONSTRUCTION 1960 LTD 406 Dundas St Cooklvflle 1779491 Doubt Legality Of Council Plans AUCTION SALES 12 TENDERS Uh Tfiarriv Examiner The om Bpollor llrll wlll be plmrzl lo help fio propun your Idvorllnlnz mmngo now You will In lurprlml III medal low um um the tonvenlon Al rnnuomunln mldo or your Inlm mommy EVERYBODY READS THE GIFT SPOTTER Suparmorkot of Gift Idea TENDEF FOR sue TRADES Manning andolhm aka For homo and auto For every mambur of tho family Comlng Your Way Monday Nov 25 Auctioneer Gift Spotter um 3mm EXAMINER mun Novan mun1 But Mr Hand Argued that the Justice depulmenl 15 ul onlnmn In In Independ tnl lull op MOM umlshed lo the council supported MI con InlIon lhlt lhn dhmhullon method ll punued would Iew Mr Flrlhlulk uld lhlrd Ir n1 oflnlon oblnlnod by Ihu councl Incde the unity HI munclll dlurihuunn pm Thu council wu unnnlmoully umd lhll Ill method In lml gnu pllnl to no Ihold an um Thu dmrlbullan method 1m when Inn of Ihl nulloml un IUI lo delermlnn how much ho ammo II dillribuled to oath of provlnm In discusslons wllh both prlme mlnlslm chnnga In lho Ict by which Parliament as lnbllshcd he Canada Council WI ruled out Cnl Weldon Both he coundl omclall and Mr Headeron Aimed um Iho method Adopted llu councll or dlxlrlhuuna In 0000000 Ind the method to In cmployed with lho Iddluonal 015000000 was common Icnse one Ilmllar to that employed In Id milllslcxjpu liponcjnl Innll Prim HnlflcrrHFafixzn uni helm Inst Aprill change or xavernmcnl to prlmo mlnlslcr Dlercnhakcr Old In minuteTh lud eral Ihnre equnllinz hell he Mnmonlh penulon aid to than lied as to 69 ml act to moans tut is estimated $38 mono this your Unamploymenl mlmnce Ottawa pays hall tho coat of re Mel paymanu or unemployed person who are no drawing unemployment Insurance or other welfare allnwnnm TM yenrt foderul mm An enl mnlcd momma VacMann tralnlnzOluwal Iulgy this year $804000 Thea Ware hi blz mi lulu WSW Iul ImunncoOllawna nhm the current heal your r1 nut March In 8333 Undérrthe complicated dul Innounccd Monday lhomxonl avenlnz Dispatch confluent money laser mum wllh the main Newn formerly owned by Hnnncler Hurley Drlylonl Uglled kilowpr mup In uchlnzo tho Thomabn 0b mutation hu low In paper1n 315mm to erxton have opposed lha £01m lchnmel over tha year than jolnl home have ballooned 10 lbs point where this year unner lng samumo is moving mm ottgwn tn lhaupmylncu With lhI mar If Edlnr burgh two le mnlnx pu pers 1m New and The Dil pllch Thgmlorhecomel Ihl Io nawm er publhher in tho Scottish CIDIIL This hu bun my Imblllon aver Ilncl mad In Edm hurgh 10 gm Ila he nld hunya ly day Ind rlhn mmnuum ml By ALAN HARVEY LONDON rcm Publisher nay Thnmlon has Achieved WyeMid Imhlllon CdfiddidnlBuvs Edinburgh Paper Thnmmn thll In henvy CALL PA 82414 DRAWS SENTENCE llman bound up with Edln burgh union becnunIhll II when Ill mrlcd Ind bo cnun the manta born pub llsher ha Scots forebears 9y llvud In lho tlny vllllgu Wu terklrk Mll Dumlrlel 1n Inuth wen Scotland bl Scam Polka Her bro her nld In hlvn been Ivan III mom or In by lb Communlm MP rlfwhom by ublo ham Bon Mu mt Klou km Wm erlln mun yumdly allu belnl untamed to ruin year hm labor Alter lecrcl trill She wu con victed bemylnx har broth or Wongnu and at Mu loo watcrn Inlenlnm mm In the Em Gumn Commun prion but It wu worth be cqu luv hlm monopoly in bath 1h 0min Ind morn Inu Hulda In Edinburlh 1110 Edlnburzfiungy momnl paperwu Thomson in ma Mm um marked hlI Iuccullul hm lngg Bflqgh purglphlnl From lho oulltt of lhn dnwblckl Thu Ecollmln dell wulhc dud weight evening paper which In recent year hubeen lollnl nelrly £0009 lha whqu mm nomad douhlm whan we Hm took over In Edinburnh laid mmlnn Now we Illmlnmd tho byqmll Enlith and ha Inni311 jgn wgl moluuonhadw Tho blues obulch ml thl unlrenched Now owned ed ylwmpefl an HOMES GOVT COPS VICTORY Sir Kcllh Joseph mln km or houllnx replied that the government pllnned 10 Increase noun conllrucuon In Almost 00000 house yur In five yem It wnuld nlsn lmuy speed up alum clearance he laid LONDON Kenton sh Mec Douglas Homes Con rurvnllvo government won llrlt victory lnl lhu House Common Man day defeating Labor op fiaslflan censure motion on nuslnn by no vote to 114 The Labor party chnrled the government had no plan to dual ndnqunt ely with overmwdlnv humerusnm rluml or pro corlnzln Innd prlgu Clqu your eyes Ind open your hand Ind whu have lor you Billings Mild to her nnce Mn Claw tullllzd What he had tanner was ma Cldllln and Into her Dnlm ha put lha km But Bllllnn denied Iuch IXnvIIh cneranlly whelhar or not null lny wllh MrL Cloyl lemmany lrom balh Crown Ind defunct mndu It clur lhll nu allalu of he Iulo Ixcncy whm Ihe wan III countlnt ware ll nudllnr John Cm put chgullc Mr Cm wllnm for flu defence cllled Monday Inld thu had thu Ilrmn book not been filddld nllllngl Molar would nvo ahown lou In 1080 71825 Cauld lhn mm murmur Muny Billinu hm been un nwm then louu Ilkld de lcnco caunnl Haydon Huth dont know how nnyuno could km 102 complain urn In on ynr And not know about ll uld Mr Croll Tm book Icmlly mowed profit man In m1 Iha hm wu mun But lhl hnoh lhowed pro at 16180 Mrs claw HM In rum um time the wen lo work in mlllnu In 1954 untll Iha Jen In Octnbur 1m Ihl wu hi mlmm And hr coveted her situation wlth jewel and turn no to Ipuk Evlduncs in lho trial Mn Claw on chmgo alcaflnz $223000 wal completed Monday to dnyl allu lhe mrt of the hearlnl thn nvolvad Int1er Imund the Iccmdl relalun Ihlp with hot employer Mur ray Bllflnn wggm mm BROCKVILLE Onl CPlA Jury was xchedulcd lo 51an pondering lodny whether or no Dolores Claw was rhsponslhlo or llnnnclnl lama It Bllllngl Mularl lelled uld lo bu II mm beyond hellelfi Prlnpes Margaret firm Brltaln dance with her hub lho Earl 01 Snowdon Jury Ponders Decision In Brockville Trial Now In hmh bolus Man on puer or tho wlnlor udng pow lad producllnn alumpa In nvoldod by ludlnq complmly lulnnud ullan lHUROAIN Dnlry Rnllon wppllu all cl Iho nomury IUMOMI to at only malnhln 00p roducilon Inn Imp up body wnlghl CUMMINO ID MILL AMI ll PA 164 flavor 0h complm or you For hither Inlomullon and Dmlla Call THATS RIGHT IM GETTING SUBGAIN BARRIE DANCING FOR CHARITY Eh lhoufhl It wu an Mu lamp or Mr to uh money out begun Bllllngl wllh Inlnlulllon my hm toki her In mu what wanxrd laut ded It In 1er Mr Mllllgan Iummlnffiuf lho cm or Iho Crown lmpl Ihal Mn Claw had uud may Dllllnal The Crown doe not my in llmlcy ha nld hm don no Idmll mended In luch In oxlenl dumbed by Mn Claw my am nomnzn Ellllnxl denied no luxlmony hr Mn Claw lhlt he hld Inked lollcllor dnw up letter Iblolvlnz Mr 01 my mpoml bllly or llo book enlrlu the mu Mn Claw hld nld urllu hat the hld laknn cmh ram lhe campany Ind covered up In the bash but only it in Itrucllun of her Implaycr nailed to flu Itnnd fur lur lher examination Crown prosecutor Percy Mlllnn Mon day Bllllnal denied but In ordmd hm enlriu made In the mmpanyl hunk lo cavar up or many belnx md lo mIIn lain Mn Claw II prlnceu word used by ddcnca coun IE1 at the nu of ht trill ME C1703 Iflldvlh lhorlazu were almou beyond bellcl cant apprcclnle haw tho nflulrl of lha company could have mu on Ila Iald he had cancenllnled on new car Inventories that hnd boon Iupplled Ia Iudllon in 1959 180 Ind 1061 In 1059 he Invenlury Ilmd III curlbut hm hnd been InId helm lho Inventory wu mndt In 1m then war 2an and but 90 hld been told In 196 there ware cm ILmd But hue can bid been told 51mm BELIEF 1m nluht tho Ginny Ball 1n lid of tho Dockland Soul menu Wolf Savoy Ho COOKSTOWN IRA WILION 49M can an your own an wlm IHUR GAIN Conconmlu can also luppr you wlm SHUROAINI ummondtd Indan program for no omplm dnlry hard Mk lor II flu nm In youu In IRAbIOlD IIID MILL Dunn PA All mama BRADFORD To chum hu wllh tho mm um money wnuld uh heavy hurden on Mr EIlUnn uhouldarl ho nld you bellm Mu flowl Ilory or havt any numb doubt flu ther wu III IIIIr Ind ho wu Illnwlnl her to uko haugnonoy than Ink for In an Bu Mn Claw uld that In Octnber 1m aha decided to bulk away from 51mm And lam Brockvlllo wllh Inolhor man whom uh had mu rile that year in Ozdomburl NY So In Jun 01 lhll yur Kan were mmlcd Ind Ilvlnl wh man you didnt watt luv lnu Inklmala relHaul with other man you didnt 1m Ind were plannlnfl in no ley with Ihrd man Mr WWII id In the lummnllon or flu do lenu Mr Huzhel uld um Mn Clowl morn wm not an lrlll Imuuested thathJnn Iccunllon hen IuInII hu wu prompted by julouly When Mr Mllllnn youax nmlncd Mrs Claw Monduy nld Ihu dld no lava har hulband Willim sh nld Iho anca lhouaht the wu In love with Bllllnzl bu dinIn the yuan of their rein amhlp Ihl had not cured much or him She laid Ihe ended on wllh hlmflnnywny be wax and to difii lawhr en oium organization AP VLrephoLonhy cab from lam

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